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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1490099183' post='3262128'] [u][b]Attendance list[/b][/u][list=1] [*][b]TheGreek[/b] [*][b]Bassface 2k10[/b] [*][b]Lozz196[/b] [*][b]Sibob[/b] [*][b]NickD[/b] [*][b]Truckstop[/b] [/list] [/quote] See you all there
  2. Sadly not I sold it when I was going through a skint phase. I loved that bass. Oh well, they're only things, aren't they? Although digging out this old thread has me GASing for another refin project!
  3. I suddenly remembered a project I once did: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/170079-refinished-my-84-ibanez-blazer/page__p__1586111__hl__ibanez%20blazer__fromsearch__1#entry1586111
  4. I had the same issue with my Rumble100. I'd be playing and the volume would just slowly dwindle to silence. Returned it to the shop and got a replacement. Didn't find out if it's something that can be fixed, my replacement has been awesome for the last year or so I've had it.
  5. That's cracking that! I'm pleased that you like he danish oil, I swear by it. It's almost impossible to not get a nice finish. Leather scratchplate would look good
  6. Had a Mustang for a while and it sounded just like a precision. Moved it on as it wasn't giving me anything I didn't already have and it wasn't necessary for me to have a shorter scaled bass. No idea on strings, I was happy with the ones that came with it and didn't swap them out!
  7. Yeah looks super ratty, love it! 10 coats of danish oil, sanded with wet n dry each coat, then 4 or 5 coats of beeswax will get you a real nice satin finish. Best of lluck and make sure you put some photos of the finished product up!
  8. That's hilarious, I love it!
  9. Love it! Yeah, painting it's made the shape much more bearable.
  10. Black Album - Metallica Utter horseshit
  11. Ooh, love a pinstripe! Very sexy!
  12. There's something just so satisfying about a plain ash body, black single ply scratchplate, and a plain maple neck. Just classy, refined, and utilitarian. I miss my old Ibanez Blazers Looks lovely, congratulations!
  13. Theoretically I agree, but sometimes it's nice to own nice things isn't it? As long as you're not putting your family on the street due to your uncontrollable spending on basses, what's the harm?
  14. 5 years between seeing a Yamaha RBXJM1 and buying one off eBay. Sadly moved it on when I was strapped a couple of years ago
  15. Cripes, maybe that is a bit too expensive after all!
  16. About £2.5k, then? (Plus another few hundred to get it sent to the UK?) I think the Monarch P looks gorgeous and, if I had the money, would gladly buy one. I would definitely rather spend the cash on this, a new instrument of the highest quality, than a 40-50 year old piece of crap that should really be put in the bin. I wouldn't buy anything with failing frets, failing electronics, failing and rusting hardware, flaking paintwork, and very ordinary construction.
  17. Perhaps something with a small body? SGCNanyo's are actually really good quality basses, they look pretty racy, and with a small body and long horn, the first fret doesn't feel too far away. That Mikro does look the business though doesn't it!
  18. Sounds expensive and difficult to find! Thanks anyway and good luck with the sale Alex
  19. Sorry to de-rail thread, but where did you get that awesome white lamp in the background of a couple of your pictures?
  20. I hate when instruments have a horrid composite/plastic nut. Is it really that much more expensive for a bone/steel/brass/nickel one?
  21. Sounds like the best of all worlds!
  22. Yeah, refinish it, it looks dreadful. Or sell it, as you obviously don't like it the way it looks at the moment. If you want maximum bucks for it, then sell it now and get a nice new P. If you want to keep on playing it, then refinish it.
  23. Wow, love that shape!
  24. I pick it up for 15-20 minutes almost every day but don't actually 'practise' unless I have stuff to learn.
  25. Combo in one hand, gigbag with all cables and sundries in the other. I have to go back to the car for the mic stand
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