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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1336137855' post='1641467'] johnny shredfreak website for all things pedal-powery, daisy chains, wallwarts, adaptors, velcro, flanges, sprockets, doobreys, you name it. [url="http://www.johnnyshredfreak.com/"]http://www.johnnyshredfreak.com/[/url] [/quote] No diago clone for the moment though unfortunately.
  2. AHhhhhh that looks so good. I REAAALLLLY want a Rat Tail but I just can't afford importing one brand new.
  3. AX10B now sold, cheers.
  4. For a great one trick analog delay, get the Carbon Copy. For something a little more versatile but the same size, TC Flashback. If you NEED tap tempo in a more concise package have a look at the Nova Repeater/Delay or the Boss DD-6/7. I got away without it for years and if I were to go back to a single delay it would be a Flashback, hands down.
  5. Price dropped to £35 delivered.
  6. To be honest I had no idea how big a Showman is (other than being larger than a Gigman and smaller than a Tourman) having only owned a Tourman. Second hand though, a PT-2 with a hardcase seems around the same price as a new Showman.
  7. Oooooo free bump for a very sought after Muff variant.
  8. Yep that is exactly what the DI out of the M-80 is for .
  9. Might fit on a Diago Showman? Definitely a PT-2, perhaps even a PT-1.
  10. Another bump from me for a great little unit. Works well for headphone practice too don't you know.
  11. Smooth deal with Russ, quick payment and no problems at all. Thanks mate (Tourman should be with you today!).
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1335869730' post='1637143'] Did you look into getting the pedal fixed? [/quote] I should have done but didn't need reverb so much at the time. Ended up selling it on cheap on here and bought a DynaVerb. Now I'm hoping to get an M9 to cover (amongst many other things) all my reverb and delay needs...but I digress.
  13. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1335834005' post='1636817'] TC Electronic Nova Repeater/Delay/Delay IB Mod [/quote] +1 for a tap tempo delay, you can't really beat those two on sound/price/feature set. The Nova Delay has presets which are helpful, the Nova Repeater is just a simple plug and play design which is more easy to adjust to if you're used to a compact boss style delay pedal...not that the Nova Delay is complicated. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1335835109' post='1636821'] Boss DD-3/6/7 probably has the best features to size ratio. I don't think my DD-20 is that big, it's smaller than a time factor or a dl-4 and I think it's got the most features short of a time factor [/quote] +1 used a DD-6 for ages with no problems at all. Lots of great modes, all digital but that was no problem for me. Many prefer the crystal clear repeats of Digital delays and longer delay times afforded. The DD-6 also has tap tempo and the DD-7 (like the DD-5) has the option of adding an external non latching footswitch to tap tempo as well. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1335860223' post='1636922'] the Marshall Echohead is small, has a few different interesting modes, and a tap tempo input. You can generally get them for under £50. [/quote] Big feature set for the price no doubt, not to put you off (as I'm sure there are many of happy users) but my Marshall Reverb went south after only a few months of usage. Worked great when it did, plus it has hardwire bypass, but suddenly poo'd itself, no idea why. Very comparable to the DD-7 I think, in terms of features? [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1335865508' post='1637027'] I use the TC Flashback which is absolutely fantastic and covers all of my needs, no tap tempo but it has an audio tap feature which does the same. This replaced my Headrush and more than covers anything I ever used it for and is a much smaller footprint. [/quote] This seems to be the flavour of the month at the moment, sounds like an awesome pedal with so much crammed in to it for such a teeny tiny size. If I were to recommend a compact pedal it would be THIS or the DD-7, depending on whether you want an external tap tempo. If you want something a bit more powerful I'd recommend the TC Nova Delay.
  14. HELLS YEAH. Now now now now now, please.
  15. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1335717217' post='1634944'] Keep playing righty, TRUST ME. There are NO guitars out there for lefties. [/quote] Ebay is normally pretty good for lefty guitars. They often seem to be cheaper second hand than their righty counterparts (smaller demand after all). Luke, do you play a right handed bass? I'd just stick to whatever you're used to playing.
  16. It does sound great though. Your video does it justice, I meant to say before.
  17. I REAAAALLY want a Rat Tail but I can't justify the money to order one new from the US and pay the customs garr.
  18. Sounds great, I tried one out in a guitar shop a few years ago and loved it. Would be worried about stomping on it live though, with the proximity of knobs to switch.
  19. Bump for a lovely little multi. Added some more details. This gets sold and I'll make my donation to the forum .
  20. Would be interesting if it works well on Bass. Never heard about Slash using anything like this before though, interesting choice of signature pedal.
  21. Just bought a Korg PX4B from Phil, easy to deal with and arrived safely. Cheers mate .
  22. GEB-7, ODB-3 and Tourman all Sold pending payment. Korg AX-10B up for grabs.
  23. Ape - is that an upside down Korg G1 there in the background?
  24. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1335468678' post='1631794'] TC Nova Dynamics in studio (3-band) mode is bloody lovely. Subtle. Transparent. Amazing. Shame it's discontinued [/quote] It looks PERFECT save for the digital artifact that many of them seem to suffer from.
  25. I sold my EBS Reverb to Alex last week. He paid me very quickly and was super easy to deal with. Top bloke, cheers!
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