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Everything posted by floFC

  1. Do we know why? Was round back a special option at the time? Or McCartney remembered it being flat?
  2. Tap on the OP’s avatar, then on the envelope icon.
  3. Does it need its own ticket on the tube?
  4. Thanks! So these 50th anniversary instruments were not special/limited editions like the 40th anniversary ones are?
  5. @Dazed are you looking for something that looks like a wide range? Sounds like one? For something a bit different, I have a pair of humbuckers from a DeArmond Starfire, which I think are of a similar size - way too big for what I originally bought them for anyway. I have been looking for a solid body to drop them in (a tele bass most likely)- what are your plans for the body? Anyway, maybe some alternatives there with Guild/DeArmond humbuckers.
  6. Looks like it was for Fender’s 50th and they invited Squier to the party
  7. There definitely are 50th anniversary Squier, such as this one on Reverb. But looking at the sticker on the back of the headstock, it is celebrating Fender’s 50th. https://reverb.com/item/37278507-1996-squier-precision-fender-50th-anniversary-p-bass
  8. Thank you. So the 40th anniversary is for becoming a brand in 1982. What was the 50th anniversary for? What happened in 1946?
  9. Like a few people here, I bought one of the great Squier 40th anniversary basses. But recently, I have seen a few 50th anniversary Squier basses for sale. Not only that, but they were made in 1996!! What kind of magic is that? I’d do my own research but I am scared of being sucked into a world where this is proof that time travelling exists and that we live in a computer simulation.
  10. Here is a project
  11. The 2 parallel ones are for pickup height adjustment, the other one is a cover for the bolts actually holding the body and neck together. Everything is flush so I’d say nicer than a neck plate.
  12. I had already assumed they were no longer in production and Thomann was just selling their/Fender’s stock.
  13. Would you get really high pitch farts for a few days after that?
  14. @Supernaut, @ezbass did it, they may be able to help.
  15. That looks really cool 👍
  16. The 2 AA batteries on the left.
  17. An axe for an axe…
  18. Looking at that invoice I realise that the bits in the corner of the Bass Centre logo letters are fingernails. I always thought it was an effect that makes it look 3D, round and shiny, like when drawing balloons. I don’t like it, it freaks me out 😅
  19. I also followed the links you provided, and from there found this link to the patent: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?KC=A&date=19940823&NR=5339718A&DB=EPODOC&locale=fr_EP&CC=US&FT=D
  20. That looks really cool! would you mind sawing it in half, lengthwise, so we can have a good look at that free floating top?
  21. That would have been awesome if it weren’t for Morrissey being spelt with 2 s. Morrossey is sadly not quite as good.
  22. I don't either. The floor tends to be the emergency storage for those I still have.
  23. Love that one! Best known for Merianne and Doctor Beep.
  24. So… you need emergency pick storage storage?
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