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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Are you going for a '76 or an '80 next? Truckstop
  2. I want a Shuker Artist Pro so bad!!!!! Buckeye burl all the way! Truckstop
  3. Currently listening to Mogwai '2 Wrongs Make 1 Right'. Such a wick tune, the bass really stands out and makes the song so warm. Truckstop
  4. Wow, that fretboard rally catches the eye! Lovely Truckstop
  5. Sorry to totally hijack this thread, but can anyone recommend me a good reverb pedal? I'm trying to get a staccato cello effect (without obviously having to buy a cello). Truckstop
  6. Why would anyone want to commision an instrument and then even worry about how much you could sell it for in a few years? Anyway, the only reason I would ever consider buying an Elrick, a Shuker or a Roscoe would be purely aesthetic. Is the soud from a £1,000 bass really that much worse than a £2-3,000 bass? Truckstop
  7. Steinberger always makes me smile inside. Truckstop
  8. Does anyone have any idea how much Carp fishers spend on their hobby?! An half decent rod's nearly a grand! We should never feel bad about the amount of money we spend on our rigs. Truckstop. edit: shocking spelling mistakes!
  9. I have two incredibly heavy old Torque cabs and my GK sounds great coming out of them! When I can get loud, I also patch the sub in aswell. Sounds insane.... bowel loosening loud! Truckstop
  10. Oh I already have it! The other day, I was so close to ringing John Shuker up and asking for an all white P-Bass! And yesterday, I nearly emailed Elrick to get a quote on something... anything! Truckstop
  11. Hola! buenos tardes senor!
  12. Why? Is she huge? Truckstop
  13. Well as long as they're upright or hollow, i'll be fine with that! What does GAS mean anyway? I've been trying to figure it out for ages. I can get IIRC, IMO, IME, OMG, LMAONADE, ROFLCOPTER etc. but GAS? No ideas. Truckstop
  14. Hello everybody, It suddenly occurred to me that I never said an actual "hello" to the BCers here! I only signed up to try to shift my Yamaha when I had a bit of a poor patch, but luckily for me, no-one bought it! Anyway: My real name's Alex, I'm 23 and I live in Shenley which is a small village near the city of St. Albans. I work as a librarian at the University of Hertfordshire and I love it! I'm about to embark on an Environmental Management Bsc here and luckily for me, I get my fees waived! Im also a trained chef so at the weekends I cook at a local pub which is also pretty cool. I get to create my own menu and it's just another avenue with which to provide myself with an outlet for my creativity. Im well into my music. When I was at school, the louder the better! The bands that I have been in throughout my life reflect that philosophy but now i've decided to take a more mature direction with my music and have decided to start a piano, drum and bass trio with which we can all just jam and create some nice lounge-y, jazz-y, pop-y, elbow-y kind of music. Very friendly indeed! Need to enlist a singer though, but no rush! I've not really had a chance to have a particularly exciting gear collection, but I'm well happy with the stuff I have. It's served me well over the years and I'm sure it will conitinue to do so. Now on the lookout for an upright and a hollow-body to supplement my new musical direction. That's it I guess! Truckstop.
  15. Hello mate Truckstop
  16. Yamaha RBXJM1 - £400 Washburn XB600 - £275 (ebay steal!) GK 400RB-IV - £350 Cabs and Sub - £350 Master Blaster - £129 PedalTrain, ODB-3 and Tuner - £180 =£1684! And that is literally all i've ever bought apart from my first bass and practice amp which were gifts from my parents. And my Stagg which was also a gift! Truckstop
  17. Hmmmmm, toughie: Lyrics - Guy Garvey Death Vocals - Mikael Akerfeldt Clean Vocals - Francis Rossi Lead Guitar - John Petrucci Rythym Guitar - J.J. Cale Bass - Me Drums - Abe Cunningham Keys - Elton John Effects/Synths/Samples/Beats - Chrispy Harmonica - Elwood Blues Should be interesting Truckstop
  18. So yeah, I once went to a shop and I tried out like 10 EBMM and a couple of bongos, but none matched the awesome power of the OLP I tried out. I bought it there and then. However though, I had to swap it for some yellow bentines and some cake eventually. Truckstop
  19. Wasn't it when Korn came out in 1994? Truckstop
  20. Iz yoo nut a gret bazz zlapper?! Truckstop
  21. Yeah totally. Im sick and tired of vocalists never stumping up for their own gear! Most vocalists I've ever played with always managed to find a mic from somewhere/someone and they always get given mics at gigs. Ridiculous! Truckstop
  22. I've done a cave too! I used to be in a choir and the sound we got in there was incredible. It was in Devon somewhere. It was called the Witches Cauldron or something? Truckstop
  23. Elbow - Seldom Seen Kid live at Abbey Road Incredible! Im trying to get together an Elbow-esque band together because they're a great band and I want to feel how they feel when they play their music which would make me feel great and I'm sure it'd make lots of other people feel great too. Truckstop
  24. Yeah it's proper ridiculous. I bought a couple of cables from america that cost nearly $100, I had to pay nearly £35 in custom charges. Buy British! Truckstop
  25. Jesus Christ! That last post on the second thread linked made me laugh. He's such an irritable little b***h! EBMM make rubbish bass guitars and they're only good for shovels. Take THAT! Truckstop.
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