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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Well, when I finally save enough money for a Shuker Artist Pro, my JM1 may well be surplus to requirements! Truckstop
  2. Any more news? Truckstop
  3. Bought an EBS cab off him and it couldn't have been easier! He was very patient with me when my bank were being irritating, and he gave me a very good price too. Sound. Truckstop
  4. Bought my Rocktron off of him and it was a very pleasurable transaction. He was very patient with me while my bank were being difficult and as soon as the funds cleared, he sent it off to me very well packaged and as described. A5! Truckstop
  5. Wait, so your boss doesn't mind if you're not working in the first place? Truckstop
  6. I was gonna suggest a Yamaha RBX...but I think you did the right thing there! Truckstop
  7. I use both techniques. If i'm soloing, I pretty much exclusively use ADGC, so I actually rest my whole hand on BE keeping my fingers and thumb free for the other strings. I also notice, that if I'm sitting and playing, I tend to use floating thumb more, but when I'm standing, I tend to anchor more. So, basically.....depends on what i'm playing. Ooh, ooh, if I'm tapping I use my R wrist to mute. Truckstop
  8. Im hoping that my Yamaha RBXJM1 will be collectible when Dream Theater split. Or when John Myung dies in a hooker/vomit/drugs storm! It's the quiet ones you need to look out for! Truckstop
  9. Mate, please don't let this go for less than that! It's absolutely gorgeous and if I could ever justify spending/afford £1500 on something that wasn't a house... i'd snap it up. Just please don't drop the price anymore. It's worth so much more! Sad bump Truckstop
  10. "Hence the low starting bid"?! Yeah, right-o. Truckstop
  11. Welcome to Basschat, Chief Barefoot. What's the Carvin like? Truckstop
  12. I never had problems learning to play fast! I wanted to play Billy Sheehan's Hummingbird style and I just picked it up! Triplets I also found easy. Yeah, just practice, practice, practice. I find, that if you have a goal, you'll find yourself doing it in no time. Truckstop
  13. How many rack spaces does the Pod take? Truckstop
  14. Oh, I want it! <Sigh> .... bump. Truckstop
  15. Especially if the "loo" is as "fiddly" as Pantherairsoft fears! Truckstop
  16. Mug. Truckstop
  17. Hmmmm... Right, here's what to do: Fake your death, and then 'appear' to your son and warn him against using your stuff else he suffer the gravest of consequences! Truckstop
  18. Nice to see the music shop picked that one up innit? Truckstop
  19. Well, I'd agree with you, Pete, but alot of the basses on Big Red's Weird and Wonderful bass thread just have a little bit of magic and individuality that I find quite endearing. I find it impossible to 'hate' something that has clearly had a lot of thought, vision and man hours put into it. Truckstop
  20. Fake your death. Truckstop
  21. Ooh, i'm in! I won't bring anything with me though, I've only got some boring old bits and pieces! Anyway, I was thinking it might be a cool idea for someone that makes basses for a hobby or something should bring some bits with him/her and just give a tutorial on bass construction? I'm really interested in that sort of thing, and i'm sure alot of other people would like to see the magic behind bass making. Maybe even ask Rim or AGC to turn up with some examples? Truckstop
  22. Yeah?! Surely that's just....having money? Truckstop
  23. The problem with music as a career, is that you have to rely on other people to give you work and buy your 'product'. Truckstop
  24. I like the look of those Super 8's though! Truckstop
  25. Have they ever been seen in the same room at the same time? Truckstop
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