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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. The Dunlop 105Q is a very popular wah pedal and can be had nice and cheap on this forum. I had on for years and loved it - it gets a bad rep from some around here but I really would take the negativity with a pinch of salt. It's a great wah, isn't too expensive, built like the proverbial and is very tweakable. My personal choice over the Ibanez Weeping Demon and the Morley Bass Wah.
  2. [quote name='chilli' timestamp='1343468362' post='1751134'] To This.. (still have the source audio dual expression pedal and HH and no pedal board ). [/quote] Both TAFMs are gone!
  3. [quote name='Marsy' timestamp='1342736038' post='1740365'] No bites guys? Maybe I should add a pic.. ? Ha ha [/quote] A few decent quality pictures would be great, as would a little information about yourself such as your location. As you can appreciate it's hard to buy something from someone on the internet if they appear anonymous!
  4. [quote name='Rammstein2012' timestamp='1343079518' post='1745049'] Has anyone used one of these, maybe for a while? i'm a bit concerned that over time, the comprrssion springs on the barrel of the jack would force the internal parts of the guitars jack socket (or pedal jack socket) just that bit too far, so that if used with a normal lead it would be a bit loose giving a bit of a bad connection. I got given one of these leads and its brand new, un opened. i just dont want to use something that could over time, cause problems. [/quote] I've used these such cables for about 7 years with no problems at all, so you can take that as a recommendation of sorts.
  5. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1343075016' post='1744945'] So many fuzzes on that one board then! [/quote] Well I guess three could be seen as a little excessive, using the Orbit more for it's Ring Modulator side though and the Oxide more for it's gating, so they've all got a spot. Wouldn't mind a Rat variant like a Fuzzrocious Rat Tail though...
  6. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1343078063' post='1745003'] Let me know when that M9 comes up for sale if it's in your binge *edit* I'll take the PT-2 as well [/quote] HAHA no they are both firmly part of the contingent which SURVIVED or was a product of the overhaul. In fact the M9 is the main reason why I sold nearly all of my pedals.
  7. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1343073230' post='1744898'] May I ask, what's the blue box with all the knobs? From what I know though, looks like my dream electronica board! Except maybe for the boss octaver. Good choices though! Iron Ether is truly 'the best.' Edit: Also, what's the purple box? I'm guessing it's extra expression parameters, but for what..? [/quote] 10 points to Phil.i.stein, tis indeed a TAFM! As for the Boss OC-3 - it's a weird one. I convinced myself that digital octaving was [i]bad[/i] and that I should be more of a [s]snob[/s] purist and get me a decent analog octaver, so I bought an Aguilar Octamizer off this forum... and for some reason I just didn't get on with it at all! I don't know why but I just really preferred the OC-3 in comparison, and if it ain't broke... The purple box is a Nose double expression control for the Line 6 M9/13. It's great if you only want to make small adjustments and don't need a proper expression pedal.
  8. ODD is an anagram of DOD. How wonderful.
  9. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1342975386' post='1743329'] Is this the one with the weird dubstepesque at the end? [/quote] Unfortunately yes, I think. I'm sure it will all sit much better within the final album. Their Olympic single is growing on me now too.
  10. This is what I was playing around with earlier last week. Firstly just a collection of everything I've got to hand at the moment, after a massive sell/buy/trade binge, on a PT-2: [IMG]http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o522/EskimoRich/IMG-20120716-00017.jpg[/IMG] And what I put together quickly for a jam (the first in many, many months) on a PT-Jr: [IMG]http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o522/EskimoRich/IMG-20120716-00019.jpg[/IMG] Apologies for terrible image quality.
  11. [quote name='chilli' timestamp='1342732343' post='1740284'] 3 was defo too many fuzz's for me, guess that ranks me as soft haha [/quote] I've got three on my board right now! A TAFM, an Oxide and an Orbit. Wouldn't mind an old Russian Muff or a good Wren & Cuff clone too though...
  12. Free bump, if I didn't already have one I'd be all over this like a tramp on chips!
  13. DOOOO IT. Do it! They are brilliant filters, love mine.
  14. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1342006555' post='1727826'] Small and will do everything i need. [/quote] If I added a compressor and a pre/di that would suit me just fine too! Nice selection of effects there.
  15. You may find this helpful: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179518-line-6-m-series-expression-control-of-beat-divisions/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179518-line-6-m-series-expression-control-of-beat-divisions/[/url]
  16. Aside from a few glaring errors (as already spotted!) it's not a bad article. It's interesting to see it broken down like this.
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340733267' post='1708886'] [url="http://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical-instruments/guitars-basses/el-guitars/pacifica/?mode=series#tab=product_lineup"]Yamaha Pacifica[/url] [/quote] I was glad to see that the first reply was also the right answer brilliant guitars for such little money!
  18. Are they actually any good though? First thoughts around the internet held them to be a bit of a disappointment.
  19. [quote name='Pollinator95' timestamp='1340884597' post='1710970'] Have you got any links to the GE-B7? Never heard of it. [/quote] Here's a poor google translation of an Italian web page with a few photos. Seem very similar to the GEB-7: [url="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.mercatinomusicale.com/mm/a_boss-ge-7b-geb-7-equalizzatore-x-basso-made-in-japan-90-perfetto-scatola_id2576076.html&usg=ALkJrhg_jvifdcj7uCnF4yir6FJstahiLw"]http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.mercatinomusicale.com/mm/a_boss-ge-7b-geb-7-equalizzatore-x-basso-made-in-japan-90-perfetto-scatola_id2576076.html&usg=ALkJrhg_jvifdcj7uCnF4yir6FJstahiLw[/url]
  20. I used the newer version for a few years, no complaints from me at all. The newer version is definitely more readily available so you could probably snap one up cheap on here.
  21. Can you be a little bit more specific please, what do you mean by it "has hardly any effect"?
  22. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1340833155' post='1710395'] Not actually current but after several hours of sorting I'm not holding this back just so I wait for a pic of my current board [url="http://www.tayste.co.uk/2012/06/27/evolution-of-a-pedalboard-and-a-player/"]http://www.tayste.co...d-and-a-player/[/url] Enjoy [/quote] Now THAT was a journey. Sad thing is that I remember most of those boards being posted on here at the time.
  23. Yeah I mean bass end. Octavers and synth pedals always react better with a purer, stronger signal. So going direct from the Bass is great or going from your bass into a compressor and then into the synth would a little better, as the compressor would provide a little more sustain and a more even signal to trigger the effect.
  24. You'll probably want the SYB-5 further up the chain to help its' tracking
  25. Not to tempt you too much, but the M9 really IS that good IMO when it comes to the modulation/delay/reverb/pitch stuff. You should try and borrow one to have a good play around with and to see how it would fit within your set up. Would definitely help you condense things!
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