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Everything posted by EskimoBassist

  1. The Fulltone has now also gone. Thanks for all the interest.
  2. The Agro and the TAFM are very different beasts. I love my TAFM, can't recall my settings exactly but I pretty much 12 o'clock everything and favour the treble side of the EQ.
  3. The OC-3, being digital and polyphonic, is pretty damn spot on - that's why I've kept it out of all the different octavers I've had, even the Aguilar Octamizer. The OC-2 doesn't track as well, nothing below open A really, and it's monophonic. That said it stills tracks reasonably and is a big favourite amongst bass players for its dubby, signature sound. Great pedal. The OC-2 mode on the OC-3 does a good impersonation too.
  4. Top bloke, I've just sent a pedal his way - lighting fast communication (geddit?!) and an all round easy deal. Cheers!
  5. Have a free Paisley bump, just bought two ties with similar patterns.
  6. Ok the Octamizer is SOLD and I've added pictures of the Bass Drive .
  7. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1339094725' post='1683629'] I may be interested in the Bass Drive next week, depending on how much money I have by then and if you still have the pedal of course, would you mind posting some pictures? Do you have the pedal's feet? [/quote] I'll just put some pictures up now. I DO have them (somewhere) but they are not currently attached as I previously had it mounted on a pedal board and thus are not with me in Birmingham. If you were to buy it from me I would gladly post the feet along separately in a few weeks when I'm back at my parent's house where I'm sure they're hiding.
  8. Both sold now, thanks. [color=#FF0000][b]Aguilar Octamizer - £85 SOLD[/b][/color] [color=#ff0000][b]Fulltone Bass Drive - £110 SOLD [/b][/color]
  9. So a week last Monday I finally got to try out my new haul of pedals to see what would be staying and what would be going: The M9 is definitely a keeper, it does all the reverb, modulation and delay stuff I was hoping it would and much much more - so much pedal for the price. The Nose2 expression box goes with it - disappointed that it's made out of pretty cheap plastic but it does the job for small expression adjustments. Still looking to get an expression pedal regardless, tempted by the pitch glide capabilities. The Oxide is everything and more I had hoped it would be too , which is fortunate because I'd hankered for one for a bloody long time. It was expensive but I guess it was worth it - sounds sick with my Xero Deluxe! The BB preamp fought a close battle with my Fulltone Bassdrive, but considering I don't really use the boost function on the Fulltone that will be hitting the classifieds when I can be bothered to list it. Both fantastic pedals, but the BB wins out for me only because it's smaller and currently I don't need the extra functionality of the Bassdrive. When the Analogman chorus came up on here I couldn't resist it and I wasn't disappointed - will be great when I don't have space for my M9 and just want a simple chorus for modulation. Knocks the crap out of my old beloved CEB-3. And then here enters the inevitable uncertainty of buying so many pedals - I am stuck on the Orbit and the Octamizer. I expected to LOVE the Octamizer (and indeed it does sound incredible) but for some reason I'm still drawn to the polyphonic digital tracking of my trusty OC-3 (heresy, I know!). The Octamizer is by FAR the best and most versatile octaver I've ever had the pleasure of playing through, but I guess I'm a digital boy, so to speak. Like the Fulltone, this will be on the BassChat classifieds soon when I can be bothered to list it! The Orbit is a crazy one - it morphs from a tight gated fuzz (which the Oxide does very well too) to some mental ring moddy craziness, which just gets more crazy when you add an expression pedal to the mix. I think I'll need a little more time to figure this one out and decide if it's for me. I was taken in by the electronica style capabilities of the pedal but in truth my band don't really do anything like that any more so perhaps it's a little superfluous... Great pedal though regardless. I'll have a picture of my final layout in a few weeks time - hopefully by then I'll have worked it all out but it's looking plenty fun for sure.
  10. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1339048638' post='1682795'] They're MUCH louder than you'd think! [/quote] +1 they are surprisingly powerful little beasts.
  11. Yep the OC-3 has a reasonable drive section, a friend of mine uses it purely as a dirt box. I've used an OC-3 for years now, just tried to replace it with an Octamizer but the clean polyphonic tracking of the Boss still won out. Regardless of the distortion, I love the Polyphonic mode, I run the range on full, and the OC-2 emulation is pretty spot on too. I tried out the MicroPog, it's a great all in one solution if you want an Octave up too, but down is good enough for me.
  12. Ahhh an AdrenaLinn, never seen one on a board before, just as an advertisement in a magazine ages ago. What is it like then?
  13. Yeah looks good so far, I hope he keeps it up.
  14. Do the prices include postage to the UK? Also I don't think that you can sell your Printer or Crosstrainer here on BassChat unfortunately, have a check on the forum guidelines but I think it was altered a little while ago so that only musically related items can be advertised on here. Just a heads up .
  15. I've completed it too, best of luck in your course.
  16. I just don't know about this. Sure is distinctive though.
  17. It does have a parallel out, yep. Combine it with your engineers DI box and you're good to go.
  18. Yeahhh my bandmates have held this as a permanent source of amusement, as have past partners when they have found out. Doesn't bother me though.
  19. Bought a pedal from Alan, great deal and everything was super smooth. Top guy to deal with, thanks a lot mate.
  20. Smashing bloke to deal with; very accommodating, posted quickly and packaged well. Top guy, thanks a bunch Dave.
  21. I've just taken delivery of a pedal from Sam, no problems at all. Many thanks.
  22. Super easy deal with Si buying a pedal, thanks a bunch.
  23. Just bought a pedal from Paul, not a bad word to say. Cheers!
  24. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1337941581' post='1667647'] In my opinion the M80's distortion sounds good at settings of less than 50% wet and gain, just to add a little grit and boost to your clean tone, I see that as its real purpose and use. [/quote] Big +1. I personally don't like its sound on its own, but put it in a band mix and it sounds brilliant. I chose the M-80 over the Sansamp because I wanted a mid control, great piece of kit.
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