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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='969062' date='Sep 27 2010, 01:29 AM'] This photo was taken on the first date of our euro tour in Paris. The set up was utterly ridiculous especially, I was told to turn one night as the drums were literally inaudible. Still a lot of fun though![/quote] Ok take us through that, how was it all wired up? Use a crossover to send your highs to the Marshall?
  2. That's nice! When I was in Halls I only had the balls to take a small 30w amp, but now I see how it should have been done!
  3. To be honest, unless if you plan on rocking out past 10/11 o'clock on a night I don't think it will be that much of an issue. In halls last year, and from the neighbours in my new house this year in Birmingham, loud music is a constant, however I commend your thoughtfulness.
  4. There's a few good demos of it on youtube, although all on guitar that I could find. It seems that it matches up well with the FM-4 too; the infernal purple gas-inducing beast!
  5. Yeah, I'd be interested to hear some clips of that on Bass.
  6. I think the best way to get this is to go custom, maybe try SFX or DHA?
  7. Lots of win. Thought about the Moog LPF? Or do you just use your Super Synth for that? I know it's a small thing, but I would get a bit annoyed not being able to fit my tuner on my board!
  8. [quote name='ahpook' post='962754' date='Sep 20 2010, 09:31 PM']how about the mxr m80 ? it's got eq and distortion plus a few other goodies too.[/quote] +1 brilliant pedal, very much a swiss army knife. Full, switchable control over Highs, Lows and Mids, a nice clean DI and a good switchable distortion circuit to boot. They go cheap too.
  9. EskimoBassist


    [quote name='mcnach' post='962330' date='Sep 20 2010, 04:02 PM']I have a Digitech SynthWah and I quite like the octave effect, although as far as octave pedals go, it's pretty limited. Great pedal, overall, 'though. Because I wanted something more, I just bought a Boss OC3 and the more recent MXR 288, so I can compare them side by side... we'll see.[/quote] I own the BSW and the OC-3 and have tried out the MXR. I think you'll find you might prefer the MXR, although I'm a strong supporter of the OC-3. Although I barely use it, the drive function is quite nice. It's just a good, precise digital pedal, much more control than the BSW. Tbh though, bang for buck, it's hard to beat the BSW!
  10. [quote name='Kev' post='960004' date='Sep 17 2010, 10:50 PM']Cannot stand this analog obsessed nonsense [/quote] +1 This, together with the "it must have true bypass" idea, really winds me up. As far as I see it, as long as it sounds good, then why should it matter whether it is analog or not? Surely it just makes the job of finding the right sounding pedal that much harder.
  11. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='959646' date='Sep 17 2010, 04:36 PM']A harmony pedal (the digitech whammy is the most ubiquitos option) and a decent distortion will do the same thing, but it won't sound exactly the same. As far as I'm aware the unibass is the only one that does it in one box. My way of filling out the sound is to play one octave higher and use my oc-2 to harmonise one octave down with distortion.. Octave down tends to sound a lot more natural than fifth/octave up.[/quote] +1. Also, for an octave up as well as an octave down, check out the EHX Micro Pog. If you want full control over what harmonies you want, other than the Digitech Whammy, there is the Eventide Pitch Factor: [url="http://www.eventide.com/AudioDivision/Products/StompBoxes/PitchFactor.aspx"]Eventide Pitch Factor[/url] Especially with an expression pedal connected you can have control over a whole manner of different crazy intervals, even those popularised by the Bass Whammy, which had all but died out, so to speak.
  12. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='959306' date='Sep 17 2010, 11:57 AM']It's a Devi Ever Soda Meiser [/quote] Is that your gain then?
  13. Get The Party Started just sounds like a nice tight, low bassline the whole way through, which is the synthy bit you're referring too? I think you could nciely cop that with your neck pickup, bit of compression, and if you want something a tad deeper and more dubby, using an octaver. I think the OC-2 would be perfect, play that line an octave higher than usual on your neck with the OC-2 set with full Oct 1 down, zero clean and zero Oct-2. Same story with Billie Jean I think aswell to be honest, don't really think you need a pedal to get that sound.
  14. EskimoBassist

    pro co rat

    It's quite prevalent on the first Does It Offend You, Yeah? album. Whenever you hear a bit of grind it's a stock Rat going through an SVT and Fridge, same story live, check "Let's Make Out" for a good hear. On pretty low gain but it sounds nice.
  15. Yeah and the best bit: THE PRICE. Only $120!
  16. Aren't the Shredfreak and the Diago units identical, aside from the logo, anyway?
  17. [quote name='GazWills' post='957281' date='Sep 15 2010, 03:16 PM']you didn't identify the type of bulbs used to light up the board either... just lazy!! [/quote] 12vdc Led Strips, from Maplins, being run at 9vdc off the power supply. Just saw this discussion on TalkBass today in the Post Your Pedalboard discussion. No I am not a stalker!
  18. [quote name='GazWills' post='957173' date='Sep 15 2010, 01:30 PM']what's sat on the PT mini over to the right, can't quite make it out..[/quote] L-R Catalinbread SFT, Catalinbread Super Chili Picoso, Subdecay Super Nova Drive (Old Yellow edition?), Sonic Research ST-200 Turbo Tuner, Line 6 X2 (XDS95) Wireless Receiver. And all powered by a Diago Powerstation. Can't make out the cables, though I think that would probably be one step too far in the board identifying game.
  19. I think you might have to be a bit more specific, many of these filters are totally different beasts. Each to his own and all that, I'm digging my cheapo FX25B and my BSW at the moment, but I would love a Groove Regulator. How much are you willing to spend? What kind of sounds are you looking for? Start on youtube looking at pedal clips, cheapest way to see what they all sound like, just mkae sure you use decent speakers/headphones .
  20. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='930318' date='Aug 19 2010, 09:24 PM']I use an MXR M-80 for general drive, it pairs with fuzz pedals nicely and is blendable with the clean signal. I replaced my ailing Hartke pedal with it after trying a few different ones, it seemed to do what the Hartke did and more (also built a lot better!)[/quote] Yeah, have a look at the M-80. Great pedal, you won't be disappointed.
  21. With more and more bands going with IEM and whatnot live and with increasingly more affordable and higher quality home studio gear, why not? Pay less for a lighter, just as good sounding amp, that you can really crank for some grit, but not shake down your house? Sounds like a prime idea to me!
  22. Great find, cheers.
  23. [quote name='stewblack' post='955915' date='Sep 14 2010, 12:38 PM']First gig new band, completely ott rig. [/quote] BAD ASS.
  24. Jónsi (Sigur Rós) - Go. Saw him live last night in Leeds, amazing.
  25. Free Bump, saw them the other day in Manchester at the LCCC, amazing!
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