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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. I suspect a local carpenter or upholsterer might be able to help and do a proper job?
  2. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1458852871' post='3011658'] Would happily punch a horse to death to own one. [/quote] Do people even get paid for that anymore?
  3. Can't remember where I saw it, but I once saw an ad by a guy wanting to start a 'Dead Legends' band. He wanted a Mozart, a Jimi Hendrix, a Keith Moon and a Freddie Mercury. I'm guessing he was the bassist and looked like Jaco or Jamerson? God knows what material he had lined up.
  4. Very cool! Looks amazing, thanks for posting
  5. Thanks for everyone's thoughts, it's nice to hear that some people kind of feel the same way I do. I suppose I didn't really articulate myself very well in the OP because I wanted the emphasis to be something like this: There's loads of great music out there. Great bands, great sounds, people that look amazing performing and massive bodies of work. And my contribution to this is... well, nothing really. And sometimes it makes me feel really insignificant and the output of other artists is quite intimidating really. It's not like I feel destined to be a great and lauded musician, I just think that my personal contribution to the world of music should be more than a couple nights a month down the Frog and Twat for £50. I'm taking your advice, Basschat, and I'm going to make a concerted effort to get involved and satisfy my own insecurities by producing my own music. Then at least I can say I tried!
  6. Sounds to me like you need a ProcCo TurboRat!
  7. It's interesting because I still love playing live, be it originals or covers. For me, getting paid is just a bonus. I guess that's why I feel in satisfied because the reward of getting paid is no longer enough of a reward to cancel out the negative feelings I have about playing music I don't really want to play. But actually, it's not as if I don't like the music I play with the band, it's just that I wish I had more time to indulge and work on the music I have in my head all the time. I wish I had time to learn how to record properly and learn how to play drums etc.
  8. Hello all, Does anyone else ever feel a little depressed sometimes about not playing the sort of music you'd really like to be playing/creating? My problem is, is that my tastes change from week to week. Sometimes I want to be a vocalist for a death metal band and then the next week I want to start an acoustic duo playing Elbow covers. I've got a band which I'm really happy with but I find it really hard to focus when my mind wanders and starts thinking of other projects I could start. I've had a couple of jams with some friends playing different stuff to my main band which was great fun but I'm bored of it already and totally ready to try something else. Anyway, it just gets me down sometimes when there's so much great music out there and, as a musician, I feel like I'm not contributing enough or I'm not playing stuff that really means something to me. Does everyone else sort of swallow this feeling and get on with it? I'm amazed by people that can play the same songs over and over for years. I've been playing covers for a while now and even though I've always made an effort to try to stay away from the usual suspects I still feel totally unfulfilled. At the same time, I really enjoy being in my band and, aside from the music, it's good for me to have a regular creative outlet to distract me from work and stuff. Sometimes I feel like it'd be a good idea to ditch covers and work on original stuff but I dunno I just worry that my ideas would get lost in translation once other people get involved so I don't bother trying to make anything of it. Anyone else ever feel very very small against the sum of human musical endeavour? I certainly do!
  9. Take him with you to see a band with an electric frontman and get him to take notes.
  10. Truckstop


    Wow, very rare! Lovely find.
  11. Utter horseshit (aimed at no-one in particular). Cab design lends more to the end sound than the speaker does. I once stuck an Eminence Delta (I think?) in an Ampeg 115HE cab and it sounded nasal and punchy; moved the same speaker into an old Carvin 1x15 cab (that looked like it was nearly double the size and twice the weight) and it sounded very different indeed. Better low frequency and more mid punch. Unfortunately it weighed about 90lbs otherwise I would have kept it. I think that the reason for the new popularity of 12" speakers is because there's more of them about. 15 years ago all you could get was 10's or 15's.
  12. Very cool basses and proud winner of 'Best Precision' at last years Herts Bass Bash! Would love one in pink
  13. It's interesting reading these replies because the only reason I'd buy one is because of the all-in-one scratch plate. Looks much more interesting than the usual chrome control plate and ages it definitively. Be wary of all those dudes that modded their 60's Precisions in the 70's and 80's and they ended up of the scrap heap. If you want a traditional looking jazz, then trade it for one. Why bother modding it when, in it's original state, it'll become more sought after in the future.
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1458552602' post='3008415'] Be aware, then, that LEDs don't 'project' heat in the same way as incandescent fixtures (although the casings can get quite hot, depending on the wattage and heat-sinking used...). The cats will be well lit up, but not 'smoked'. Just sayin' [/quote] Disappointing
  15. Sounds to me like you need to fashion yourself into a band leader. Sometimes, a band needs someone who prods the others and gets them working. I share these duties with the singer in my band. We keep the conversation going in our WhatsApp group, remind everyone of the songs we're learning and keep everyone focused at rehearsals. In my experiences, there's always one person that does the PA, organised rehearsals, gets gigs etc. You need to be that person! No point in getting fed up with other people's lack of interest. When you're all in a room, tell them straight that you're here to work, you want a similar level of interest from everyone else and that you want to focus. Some people naturally need to be guided through things. That's why, in life, some people are able to become managers, lead teams and progress and some people aren't. Get a PA, get a list of songs together, recruit musicians and show people that you mean business! Get on the phone, organise gigs and then you can give your band something to work towards. Music may be a hobby. But you've already spent loads of time and money learning your instrument; the hard work doesn't stop there. Best of luck Ps. Sorry about sounding condescending, really don't mean to, but it sounds to me like you're getting frustrated at lack of commitment from others. You need to make sure that your commitment is above reproach!
  16. I'd guess Bass 2 has more presence in certain frequencies which made it 'sound' louder than bass 1.
  17. My dad always said, "If you can't look cool, then look happy".
  18. I'm thinking sub-£100! Ha ha would love Moog shizzle but too rich for me at the moment
  19. As above, anyone recommend any decent bass chorus pedals? Or even, any chorus that sounds just as good with bass? Ta
  20. I think most people already have one! I do and it's a great bass for back-up/beater/easy-to-mod duties. Highly recommended for £80!
  21. Aren't these quite rare? I'm sure the one-piece control plate/scratch guards aren't very common.
  22. I just wish it was conventionally shaped. Not a fan of the angular look, but I like the construction and the overall aesthetic.
  23. Musket because the others are a bit too polite.
  24. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1457954022' post='3003234'] I'd have a look at the new barefaced powered PA cabs. If I had the means, that's the route I'd likely take. [/quote] Why? What do they offer over similarly specc'd Active PA speakers from the likes of Mackie and Yamah at half the price?
  25. I can vouch for the seller's outstanding organisation and communication with regards to selling basses and getting them delivered to the UK. is absolutely no difference at all to trading in the UK. GLWTS
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