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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. 4 is pretty wick, yeah. Truckstop
  2. Eyes peeled everyone. How many of these are in the country?! Truckstop
  3. Torque gear's really good! I use two Torque 4x10's and they seriously move some air! If I needed a combo, I'd snap this up. This is a serious bargain! Truckstop
  4. Ha ha, you managed to get it out of the many many many rolls of parcel tape I covered the box with then, eh? No problems mate. Hopefully others will start raffling stuff off because I want to enter raffles for stuff I'd never buy for myself! Truckstop
  5. How many people reading this thread have thought to themselves: "Hmmm... I [b]could[/b] buy in some cheap guitars and sell them at a profit and become a millionaire...." I know I did! Truckstop
  6. Yes, I can pay in advance because I am a nigerian general with US$19,000,000 to deposit in your account... Truckstop
  7. That maple top is just to die for! Truckstop
  8. I've never had the inclination to use slap techniques. In certain riffs it is easier to use pops though and sometimes to get extra power i'll slap on the low strings but I wouldnt say I ever learnt to do it properly. I too wish I had the patience to double-tap properly. I'm pretty good, but I'm sure my technique's all wrong! Truckstop
  9. That Rob Allen is gorgeous! How much did that set you back? Truckstop
  10. I don't think anybody has ever agreed with Billy Sheehans haircut. Welcome to basschat! Truckstop
  11. I can come as I now have a working car! I can make up for missing the SE Bass Bash Bosh! I'll bring the Yamaha RBXJM1 with me too. Maybe the missus if you fancy go on that too. Truckstop
  12. I never listen to women. On record and privately. They're all concieted, lying, money-grabbing morons and they make me sick. True story. Truckstop
  13. 6ers 'til I die! Yamaha tuned standard BEADGC Washburn tuned ADADGB Truckstop
  14. "Um, it's my boyfriends/husbands/dads and I dont know anything about it so don't ask any questions. Just buy it. Oh, and don't watch if you're not going to buy. Can I have £2,000 please?" Truckstop
  15. I dunno, looks like his bedroom? Or his living room perhaps? Sorry. Truckstop
  16. Alright folks! The winning number is: [b]11 - DANBOWSKILL[/b] Congratulations! PM me with your address and I'll get your pedal off to you nice and quick, like! Truckstop
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! "KHAAAAAAAAAN!" Oh bugger, I really wanted this. I was trying my darndest to raise funds. Ah well. Truckstop
  18. Hello all again! I've PM'd everybody with a raffle number up to post no. 45. If you requested to be entered into the raffle and you have NOT been issued a raffle number, please PM me to let me know. I'm pretty sure I've missed someone and I can't be bothered to go back and cross reference my PM's with the people that have replied to the OP! Also, many thanks to the 15 people that have replied with: "I am not a number, I am a free man!" Oh, and good luck to all! Don't forget, the raffle's not until tomorrow lunchtime. It's not too late to enter! Truckstop
  19. Money - Pink Floyd Gimme Some Lovin' - Blues Brothers Any Day Now - Elbow Truckstop
  20. Twat Truckstop
  21. Hello all, As I wasn't able to make it to the SE bass bash today, I have decided to give my Boss ODB-3 away as I was going to put it in the raffle anyway. However, it'd be unfair for me to say "first come, first serve" seeing as a lot of Basschatters are away today. So, I'm going to hold a virtual raffle! Reply to this post in the affirmative and I'll PM you a number, I will then pick a number out of a hat and post the result on the forum! I will PM the member with the winning number and ask for your address and in a few days you will be the proud owner of a Boss ODB-3! Bear in mind.... it's not new! It has superficial damage (scratches etc) and velcro on the bottom. Truckstop Edit: The draw will be at lunchtime Tuesday!
  22. Would anyone happen to know if this would be suitable to convert to a 5er? Truckstop
  23. Truckstop

    Anyone going?

    Anyone going to: Mogwai - 25th February @ Brixton Academy? Elbow - 28th March @ 02 Arena, London? Love Mogawi and Elbow. Great bassists, they have a knack for perfectly understated basslines and grooves. Truckstop
  24. I have a roadie that takes care of all that rubbish for me. Truckstop
  25. Colour and appearance is extremely important to me. Why would I even want to try a bass that I don't like the look of? There's enough guitars out there that sooner or later, you'll find one that looks great to you and sounds the way you want it to sound too. Truckstop
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