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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1425036413' post='2703192'] What's going on here? I started this thread because I am genuinely dazed and confused about what to do next with my bass-playing, not because I wanted to engage in a public debate about whether I'm "an insufferable ballache". Yeah, I saw Roland Rock's ( ) but still wasn't sure how to take his remark. Then, Discreet says "[devilsavocado] Well... it may be true!" FFS. [/quote] To be fair, the vast majority of contributions to the thread have offered good advice and suggestions as to how you can broaden your musical horizons.
  2. Guitarist in one of my bands uses one of these and it's a real sweet sounding amp. Great for all styles and it looks lovely
  3. I like the ones that flex in the middle. Loads of bite! It such a drastic change from my fingerstyle too so can cover lots of bases without having to fiddle about with settings etc Good shout Lozz!
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425032679' post='2703110'] I can see the frustration about singers etc ...but I am not a fan of nodoby else, ok, I'll do it'. The vox are the focal point of the band and it is the one thing that kills so many bands from the start, IMO. It is hard enough getting a decent singer or a good front man in the first place so making do with whoever is prepared to pitch in..especially if they haven't sung much before, is quite a risk. Far better to be a decent enough BV rather than lead if you aren't upto it.. I'd walk if the band was scratching around like that, tbh..!! If you think it is frustrating that the rehearsals don't work or convince..then imagine that to two men and a dog a few times ..?? Do it properly...IMO. [/quote] I disagree a little bit there. Yeah, do it properly if the money's right! If you're looking at £1k a gig then yeah, you need to be worth the money. Slick, well rehearsed, attractive, great singer etc. If you're looking at £250 down the Frog and Twat, then as long as the vocals are in key and tuneful and you can create a great atmosphere then that's 90% of the job done. IMO.
  5. Yeah, plus one on learning to sing (and play!)! I started backing vocals a couple of years ago and a few months ago I took the plunge and now sing lead on a few songs. All Right Now, Keep On Runnin' and Get It On are fairly easy to get the hang of while playing aswell. Started out a little pitchy but it's like learning anything, you have to learn what and where the notes are and you can only do that if you practice.
  6. Why do you need to rehearse so often? My pub band rehearses maybe once a month or every 6 weeks. We learn the songs at home ready for gigging, if we struggle to make it work at a gig then we note it down to work on at the next rehearsal. Endless rehearsing really winds me up and means the end for a lot of bands. All the expense and monotony and no gigs! All the material you need to know the songs is at your fingertips! There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to practise it at home and have it giggable. Pub material is not hard, mainly 4 chord stuff. Stop playing them over and over and spend your time looking for gigs instead! I think you'll find it a lot easier to find a more stable band if you rehearse less.
  7. Crap to poor is my speciality. Cheers pal, I'd really appreciate it!
  8. I don't suppose you could put together a little video explaining how you play Glow Coin? Honestly, I was in a horrible bassplaying rut up until I heard Waking Aida for the first time a few days ago. I'd been playing nothing but covers for the last 3 years and you've really inspired me to pick up my bass for pleasure rather than to learn yet another disco song! I purposely haven't listened to the full album on YouTube because I intend to buy it when I've got a few quid spare. Thanks for the music and all that!
  9. Oh, so we're not like judging the compositions, rather just voting for the one we like the best? Oh good, well I'm still happy with my choice in which case I hope my guy wins!
  10. Give it ten years!
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1424767069' post='2700071'] Shurely shome mishtake? [/quote] Don't call us Shirley
  12. Me too! The Working Hours is one of my favourite songs.
  13. Used to have a Firebass 700 and now currently use a Max 700. Great amps!
  14. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1424870960' post='2701370'] There are criteria? [/quote] I think so. Aren't we supposed to see a correlation between the composition and the image?
  15. Can't really comment on the intricities of the recording other than it seems mixed well enough and I can hear all the instruments, but I really enjoyed the song. Sounds like early-Mudvayne I thought!
  16. I had seven favourites but only voted for one because I felt that most of the compositions this month didn't really meet the criteria.
  17. Cool! Well done mate! Link to your music?
  18. I think the pub covers scene is dying on it's arse. The majority of pub bands are not of a good enough quality to make it worth going out to see. I'm sure most of us are guilty of throwing together a casual pub band just to make a bit of extra money at the weekends which obviously forces out the better bands who are after more money. On the originals scene I think that most bands are just too rubbish to bother with. Writing good songs and performing them properly is really really hard so it's no wonder a lot of bands can't get gigs together. Last time I went to a small unsigned gig, all four bands on the bill just didn't cut the mustard. Listless performances, no stage craft, derivative material and bereft of inspiration. What is also sad, is that the smaller bands that I enjoy on soundcloud or YouTube, for example, never seem to play in the local area. I'm happy to travel, but I don't really want to have to drive to the next city and not be able to have a drink or pay £25 for a train and spend ages travelling. I think a lot of people are guilty of allowing their laziness to get in the way of supporting live music, me included! It's a tough world out there. But as BRX says, if you're an original band and you want gigs, you need to be an act that's worth selling!
  19. Sold my (his?) Ampeg PF-350 to Chris. He was keen to meet quickly and provided great comms. No hassle at all! Cheers Pal, hope you enjoy it! Alex
  20. Cheers Pal, yeah it's a great cab for sure. Price just reflects how un-trendy they are right now!
  21. God, triplets with a plec are a pain in the arse! Even after years of playing with a plectrum (admittedly not as thoroughly as fingerstyle) I still haven't nailed it. I can do it like 10 times perfectly but then I lose it and my hand doesn't work anymore! I suspect it may take a lot of trial and error with different strings (tension, gauge), EQ and different plectrums (flexibility, size). And a lot of practice!
  22. Thanks Pete! Now on hold!
  23. Did you not see the stickys posted about selling items for friends? Your friend should join Basschat and pay the requisite listing fee like everyone else does.
  24. My wife doesn't mind as long as I'm earning money to put in the joint account. We're looking to buy a house when we can and the £6,000 I've brought in from gigs over the last couple of years helps! But, the day she says she wants me to stay at home is the day I'll stop gigging. I'd much rather have a healthy relationship than pander over my own selfish desires. Some things are worth working for.
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