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Everything posted by Truckstop

  1. I used a Mr. Zinky Master Blaster for a while for this reason. Has a tone knob so you can get a little more sparkle to your tone and boosts up to 6db. Worked a treat. Alternatively, a fuzz with a clean blend will help to maintain the overall grittiness of your bands sound while keeping the bass line distinct. There's many ways to skin a cat.
  2. I love love love the headstock! So cool!
  3. Delay and Reverb are your friends!
  4. Ooh, someone earlier said: WOOD PICKUP COVERS That's more or less it for me. Oh no, wait: SEE-THROUGH PICKGUARDS and how about those horrible: BLACK PLASTIC KNOBS And don't even get me started on those fugly: STINGRAY/SABRE CONTROL PLATES Bleurch! Mind you, not as bad as those: OVAL LAKLAND BRIDGES Other than that I think most colour schemes and body shapes have a time and place.
  5. That's right, approximately half to two thirds of the available power but it depends from amp to amp. Just make sure you don't use two 4ohm cabs!
  6. Alternatively you could detach the neck from the body and put in a smaller parcel. I'm so gutted I'm absolutely skint at the moment; would have had this in a heartbeat. Even at £100!
  7. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1457467348' post='2998899'] Thought it was rod hull and emu for a minute . [/quote] Bwah ha ha ha ha! Crying!
  8. The biggest killer of start-ups is not having everyone available at the same time. For example, you post your ad looking for a guitarist, drummer and singer. The same day you get two or three guitarists respond saying they're interested and you say "wow, that's great! I'll be in touch when we've got a drummer!". Two weeks pass and you finally get hold of a drummer and by then the guitarists have moved on, bored, and you've been turning down enquiries from other guitarists because you already had a couple lined up. Which means that you need to give new enquirants a couple of weeks to learn the songs. So then the drummer also needs a couple of weeks to get up to speed with the songs during which time the guitarists that may have decided to wait for you suddenly remember that they won't be available on the day that you've all agreed on for the first jam which puts the whole thing off for another week. So it's a month since you've posted the ad with no movement. That's what kills start-up bands. The trick is to get lucky and to be able to recruit the whole band within a few days.
  9. If they're just starting out I think they'd do well to ask for £250 but settle for less. Just to get their foot in the door a bit. Once they've got more gigs in the diary they'll look a lot more attractive to venues and they should hold out for £250. But really they'll get paid whatever they think they're worth. If they get offered £150 and they choose to play then that's how much they're worth.
  10. So you actually had a row on stage in front of the guests?
  11. Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile The best double album ever. Each 'side' has its own identity while still working as a complete work of art.
  12. Yep, I use the 100 for small-medium gigs and never found myself wanting more volume. We're not an especially loud band, but loud enough and I can be easily heard over a drummer using proper sticks. However, I prefer to have the bass control completely off all the time. I get more beans this way because the speaker isn't wasting power trying to reproduce those ultra-low frequencies and instead has more power available to push the frequencies that I actually want to hear. Honestly, the 100 is a revelation. Costs nothing, weighs nothing, sounds great and looks even awesomer.
  13. Nice find! Matching headstock always looks good! How much did you pay for it?
  14. Lacewood?
  15. Well I was going to reply but I already follow the advice given by previous contributors. Why bother posting the exact same thing that someone else has written?
  16. Len - Steal My Sunshine Great song!
  17. No interest in downsizing to a Rumble100?
  18. I have an ME-20b and wouldn't be without it. The single stomp box route is paved with expensive mistakes. I only need octaver and chorus every now and then and sometimes I like fiddling with delay and wah but I know I'll never use them in real life. Patch cables, pedal boards, cases, batteries, power supplies etc etc. Very expensive and time consuming. It's also a lottery seeing home different pedals interact with each other. If you really care about your tone and you're after somethings really specific, then singles are the only way to go. If you want to learn what effects do and how they work then a multi-fx is ideal. In one box you can experiment with phaser, delay, chorus, wah, octavers, drives, synths etc.
  19. How disappointing! At least you were able to get your money back it is a funny thing, GAS. I mean, last month a bought a beautiful tweed jacket to wear to work and I've worn it once since. I've just gone right off it and it doesn't go with anything else I own! I'm constantly trying out other people's basses and comparing them to my BB424 and I genuinely struggle to find anything that even comes close to how much I like it!
  20. These are awesome. Utterly bombproof with a lovely hi-if quality. Some people find them a little toppy but I think they're just clear-sounding. You could do a lot worse for the money!
  21. That is gorgeous! Love the pick guard shape. You must be very happy!
  22. To clarify, I don't mean listening to stuff at ear-splitting volume because that's quite unpleasant. Definitely not gig volume or anything like that! I just mean a lot louder than my crappy laptop speakers and/or headphones! I don't have a stereo at home and I don't have a sound bar or anything for the TV which means I never get to listen to music out loud. Was a rare treat for me. And it improved my mood for the day dramatically!
  23. I like it because I can perv at basses I wouldn't normally look at. I say we leave it as it is. If people can't be bothered to filter through a few ads then that's their problem.
  24. Here's a link, by the way: http://youtu.be/D6Q1Fdk7Dwc
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