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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Love the headstock!
  2. Even Samson Q4's are good for the money if you're on a tighter budget than that! think Gear 4 Music do a three-pack for around £60 with a nice box? Avoid ultra-cheap mics from the likes of Numark and Opera. Genuinely not worth the money. Studiospares' own range of mics are good. I think their SM58-alike mic is £18? I use their drum mic kit and I'm in no rush to replace them at all. Well built and sound fine. Don't forget to budget for stands and cables. A decent enough 6m cable will be at least £15-18 and decent stands will be about the same. Avoid the dirt cheap ones and you'll be fine.
  3. Somebody on here's selling a JBL EON speaker. Would be ideal! Can't remember how much, I think it's about £150 or so?
  4. Waking Aida - Full Heal Utterly majestic, evocative and breathless
  5. I used to have a CSX1 when I was younger and really didn't use it to its full potential. Almost tempted to buy it for nostaglic reasons although I'm perfectly happy with my Jupiter
  6. Wizzard!! It's a bonkers song; so much fun to play and it's got some real balls to it.
  7. Then you're missing out on a lot of good music! A lot of it is barely listenable, but every now and then there's a cracking song in the mix.
  8. If you can afford it then do it. If you can't afford it, then you won't enjoy it at all!
  9. Latest album is pretty bangin' actually. He may be a tool, but he gets pretty good songs written for him!
  10. Beautiful instrument. I especially like the way the flow of the wood runs from the top left to the bottom right rather than the traditional left to right! I wonder though, why have such gorgeous wood on the back? Wasted because no-one can see it!
  11. Kids Are Skeletons - Mogwai
  12. No-one will be able to notice the difference between a 38hz tone and a 40hz tone. Most amps don't have tone controls that low anyway so really it's a case of trying them and seeing which one you prefer the sound of.
  13. We're at a pub we've never played before but I guess someone's told them that we're an ok band! No tickets so should be quite a casual affair and we don't need to get there until 8pm so we're all going out for dinner beforehand which will be nice.
  14. People are too loud! It's funny how a lot of bassists don't really get just how far bass travels and just how swampy it can make everything sound if it's too loud. I sigh with dispair when people say stuff like "I need a minimum 2x12 cab and a 500w amp". You only need that sort of power for PA! Brands have been conning us for years saying that we need tonnes of power and super bassy cabs. We really don't! Anything under 100hz is mud. Once you cut those frequencies out of your life, you realise that you don't need massive cabs and you don't need loads of power. I use a 100w 1x12 combo which is enough for pubs and clubs and previously I used an 80w 1x10 combo for about 18 months with no volume issues at all. If I did need to be louder I would simply DI from the combo to the PA. OP - Thank you for sharing your revelation!
  15. At least £350 I'd say. Based on me hunting for quotes a year or so ago. Email Mantons (second respondent to this thread), he severely knows his sh*t.
  16. http://www.jflatandthesharps.co.uk/ Sick as chips! Highly recommended. Brass section, lady backing vocals and generally awesome.
  17. There's a Yamaha BB424x for sale on here for £220. Highly recommended!
  18. They sound great but tend to be uncomfortable to wear, have poor/non-existent finishing and are hard to tune properly. Electric components are quite cheap and there's no tone control which is quite limiting. But I suppose that makes them sound like they do. I had a 6-string Single-cut Peanut (number 368) for a while and loved the tone but was never happy with how it looked. For a long time I didn't even have it strung because I was desperate to make it look presentable by waxing it over and over again. Eventually looked alright but just didn't need it anymore. I sometimes wish I'd kept it because it did sound pretty good.
  19. That's really cool! Looks great, would love to have one. Will you build more?
  20. Try and get together with some other guys at a similar level to you and have a jam. Bass and drums are not great for solo practice, always best with a band!
  21. Maybe open your studio to rehearsal slots too? The place my band used to use was also a recording studio. Place had bands in every night; probably 2 nights a week recording, and the rest of the time rehearsals. Kept the money rolling in and because the bands that used it to rehearse in were familiar with it they would all record there aswell.
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1448312997' post='2914438'] By the time a band gets popular enough for tickets to be expensive/fast selling they are no longer playing the kind of music I want to see/hear. [/quote] I'll remember that when you start playing big shows.
  23. Hello all, Waking Aida's new album, Full Heal, has been out for a while and it's f***ing amazing. If you're into your post-rock and you like mathy weirdness then you need to give these guys a go. Their previous album, Eschaton, is special. But Full Heal is the resulting work of a mature band who have really grown into their style. Parts blissful and majestic, and parts groovy and confusing. Bursting with confidence, strong rhythms and gorgeous melodies; Full Heal is captivating from start to finish and is an album indicative of true masters of their style. The whole album is available to listen to on YouTube, but I'd encourage you to buy it on iTunes or similar!
  24. Wow, basses are cheaper through the Yamaha shop! How did I not know this? Could definitely do with another 424x.
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