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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. Interesting. Can you recommend any apps or software that is android compatible? The reason I'd like to try the app direction is because it'd be a lot cheaper than buying a self contained keyboard. Thanks for everyone's input!
  2. If I can find one in collecting distance!! There's loads of stuff on the gas list, just got to wait until they surface. I want to avoid the home-jamming type keyboards. I don't trust the sounds and they don't feel very nice at all; flimsy and weak! Alex
  3. Grand pianos, clav, e. pianos, strings, percussive organ, Hammond, choirs. Maybe some pads and synths but not bothered by those. Chorus and reverb would be a bonus. As I said, a half decent stage piano would have all those functions but I haven't found any in budget yet! Cheers Red
  4. Actually, anything you can think of that might fall into a £150-200 budget?
  5. Yeah it's the eagle. My wife got it for me or Xmas! Okey doke, I'll try and raise some more money and keep my eye out for a bargain workstation. Thanks for the help
  6. Do nothing at all. It is beyond painful when bassists try to put a bassline in there. Completely wrecks the impact of the chorus! Yes, winding people up is the thing to do.
  7. To be more specific, I have a budget that either allows me to buy a second-hand home-use keyboard with lots of, but poor quality, sounds or a midi keyboard and software. I'd really like a stage piano like the M-Audio Prokeys 88 but they're rare and above budget; the Prokeys 88sx (which is in budget) doesn't have the same functionality, sadly. It's not for pro-level work, just tinkling along with my pub band. We've been after a keys player for ages, it'd be easier to get a new bassist while I move to keys but I don't have anything practical to take to gigs and rehearsals. I have a Daewoo stage piano at home which is great, but far too bulky to take out. I think I'd also like to try out some synths and pads and stuff too. Does Midi fit the bill? If so, anyone got any recommendations? Thanks for all your input so far! Alex
  8. Forget You - Cee Lo Green Everybody I've ever played with has a different way of playing it and it never sounds good! The song relies on lots of instruments and vocals with simple parts but different rhythms that all build on top of each other to make it as groovy as it is. If you're missing the keyboard elements or the background vocal parts; all the other instruments in the world can't carry the groove properly. Truckstop
  9. Hello all, Wondering if midi keyboards are a cost effective and compact way of achieving lots of different key sounds suitable for live use. Anyone got any experience using this sort of set-up? I don't have anything with decent processing power to use with a midi keyboard, only an EE brand pad so I'd be looking at android apps to use (if there are any?!). Any experiences would be greatfully received Alex
  10. I wonder if these basses might also have been badged 'Gherson'? It looks exactly like a Gherson I bought off Happy Jack a couple of years ago. Unbelievably light and a great growly tone! Sorry for the hijack, got me reminiscing GLWTS
  11. Interestingly positioned bridge pup, there!
  12. Yeah you should try and match when you can. No point in having two different cabs; they'll sound different! If you like your current sound but want it louder, get the same speakers again! It might be more than you're willing to spend right now, but think how happy you'll be when you get your killer rig!
  13. The Squier neck plate is not only rare, it's also extremely rare!
  14. He was at last years Herts Bass Bash; inspiring player! Truckstop
  15. That's an interesting point. Sometimes bands play songs that wouldn't necessarily work with their line up originally. Changing the bassline to allow extra instruments (extra guitar, keys etc) makes perfect sense. Truckstop
  16. Probably not. I think most people wait for the chorus!
  17. Dudes probably died of old age by now.
  18. When soundchecking, completely cut the bass. As you play, introduce it back into the mix and increase the level until you can start to hear it invading the room. Then cut it a tiny bit. Truckstop
  19. Oh my god, how do you not know of KiOgon's wiring harnesses? He'll put together a P-bass wiring harness made out of top quality materials for a great price. New pots, knobs, capacitors....everything! PM him now, he'll sort you out Truckstop
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1422216038' post='2669994'] Apologies for the irrelevant image, but it seems to be working for me. I use the picture button in the post editor, then copy the URL into the dialogue box. [/quote] Someone needs to start a gear porn thread called 'Show me your nuts!'
  21. I don't think bridges make much of a difference but machine heads certainly do! Cheapo machine heads are not as effective at holding tune than higher quality ones. They'll be loose, hard to maintain properly, poorly fitting, weak and generally more deficient. High quality machine heads are stiff when stopped in place but easy to turn. They'll be more precise, strong, made to higher tolerances and easier to maintain. They'll allow more precise tuning too. No play in the paddle at all! Truckstop
  22. [quote name='Mikkel-S' timestamp='1422199170' post='2669761'] Just wanna show off my Celinder duo. A fretless Classic 4 with active 2-band preamp and a Vintage 4 in true "66'" styling and all passive. Best basses I have played. [/quote] That sunburst is beautiful!
  23. I think you'll be looking at at least £300. May as well buy a new bass! Truckstop
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