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Everything posted by gusmacricostas

  1. Hi mate, is it still available ? Cheers
  2. Hi there Are the speakers still available ?? Cheers
  3. Hi mate Really interested in this one Are you traveling/commuting to London at all ? cheers Gus
  4. Yep had the same one,fantastic amp !! Have my bass terror for sale if it sells and it is still available I 'll get it off your hands as I m after one Gus
  5. Hi mate It's the rack mounted one right? Cheers Gus
  6. Hi mate is the bass still available and how much would you ask to post in London? Cheers Gus
  7. I ve got a terror bass 500 what would be an appropriate cash adjustment?
  8. Amazing cab and lightweight, I ve got one and I would happily buy this one if you were closer another bump from me
  9. Is there a way to rack this one????
  10. Hi mate, would you sell without the flight case and how much would you want? Regards
  11. Sorry I must be blind!!!! Shame you re far glws
  12. Location?
  13. Bump for a great cab !! Great sound and lightweight ! I have one and I d definately buy it if I had the money cuz I need another one
  14. Hi everyone Selling my rare Argo bass which i don't use anymore ( it has been hardly used to be honest ). Bought it about 4 years ago for about 600 Euros, unfortunately there s no price on the website but the maker can be contacted i suppose. Open to offers around £200 Currently on ebay with no reserve and a low price but i m not gonna let it go for peanuts, i ll just cancel the auction [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160953460581?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1558.l2649[/url] [url="http://www.argoguitars.com/eng/argo_medea.html"]http://www.argoguita...argo_medea.html[/url] My apologies if it is against the rules of the forum to put an ebay link t. Mr administrator please let me know if this is a problem Cheers Gus
  15. hi mate i ll get the tuners of you if they re still there. how would you prefer payment? cheers Gus
  16. hi mate could you email me some pics please? [email protected] cheers
  17. hi all during my easter holidays back in my parents house in greece i found an early 90s fender p bass neck which i had removed the frets to make it sound like a fretless i was thinking to start a project and why not use this again. anyone got any idea where can i get new frets? cheers gus
  18. ah if it wasnt that heavy !
  19. got an Ashdown Little Giant from Martin !! great guy, very friendly ! Glad to do business with him ! Cheers
  20. bought a cab from Frank yesterday. a really great guy to deal with !!
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