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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. I got laid when I caught a whale on Watford high street once. I'll get my coat. Truckstop
  2. When I play the Fender, I sound like Pete Turner from Elbow on 'Fugitive Motel', and when I play my Washburn I sound like John Myung I reckon. Truckstop
  3. It's a Wishbass Peanut Single-cut. I used to have a 6er version which I wish I'd never sold now. Truckstop
  4. I just like the way that the guy put "MINT!" at the end of the blurb when it's clearly not! Truckstop
  5. I'm loving the email he got back from that slag! Truckstop
  6. As far as actually playing bass goes, I'm delighted with my current stable. It's just that I'd like to be in actual possession of some cool guitars! I want my walls to be full of Fenders, Yamaha RBXJM1's, Shuker Jazz's and Artists and some weird and wonderful Japcrap. Hell, even though I can't stand the look or sound of Ricks, I'd love to have one in some massive collection for no reason. Unfortunately though, space and money! Truckstop
  7. Wow. Shame he's got a bit of a rubbish logo. Truckstop
  8. Yamaha RBXJM1. The only sig bass I'd ever consider having.....again! Maybe the JM2 in one cropped up at a good price! Truckstop
  9. I think that if you are educating actual students in the actual art of actual bassplaying, tab should not be used at all. Tab is (in the vast majority of cases) for people that never bothered/had the opportunity/felt the need to learn to read 'proper' music. If I was a student, I'd be annoyed if my lecturer thought it ok to use tab. Truckstop
  10. I need to be changed on the list!! I no longer have the Yamaha RBXJM1. It's gona to a very deserving bass collector. I do, however, have a pretty tasty all white MIM Fender Jazz 5 to bring instead! Also, I am willing to pay in advance, and also maybe a little extra in case we can't make up numbers. Cheers Truckstop
  11. Just read this thread a bit, so now I've banged on some Immortal Technique! Obnoxious and Peruvian Cocaine are the wick! "And don't be offended by this sh*t that I wrote, Cos if you can take a f***ing dick you can take a joke..." Delightful! Truckstop
  12. Didnt his right hand placement add a lot to it too? Sometimes when I'm bored and playing gibberish, I play literally on the neck around the 15 fret with a touch of drive and it's almost a passable Entwistle sound. Truckstop
  13. That's a lovely looking old stove in the background there! You been using it much this winter? My pub's had ours on full time for the last two weeks and it's so toasty in the mornings when I wake up. Erm... cab's good too. Truckstop
  14. Why not grab that £80 Vox that's kicking around in the 'For Sale' section? If you're just looking for a project to keep your hands busy, why not? Truckstop
  15. It's got 5 strings, it's white, made in 2008 and it's a Mexican. Mega looking forward to it! Truckstop
  16. As well as getting my first ever Fender tomorrow, it's also going to be my fist ever proper Jazz! Well excited! Truckstop
  17. Ha ha, I never know what to do with my hands either when people take pics of me and my bass! Truckstop
  18. Ha Ha My old band snared me with the following: "Do you like metal? Do you like slayer, fast cars, women? Can you play bass? Then call now! 07*********" Truckstop
  19. Yeah, I just had a look too out of interest and they're all Devon/Dorset! Truckstop
  20. I'm well happy with my progress. I can play skillfully, and when I'm *allowed* to solo, I think I do so with feel. I'm most proud of a song I wrote in my old band. It initially started as just a little filler riff, but then I just kept working at it and I proper love it. I didn't make up the drum parts, but every single little bass and guitar part and the structure was written by me. Im so proud of it and it gives me a semi every time I listen to it. It's called The Cider Complex and it's here: [url="http://www.myspace.com/purenegative"]The Cider Complex[/url] Truckstop
  21. Donald 'Duck' Dunn! Truckstop
  22. Birmingham might be a good shout. It's fairly central, good transport links, lots of hotels etc. What do you think? Truckstop
  23. Already tried. The website doesn't work <sigh>. Truckstop
  24. The Offspring! Truckstop
  25. As per title, where are all the bacchus dealers? I'm annoyed I missed out on the red Commando 5 today and would like to find out more about them! Truckstop
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