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About benh

  • Birthday 19/12/1988

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  1. That looks great, love it! 🙂
  2. Pickups wound and potted
  3. The denim bass looks amazing - watching with interest!
  4. I used D'addario medium scale strings on my 32" basses - available directly from them, and quite well priced. https://www.daddario.com/products/guitar/bass-guitar/xl-chromes-bass/ecb81m-chromes-bass-light-45-100-medium-scale/
  5. I've used decals from www.guitardecals.co.uk on a few occasions and they have been top notch, and reasonably priced
  6. Nearly done!
  7. First update in a while - I've not been very good at documenting this one. Black/brown stain and first coat of hard wax oil done.
  8. Just a cheapie off eBay. Gets the job done though, has proved more useful than I thought - although in hindsight I'm sure I could have just knocked one up from some offcuts and an old c clamp
  9. Having a crack at winding pickups soon. First things first the pre built wonders are silly money, so after countless hours trawling YouTube and forum pages I've knocked one together. It doesn't look pretty 😂 just offcuts screwed together. But it should do the trick!
  10. Done!
  11. Will post my knocked together version of a pickup winder later - starting on an aluminium inlay for the headstock. Using hard wax oil as a finish which in my experience doesn't cover decals very well!
  12. More progress - will be the last update for a little while though. Still figuring out pickups , although the electronics are now sorted - standard volume, blend + tone but with an active buffer.
  13. Following with interest! I have the utmost respect and envy for anyone who can make acoustic instruments. Seems like equal parts skill and witchcraft
  14. Got a bit of time to do some more on this today - fretted and rough cut the neck profile on the bandsaw. Neck carving next
  15. Looks incredible. That body shape is fab
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