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Everything posted by tombboy

  1. [quote name='RhysP' post='792521' date='Mar 31 2010, 09:40 PM']That is pretty groovy actually. I love the Ace Frehley inspired inlays.[/quote] AC/DC, surely?
  2. Use the insert jacks (first click) and send to another mixer where you can do a more suitable mix for adat, a HD recorder or digital interface/macbook etc.
  3. [quote name='thedonutman' post='792285' date='Mar 31 2010, 06:45 PM']The reason why? I was wearing a suit [/quote] Are you sure, or is that a presumption? Maybe they are just very good at customer service.
  4. I'm sure someone here will snap your hand off for that price Llewelyn. Good luck with the sale and welcome to the madhouse that is Basschat!!
  5. Sorry John, the only thing that goes between my bass and my amp is my total inability to play!!!
  6. OK, some really nice trade offers for this, some I've turned down even though they were lovely basses, just not my cup of tea. I have three beautiful trade offers on the table which I'm giving some serious thought to...... damn you lot for the varying temptation!!! Also waiting for some addresses for shipping outside the UK for a cash sale. Those who have asked, can you PM me your addresses so I can get a quote? Ta. Still inviting cash offers (no, it's NOT an auction.... the price is there for all to see!) and quality trades, but I'll make my mind up in a couple of days. Of course, if anyone has a MM 25th Anniversary and they can't get on with it.........
  7. It's a Hagstrom Futurama Bass De-luxe. [i]Edit: Dayum, you're all quick round here!![/i]
  8. [quote name='Doddy' post='790960' date='Mar 30 2010, 07:22 PM']It means that you can't do the whole thumb over the neck,heavy grip thing that a lot of players do. You have to have your thumb in the centre of the neck when playing in the upper register of a singlecut bass.[/quote] Oops!! Didn't realise it was against the law!
  9. The only one I like, nay adore, is the new Musicman 25th.... but then that's only a SC by definition. Not as OTT as ACG for example.
  10. Give Edd Higdon a shout at [url="http://www.csspro.co.uk"]CSS Pro[/url], based in Ferndown, which I think is just round the corner from the venue. They do everything from small pub gigs to huge festivals. Tell him Jamie from The Loop sent you and he'll look after you proper, like! He's on tour at the moment with 'From THE JAM' but I'm sure he'll make a note of your number and call you when the tour is finished.
  11. I got this in a straight trade about three months ago and I have persevered with it as I love the looks and tone!. Sadly, I just cannot get on with the vintage neck width at the nut (44.5mm) so this bass has to go. Absolutely PRISTINE example of Fender's supreme re-issue bass. Only custom shop models and a few signature ones carry a heavier RRP than this.... and it shows in it's quality in every way. This bass really is in showroom condition and comes with the original Fender case and all the accesories, including the unused and unfitted ashtray and pickup cover. Even got the sealed samples of polish and cloth!!! The tone is classic precision and for a passive bass, it has more output strength than all my active basses!! More info, including all specs can be found [url="http://www.fender.com/uk/products/search.php?partno=0190116800"]here on Fender's website.[/url] Cash price will be £900 + P&P Trade wise.... interested in Sandberg P's & J's, Ric's.... I dunno.... show me what you got!
  12. Andy just bought my Basspod XT Pro from me. Payment faster than an X-Man with dodgy fingernails!! Good communication too.
  13. There's been a couple that have popped up on ebay the past few days, but not in the areas you mentioned and they both also have fairly convincing provenence.
  14. I've got a pristine American Vintage '62 in Oly White RW and tort. It sounds and looks the mutts but I'm having trouble getting used to the neck width at the nut (44.5mm). So much so that I've been giving serious thought about moving it in a trade soon.
  15. [quote name='uzzell' post='787673' date='Mar 27 2010, 09:46 AM']Unfortunatley, not interested in trades as it is cold hard money that is needed to feed and shelter me.[/quote] That's a shame..... would have given you my Stingray and my left bollock for this! Hang on..... you could hold the 'Ray over your head whilst nibbling on........ on second thoughts, I'll pass! Lovely bass!
  16. Try [url="http://www.peterborough.net/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=1"]this[/url] site too. Peterborough's music forum.
  17. That sucks mate... Try posting on the forum at [url="http://www.cambridgebands.com"]www.cambridgebands.com[/url] They'll put the feelers out for you.
  18. Love Derek's face in that last picture!! Don't think this will be allowed though.... unless it plays a tune!!
  19. Am I allowed to say... 'Any reasonable offers accepted'? or is that against the new rules?
  20. Am I allowed to say... 'Any reasonable offers accepted'? or is that against the new rules?
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