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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Only 2 trussrods?! That's a bit risky isn't it? I wonder how long it'll be until we start seeing basses with more trussrods than strings. Truckstop
  2. Yamaha RBXJM1. Irreplaceable. If I never bought another bass in my life, I'd be happy. But I'm definitely gonna buy another one at some point. I want to own a Warwick and a Shuker Artist Pro at some point in my life. Truckstop
  3. I always sleep on it. I'll create a nice riff or melody or passage, make sure I remember it, then leave it for a day or two thinking about how you'd like the song to progress and then, when you go back to writing the rest of the song, it should flow a bit easier. It's called 'visualisation'. I use it a lot for learning how to play tricky or fast passages. I'll learn the notes, then i'll sit down and imagine myself playing the piece perfectly. And save for a few mistakes, I'll feel alot more confident with it when I come to play it the next day for real. Just imagine yourself playing this song you're writing, and it'll come. But don't let your mind wander! Truckstop
  4. [quote]Also a big fan of Judie for over 30 years. Her daughter Bailey Tzuke is a also very good singer and performs in London fairly regularly. MB1, I get Extremely Confused! With ....... your use of capitalisation! Punctuation .... And extended elispes! Do you want some help with it? It takes ages to read[/quote] It reminds me of the way William Shatner speaks in Family Guy. Truckstop
  5. Send it back. You've just paid a lot of money for some people to not do their jobs properly. I know it's hassle, but it's not good enough. Truckstop
  6. Will you consider p/x if you see anything you fancy in my sig. (except the Yamaha, the GK or the EBS)? That looks dangerously cheap for a Warwick. What's the catch? Truckstop
  7. How much for the girl? Truckstop
  8. Yeah loads of people use GK. Justin Chancellor, Flea, Leland Sklar, Ron Carter and Dave Holland to name a few. Truckstop
  9. I'm an ebony man! Looks so delicious and deep you can get a really nice bright, responsive sound if you get your EQ just right. Tuckstop
  10. I love GK. Like everyone else here, apparantly, I run everything flat and tweak it depending on my mood or what bass I'm using. I got my 400RB-IV for £350 from GAK 5 years ago and never had a problem with it. The boost function is great and can really add some nice textures if you use a reverb or chorus with it. I find the amp very versatile too, the EQ knobs being very responsive and even the 400 can get very very loud! I dare to think how loud a 1001 gets! I don't think I've ever had it past 12 o'clock and I've used it to keep up with a loud drummer and two loud guitarists and a very loud vocalist in a very loud metal band. Of course, peoples opinions differ, but they are quality amps. I don't think anyone could disagree with that. Honestly, if it got stolen tonight, I'd buy a new one tomorrow... or maybe next month when I get paid. Truckstop
  11. Just finished The Dance Of Eternity! Just need to tweak the sound for the solo and I'm all set to play it to no-one in particular. Learnt on the RBX no less! Truckstop
  12. Here's my list! Squier P (First bass. With a little combo and a lead) £249 Stagg Something or other (First bass I bought with my own money. Looked wick. Had a great burst on it) £139 Wishbass 6 Fretless (Can't believe I sold it. It sounded rubbish, but it looked spectacular) £150! Bargain Washburn XB600 (Ebay job) £255 Yamaha RBXJM1 (eBAY again!) £400 Truckstop
  13. I have the 1x10 version of this cab and they truly are amazing quality. If I needed it, I'd go for it myself and have a little stack! Bump for a great bit of gear. Truckstop
  14. Oh dear god no! That sounds awful! Truckstop
  15. Thanks mate. I was always wondering. There's often some great looking Warwicks on here for good money and I'm always tempted but I didn't want to get one and hate it and have to sell it again. Truckstop
  16. Whoever said Deftones...+1million Late 80's/early 90's Metallica or Dire Straits. I would have loved to have been playing with Knopfler. My favourite g*****rist. Truckstop
  17. Ooh, that's interesting. Do they cost more than standard pickups? Truckstop
  18. Anyone got any thoughts on Rockbass? Are they any good? I really want a Warwick, but as many people say they're a bit marmite! Is a Rockbass a good idea to cut ones teeth with? Truckstop
  19. Ok, this might be really thick of me and please don't think any worse of me for asking this: Where are the pickups on the SC Skelf? And actually, I have noticed a few basses around that appear to have no pickups but have tone knobs so I always assumed that they were practice basses that you could plug your headphones into but clearly that's not the case. Don't hate me. Truckstop
  20. F**k you for wasting my time. Truckstop
  21. Truckstop


    Hello mate, welcome to basschat. Truckstop
  22. You know what? That pisses me off and I've seen it and experienced it a few times. Especially in metal, if the bassist can't make the gig, they play anyway regardless of how rubbish they know it'll sound! My old band got offered a gig once that I couldn't make due to a wedding or some such bullshit, but the rest of the band put themselves up for it! I threw my toys out of the pram big time and didn't rehearse for three weeks. I didnt join a band and help write the songs to NOT play them live!!! Man, ditch those self-serving, selfish, lazy wipes now! Truckstop
  23. Delberthot, the drummer in your avatar looks like he's at the wrong gig. Truckstop
  24. Andy delivered my synths (Yamaha Big Blue with stand and a Proteus rack mount doo-dad) to me today in London Colney! Shame we didnt have time for a beer and a chat, but was a pleasure to meet him nonetheless. Everything works perfectly and he even threw in a few midi leads. Got a great deal off him. Trade with confidence in this guy! Truckstop
  25. Ha ha Everyone should click on Crez's link to "This Drummer Is At The Wrong Gig" and then click on the "Metal Remix Version". It's pretty funny. Truckstop
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