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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. Hey I am looking eventually to purchase some form of multi pedal power for my Fx Pedals. Hence i am looking at getting a powerbank or some kind of powerbrick. I do not want to spending a fortune on pedals! However i am utterly confused. On Ebay there are many different choices ofcourse, however so far i am split between the 6 Output SoundLab power supply and the 5 Output Power supply. In all honesty it appears that the 5 output older model is better built. I will be looking to run about 4/5 pedals from it, so i suppose either would work. Does anybody have any experience with either of these pedals? Or infact would you suggest buying a daisy chain, although these seem a little procarious to me, especially as i will be running a Big Muff from it, which ofcourse does not ave the standard Boss Power input. I have too considered the Gator G-Bus and the Jim Dunlop Brick PSU, but i wont be running any 18v untis, so i discounted them from the equation, however i could be easily swayed back towards the G-Bus if it is considerably better than either of the afformentioned SoundLab units. Any help and feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot!! Rich
  2. [quote name='Finbar' post='46038' date='Aug 15 2007, 08:14 PM']Item sold, pedal in post on Friday. Enjoy [/quote] THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
  3. Payment officially sent!
  4. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='45322' date='Aug 14 2007, 04:53 PM']So he controls the stomp boxes with that Rocktron? How does that work?[/quote] 'Tis a MIDI controller, so im guessing each of his FX pedals are linked through some main base unit seperately and then the RockTron unit will control at the tap of a switch the combination of whihc FX are on at each time. www.rocktron.com Hope that helps! Wow this thread is quite popular isnt it!!
  5. Thanks alot, that does shed alot of light on things. Unfortunately, both times ive seen them i havent been close enough to get a good look at his board, but RockTron controllers must make his life so easy!!
  6. Hey Ive got myself a Big Muff and of course it is AWESOME! However, i dont want to just use a single adaptor or the official EH supply to power it. I have a few other pedals and i am using a PowerBank to power them, you know like the Dunlop Bricks, but only with standard 9v outputs. I dont want to get it modded so that it has the same power supply system as persay BOSS pedals, but there MUST be an adaptor somewhere so that it would be compatible with standard power supplies as used with BOSS units. I could just use batteries, but that would be so expensive. As i said i love my Big Muff so im gonna be using it ALOT! Sorry i bet this was really confusing Thanks anyway for the continued support of other users, you guys have been giving me some great advice!! Many Thanks, Rich
  7. Hey I know that he uses Rocktron midi controllers, but all the same, does anyone have any High Resolution images of it or preferably the actual stomps whihc he uses? If so could you please post them! I think it would be pretty cool to start a "Gear of the Stars" thread or something, hahha how cheesy. Thanks anyway Rich
  8. Bass heroes? Honestly Chris Wolstenholme or Tim Commerford, but there are far more technical and gifted Bass Players out there. Would be awesome to be in Muse or RATM though!
  9. [quote name='Finbar' post='43768' date='Aug 10 2007, 02:21 PM']PM Replied to.[/quote] Also PM'd you right back!
  10. [quote name='Muppet' post='44034' date='Aug 10 2007, 11:01 PM']Aha! The only distortion pedal I've stuck with for any great length of time. I love the sound from this pedal. The ODB3 is the sort of starter distortion pedal in my opinion. It's a place to start, if only to decide what is and what isn't good. Jam jars, wasps, say no more.[/quote] Just bought one new for £30 (boss odb-3) its not bad like, but yes very waspy at higher gain settings
  11. THANKS! This site/forum is awesome so i think we've got you guys to thank for putting it together. Its really great to have a place where everything you ever need to know about the Bass is together, with lots of friendly and knowledgeble people, happy to pass on tips and advice. Good luck and keep up the good work! Rich
  12. Hey Guys Thanks alot for the help here. I think basically for the straight out simple ease of purchase and usage, il get the GEB7, even though i was inclined towards the MXR.
  13. [quote name='Finbar' post='43427' date='Aug 9 2007, 06:36 PM']Okay, I have a Bass EQ from Boss which I've used once. Unwanted gift really. I just don't need it. Looking to give it a good home. 7 band graphic EQ, plus a level control - you can use this as an EQ change, or for a swift volume boost/cut. One small scratch to the paintwork, but as you all know, those little Boss pedals are built like tanks. It has no impact on the workings of the pedal. It comes with the original box, and even the original battery, that's how little I've used it. £35.[/quote] I will buy it for 35 including postage, assuming you are willing to send it to me. I guess you would like payment via paypal? Rich
  14. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, theyre really helpful. Commerford's live sound on the LA DVD seems more synthy, but on the studio reording it just seems like his usual phat overdrive. My Bad!
