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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Welcome to bass chat mate! Truckstop
  2. [quote]Hello all, I want an ESP so i'm going to have to part with my blue Yamaha RBXJM1. It's been played for nearly 10 years so it could do with a bit of a clean but all the electrics work fine. Sounds great; legendary bright middle growl and quite unbelievable clarity really are the selling points of this guitar. Built like a house and weighs almost as much. I'm even throwing in a hardcase too. It's battered, but it's still got three catches and it has a handle. I'm looking for about £500, but try me. You might catch me in a generous mood. If anyone's interested, email me and i'll send you a load of photos of my actual guitar, but for now, here's a stock photo courtesy of google: Speak your brains! Truckstop ([email protected])[/quote] Haha, I then dropped it to £400 and then decided to keep it! Truckstop
  3. Some people are just a bunch of arsehats. Truckstop
  4. Surprised it doesn't come with an extra pair of hands for the tappin'! Truckstop
  5. I also love Yamaha. I have an RBXJM1, a Big Blue and a Chainsaw! Truckstop
  6. Sold! I'm buying it when I get paid next tuesday. I'm going for blueburst with maple. Yum Yum! Truckstop
  7. Cut only? That's interesting. I don't remember that being covered in my dream... So there's really not much difference between a USA and a Tribute? Truckstop
  8. Really odd. Although I've never gassed for one of these (or a jazz....or a 5-er), I had a dream on tuesday night where I was playing one. All I knew was, was it had 'G and L' on the headstock; no idea what model! One quick search on Bassdirect later and now I'm going nuts for them. They look great and although I've never really fancied a Jazz before, I think it'll be worth taking the plunge for it. In my dream, it sounded incredible and also, even though it's only got five strings, I appeared to be able to play it perfectly! Recently, I've been gassing for Warwicks, but now I'm totally sold on these! Also, £650?! Amazing. So, does anyone have one? Anyone got any thoughts on these? Or can anyone suggest another similarly priced Jazz 5-er I might also be (very easily) entranced by? Cheers for your thoughts. Truckstop
  9. Bassdirect have a gorgeous looking Overwater Fusion 6 for a grand straight up. That would have been a great buy! I wish I could afford £100 a month Truckstop
  10. She looks like she needs a few hot meals down her. Truckstop
  11. There's a little bit of a f*** up at 1.34 too. But yeah, the tune kicks it! Truckstop
  12. Why do people do that to guitars? Truckstop
  13. Truckstop
  14. I would love your Warwick. I really really would. Would you accept 20 monthly installments of £25? Truckstop
  15. I went straight from 4 to 6. Mainly because I was in a band that required excessive use of the B and I saw a 6er on eBay for not much money and thought "Why not?" and now I'd never play anything but! 5ers never interested me. If you're going for the extra range, you might as well grab a 6er innit? Truckstop
  16. Wow, 41 readers all thinking the same thing I imagine. IBTL Truckstop
  17. Prevaricating is a great word. Congratulations! And, oh no. Now there's no reason for me not to buy that MTD KZ6. Truckstop
  18. Charvel's in good order? Truckstop
  19. I love the artist series. Fackin' gorgeous! Truckstop
  20. If I had a grand to invest in something, I'd buy a first edition book or two and then sell them on in 10 or 20 years. Books are guaranteed to improve in price. Even better, live in a cupboard and keep a diary and then sell that on in 20 or 30 years! Truckstop
  21. Would you sell one on its own? Truckstop
  22. Truckstop
  23. Ok, that seriously undermines the rules of this forum. Perhaps you should have PM'd Delberthot and then notified the moderators? There could have been some perfectly rational explanations as to why you have issues with this guy. Truckstop
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