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Everything posted by Viajero

  1. I bought Doug's EBS Microbass II. Honest and accurate with his description and quick with communication and postage. Buy with confidence!
  2. What variety of JamMan is it?
  3. PMd.
  4. Viajero

    Wil's feedback

    I bought Wil's Schroeder 1212L from him. Honest description, quick replies to PMs, fair price, rapid delivery and excellent packing for transit. Comes across as a nice bloke, too. Wouldn't hesitate to do business with him again. Deal with confidence.
  5. Steve - that third-version solo is nuts. If you do any more with those pedals they'll book you for Strictly Come Dancing.
  6. Grand Wazoo - I am indescribably impressed that you have that. Great story to it, too. If you plan on dying any time soon, could I have it?
  7. Good shout - not looked on that bit of BC before.
  8. +1 for Hide & Seek. Blinding track.
  9. I know - I was all set to order a couple of boxes, too. Just ran another Google search, and the homepage doesn't even show up. It's not looking good.
  10. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Red Onion Solutions, but they used to make pretty good A/B boxes and the like. You could have anything you wanted, frankly, and at a decent price. Trouble is, over the past couple of days I've tried to get to their website, only to find it's not there. There's a page from a couple of months ago showing in the Google cache, but I'm concerned the company has folded. Does anyone know what's happened? Moreover, if they have gone under, does anyone know where to get good switcher/splitter boxes from?
  11. Be open about second-hand. I was looking for a fretless on that budget, and was hunting around for a while. Best bet, I figured, was an Ibanez Gary Willis on a big discount. In the end, though, I picked up an old Status 6er on this very forum. Certainly not what I went looking for, but never looked back.
  12. PMd.
  13. Viajero


    Thanks, fellas.
  14. Viajero


    Hey all, It's been a very long time since I was last here, so I thought I should re-introduce myself. Last time I was posting I was in a pop-rock band. Moved to London, toughed it out for a while but ultimately the band imploded (you'll never believe why - creative differences and ego), so I went back home and back to school. I'm now looking for a job and not in any sort of band for the first time since I was 14. So there you are. Here's hoping things haven't changed too much and that I can fit back in. V
  15. Just took delivery of a UX1 to do some recording. Poking around, I notice there's a Bass Expansion pack of amp & cab models, etc. It's $50. Has anyone got it? Is it worth the cash?
  16. Damn it. I'm gigging the Smoke a fair bit over the next couple of months, but can't make it. Damn!
  17. I'm seriously thinking about it, honestly. Just trying to work out whether the cost of sending it back to GAK outweighs the slight increase in expense to buy yours. Aaargh!
  18. Curse you, Dood! Only yesterday afternoon I bought the ux1 new! I could have had yours instead!
  19. I play in [url="http://www.myspace.com/cavalieruk"]Cavalier[/url], a great indie-rock band. I've playes jazz, soul and funk for years, but this is very much the main event. Not just for me, but for music in general (!) Aside from that, occasionally I play in Column of Force - the UK's only working Tower of Power tribute band (I believe). Message me if you want the super-tight, funky sound of ToP but without the massive price-tag of the original. Loving some of the stuff people are putting up here. Basschatters clearly go in for top-notch projects.
  20. A good deal, but I'm looking more for something I can stack tracks together on without a computer. I've already got a good mixer.
  21. Hello, recording-forum bods, I want something I can record ideas, solo arrangements and band parts onto. I've been scouting around the net and have found things like the [url="http://www.tascam.com/products/dp-004.html"]Tascam DP-004[/url], [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=818&ParentId=110"]Boss Micro BR[/url] and [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=753&ParentId=110"]BR600[/url], and the [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/h4/index.php"]Zoom H4[/url]. Does anyone have any experience or opinions on this kind of thing? Really, I want to be able to overlay a few bass tracks to create arrangements, and particularly to play mp3 while recording my part for it, then output the whole lot as one track. Happy new year to you all.
  22. A ringing endorsement. I've ordered one.
  23. I've been thinking of getting a dedicated bag for my Little Mark II, something a little more padded than my everyday messenger bag. Markbass' own seem to be going for around the 70-80 quid mark, which seems rather a lot. On Talkbass someone mentioned having bought a [url="http://gigskinz.com"]Gig Skinz[/url] Small Mixer Bag for theirs, and they don't look too bad at all. Has anyone out there ever used any of their stuff?
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