Have a look at a few local function band websites, look at their song lists, and start learning!
When you're starting out, take any job you can. You never know who you might end up playing for!
Buy a good mix of nice quality performance clothes. A pair each of black and grey trousers, black and white French cuffed shirts and a good quality pair of black shoes.
If you don't already, learn how to sing and. It your own microphone. Everyone wants backing vocalists!
Don't aggressively look for work and don't pester people. It doesn't really happen like that. Just take on as much work as you can or find a regular gig and eventually you'll start to get more and more work. The more people you network, the more work you'll get.
Collect musicians phone numbers and keep a contact book. If you hear of a good job for a drummer and put someone in touch for it, he'll be more inclined to do you a favour in return.
Finally, be prepared to work at a moments notice and never turn down work without providing an alternative player (see: previous paragraph). If you want to build up a good reputation, you'll need to be able to play when no one else can.
Good luck!