  15. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='43345' date='Aug 9 2007, 04:05 PM']I wrote an article for Bass Guitar Magazine a few issues back on synth pedals. The best one by far (of the 4 we looked at) was the Akai Deep Impact. Tough to get hold of these days, and expensive, but worth it if you want a good synth sound. I haven't heard the track that was mentioned earlier, but as someone already said, you can get a decent synth tone (or synth-ish) by using compression, distortion and and octave pedal. That's something I'll write an article on for the mag eventually - getting a good synth tone in this way, and also using a midi pickup to control a synth. Has to be tried! Hope that is of some vague use... Stu[/quote] Thanks alot that is fantastic help Stu. Yeah ive always wanted a Deep Impact, but i havent found one yet, atleast not on ebay yet. How much do they go for?Rich
  16. Hey Im looking to buy a Synth pedal but im not sure what to look for in all honesty. Really looking for a fat synth sound, very Tim Commerford if possible (think breakdown on "No Shelter" - how awesome is that sound!). Well i do believe that is a synth effect. If it ISNT however please fill me in! And possible hints as to how i could achieve that sound, ie what FX pedals i should lay my hands on! Thanks alot for the help, much appreciated! Rich
  17. Id also like to hear any reviews anyone may have on the Digitech Synth Wah? Worth Buying? Thanks, Rich
  18. Hey! Im looking to get an EQ pedal for my bass, but i really wasn't sure what to be looking for. Can anyone help please? I was leaning towards getting a Boss GEB-7. Many thanks, Rich
  19. [quote name='Muppet' post='35192' date='Jul 21 2007, 12:49 PM']I use the Toneworks AX3000B for my covers band where a number of different sounds are needed. I find that it is excellent. It is easy to use and easy to get the sound you are after. It's also pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things.[/quote] Hey Yer im also a massive fan/user of that pedal. Some very good points here Muppet! Im also starting to encorporate singles in with it aswell and that works a charm, expecially when recording. I would deffinitely recommend the KorgAX3000B. Its worth every penny and has so many strong FX. You relaly couldnt go wrong with any of the top market pedals there though. Im personally not so fond of the Boss GT6-B but i really like the Line6BassPodXTLive. Even though the Korg pedal is the cheapest out of those three, i still prefer it. I feel the layout and the workings of the pedal are much more efficient and more carefully thought out, atleast for the gigging bassist. Having said that, i wouldn't mind one of the Line6 pedals as aforementioned...
  20. It is a great problem, especially when using a great FX setup, made even more so if you are forced to use the provided backline by the organisers. If the soundman can mix well, often you can retain alot of the low end, be it you may have to alter a few settings on the amp, but wether or not you have that beautiful mix being pumped back at you is another problem, partly why i am considering buying some kind of bass driver/DI, such as the SansAmp Bass Driver, however wouldnt that completely bypass the mix from the amp and almost making having the amp there pointless?
  21. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='41815' date='Aug 6 2007, 09:43 AM']Obbm: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78[/url][/quote] THANK YOU VERY MUCH SIR! I no longer feel like a complete idiot
  22. [quote name='nash' post='40117' date='Aug 1 2007, 06:09 PM']OBBM[/quote] Sorry to sound like an idiot, but whats OBBM? thanks
  23. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='41799' date='Aug 6 2007, 08:49 AM']What a bad, bad, bad idea! A screw in eye, with a carabiner attached: every time your strap rotates (which they do!) , it'll either screw in too much and strip the threads/wood or it'll unscrew and fall out. I don't think I can emphasise enough how much of a bad idea I think those are, and I'm tempted to ignore all your posts Hit&Run for giving bad advice.[/quote] HAHAHAHHAAHA THAT IS THE SINGLE WORST IDEA I HAVE EVER SEEN! That would completely wreck your instrument! Good call Dave, these are almost offensive. On the subject of straplocks however i must say that i favour Schaller, although im sure that Dunlop make a good alternative, i find the schaller ones completely reliable, easy to use and reasonably priced. And they come in all your favourite colours! As far as Grolsch "locks" go, all i can say is, "how very punk", im sure they do the job and admittedly they are practically free (with awesome beer), but come on you wouldnt really put them on any instrument worth a great deal. Not trying to sound like a snob. But still... you do get beer
  24. I really like that bass, shame about the lack of the S1 switching system though. I just bought a USA Jazz complete with the system and it really does make all the difference being able to swap between the two layouts. Having said that i would gladly pay the kind of money that im guessing you do to buy that beauty. Nice purchase!
  25. [quote name='BassManKev' post='33022' date='Jul 17 2007, 01:29 PM']chris does not use to big muffs he almost never uses his big muff, its all about the animato[/quote] Im perfectly sure that, for atleast the recording of hysteria, check the studio footage with some copies of the absolution album, that along with is AKAI deep impact pedal he does use TWO russian big muffs.
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