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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. I hate solid colour guitars. I could never like a bass where I couldnt see the grain of the wood. Truckstop
  2. Well, each to their own I guess. But then, I like putting cats in bins to cheer me up when I'm down in the dumps. Truckstop
  3. How's the Vampyre soundwise? Does it have the traditional Warwick sound or is it coloured by the design? I never heard one in all my years and I've just always been too lazy to bother asking anyone. Truckstop
  4. Johnny Cash's version of Hurt actually IMPROVES your mood? Man, you must be permantly unhappy like Sauron or Mum'Ra. Truckstop
  5. Yeah man, white looks the wick! Truckstop
  6. Oh, I want it! I want to complete the set! But i've not got anymoney left. Just been on a cab/fx buying spree! Truckstop
  7. Not sure if im entirely agreeing with Silddx on this one, i'm probably answering a different question altogether! If I write a song with my band, Im gonna play it like we wrote it. We spent hours on these songs, all the improv/jamming stages have long gone and we have a finished product. I simply couldnt deal with not knowing what I was going to play on the night. I like looking professional. Truckstop
  8. Oddly enough, i've never had problems 'getting' odd time signatures. I just used to soak it up. I'd just remember where the riff ended, and then play it again. Trying to think about accents and tapping really puts me off. I always thought that techniques like that just made it a bit more complicated than it should be. Truckstop
  9. The only improv I ever used in my old band was mixing up the places where I'd do a monster slide into a riff. I love slide ins. Truckstop
  10. Honestly, if you've spent all this time lusting after the Fender sound, there will be no substitutes! I would say however, try before you buy as although I don't own one myself, I've tried over 10 MIA J's and the quality differed substantially between them. But I guess if you got a budget like that, you should be guaranteed a very nice example indeed. Truckstop
  11. One Day Like This - Elbow It really is, in my eyes, one of the greatest songs ever! Always puts a smile on my face and makes me appreciate all the good things in my life whenever I feel there aren't any. Love it. Truckstop
  12. I heard that Chuck Norris' bass that he made himself was made out of melted Tyrannasaurus teeth, the strings were made out of Unicorn pubes, and the neck was made out of Odins penis. You know that'd be the best bass money could buy. Truckstop
  13. I just use a hollowed out Ampeg 8x10. Enough space to store the missus too. Truckstop
  14. Oh no, I know! I was just pointing it out that's all. What, no-one else is allowed to hijack this thread? Truckstop
  15. Yeah, the idea is is just to use it for the top. You'd be a seriously lucky person to find a piece of buckeye big enough to make a body with that wasnt filled with cracks and holes! Also, buckeye's very hard to work with. The strength of the wood fluctuates throughout and is liable to break easily so it's bets just to use it for the top. If I can get enough and it doesnt cost too much, maybe the bottom too would look pretty good. Anyway, thanks for all your suggestions, I've fired off emails to all of them and hopefully i'll be getting lucky and soon enough i'll be able to get started! Dont worry folks, there will be a build diary forthcoming! Truckstop
  16. I've been shifting heavy cabs/amps/PAs/drum risers etc etc for years and my back/neck/shoulder/penis is fine. Maybe you all need to man up, get to the gym and start taking care of yourselves when lifting! I only mention this because so many of you that say that weight is a major factor when choosing your rig. Also, valves can swing on my nuts. Truckstop Edited for horrendous spelling mistakes. Im on holiday. I'm allowed to drink on a thursday night.
  17. If I could afford the £1,250 you're asking for (which is very reasonable). I could probably stretch to afford my own custom Shuker Artist Pro Truckstop
  18. Some songs I like to end almost instantly. Some songs I never want to end. Truckstop
  19. Oh god! How long's a piece of string? Um, I would say that the Electric Blue would not do a fantastic job on it's own. Invest in an external speaker cabinet and then you'll be moving more air and you'll be able to hear yourself without your gear sounding like it's breaking. I used to have a similar Laney 200w job and that was barely audible over drums and guitar, but then i got myself an external 2x10 cab and the problem solved itself. It was a Laney though. Still sounded rubbish. Truckstop
  20. It's a shame that 5FDP are rubbish cos that's quite a cool stand! Anyway, I was going to suggest something much like what Freddy Mercury might have once used. Not sure what the term is, but it seems to just be the top half of a boom stand. Truckstop
  21. The only definite 'must-have' is a Buckeye Burl top and matching headstock. Love that s**t! Other preferables are Birdseye maple fretboard and white maple neck, but honestly, when I go wood hunting, i'll probably just pick what looks good and easy to carve! Also, i'll be designing the rest of the bass around what the buckeye looks like because it's so inconsistent. I dontt want to end up buying loads of of neck/fretboard/body wood to find it doesnt work well with the top. Truckstop
  22. Hello all, I want to build a hollowbody fretless 6-string and I'm trying to decide where to buy my wood from from. So far, I can onl find what I want from american firms and I'm pretty sure it'd cost a small fortune to get it posted. Any thoughts anyone? Truckstop
  23. What does the Pandora do? Truckstop
  24. Im gonna go with any Fender too. Tried vintage ones, new ones, 4 string, five string all different permutations and I would love to like them. But they're rubbish. Sorry. Truckstop
  25. I get tremendous saftisfaction out of watching rich kids play with their expensive kit without a clue. It actually makes me smile inside. Truckstop
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