Really odd.
Although I've never gassed for one of these (or a jazz....or a 5-er), I had a dream on tuesday night where I was playing one. All I knew was, was it had 'G and L' on the headstock; no idea what model! One quick search on Bassdirect later and now I'm going nuts for them. They look great and although I've never really fancied a Jazz before, I think it'll be worth taking the plunge for it. In my dream, it sounded incredible and also, even though it's only got five strings, I appeared to be able to play it perfectly! Recently, I've been gassing for Warwicks, but now I'm totally sold on these! Also, £650?! Amazing.
So, does anyone have one? Anyone got any thoughts on these? Or can anyone suggest another similarly priced Jazz 5-er I might also be (very easily) entranced by?
Cheers for your thoughts.