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Everything posted by tombboy

  1. Got two Cali PM's one in blackburst and the other a custom heavy relic finish. Simply stunning basses!
  2. [quote name='Shockwave' post='491811' date='May 18 2009, 08:18 PM']Ok i have pruned the thread. Official warnings have been given out to gareth and mntl73 Please refrain from diverting the purpose of the thread. Lysdexia is a very well respected member on the forum, and i hope it does not put him off future sales of his fine instruments and interesting sales techniques [/quote] +1 BANG!! .... and the dirt is gone!
  3. Wow! 17 minutes and our humble Bavarian friend hasn't pissed all over it yet! Nice bass BTW.
  4. I was sacked from a band a long time ago... Just four mates having a laugh (I had replaced the bass player who was unreliable) and we were getting on fine. However, I was going through a rough time with the (ex) wife and couldn't give my full attention. The guitarist came round one eveing after he finished work and sat down explaining to me that they were asking the old bassist back and that I was 'sacked'. Everything was very adult, nothing hidden and we parted on a handshake. I offered to do their sound for their next gig and remained very good friends until the bassist decided that the band needed two guitarists and moved over, suggesting I took up bass duties again. All fell back in to place and we had a great couple of years together. If the fella is mature enough then I'm sure he'll understand. At the end of the day, it's only a band.... far more important things to worry about.
  5. Never had anything but good service from Darren. Top man and a great shop. I look forward to whenever I'm down there.
  6. Reading all of this about LH damping and RH doobrie-ing has made me realise how crap I am and that I need to practice more!! Thanks for that Ann-Marie... you patient, fastidious, determined bugger, you!
  7. During recent gigs I have had to deal with a new hand injury due to 'digging in' far too much to get my sound. Hand goes numb and swells up!! Bought a compressor and backed off on the force.... hand is fine and my sound is spot on. +1 for compressors, I say.
  8. [quote name='crez5150' post='480702' date='May 6 2009, 09:58 AM']Can I ask why it has to be enough cover for £5M......... I always get asked for our PLI cert for most of the venues we play for weddings and corporate but ours is up to £1m and that seems adequate for most venues. Jay[/quote] If anyone (or more than one) dies in a fire which is proven to have been caused by your faulty equipment then the families of the victims are sure as hell going to want more than £1m in compensation.
  9. In order to obtain an entertainment licence I'm pretty sure the venue also has to have adequate PRS cover too. Whether the venue pass this cost on to the promoters and/or artists is very much down to negotiations and contracts. Thats my take on it though I may well be totally wrong.
  10. Are you playing your own material or covers? I think it makes a difference but I,m no expert. Cue Cetera......................
  11. [quote name='AM1' post='474305' date='Apr 28 2009, 04:25 PM']How's the gardening going,[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=47290"]SLOW!!![/url]
  12. Lovely..... nay, LOVELY bass AM1. If I didn't have my eyes on something else, I'd be all over this like swine flu!
  13. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='473939' date='Apr 28 2009, 08:03 AM']We've got a couple booked. Only little local ones! But they're festivals nonetheless. Hachfest and Brandon Buzz so far i think. They'll be my first big open air gigs! But i'm not scared haha[/quote] Brandon Buzz? We're booked to play that too!!! Played it the last couple of years.... don't expect too much from the organisers except complete chaos on the day. Gill (the organiser) is lovely though and really tries to look after your needs. You'll be playing to a good four/five hundred plus several thousand milling about. Sound system is good but better start praying for good weather.
  14. To be honest.... go for a classic 'Ray or Sterling. I don't think Ernie Ball do any other basses in lefty mode. Might be wrong though.
  15. Not helping, am I?
  16. A reverse lefty!
  17. The thing with American music shops is they tend to throw the guitars on the wall and not bother with them until they sell. Now, wood is a natural substance which will change over a period of time. This will affect the sound and feel of an instrument. Most MM's that I've owned (and played in shops) have felt very consistent because I have looked after them or the (UK) shops have done the same. The basses themselves all leave the factory after a very rigid QC process so I think it is down to the retailers from that point on for the condition.
  18. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='471699' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:54 PM']lol, looks to me like they stole the AL guitar body[/quote] Erm.... 'BIG AL'???? Detectives R us!!! The Bongo was doomed......... until people HEARD it!! I'm pretty sure Sterling has half a clue as to what he's doing..................... not done too bad so far, has he?
  19. If You Want Blood - AC/DC Real power, simple to play and great fun.
  20. I claim for all my musical purchases... music therapy for the kids in the home!
  21. Just got some more pictures sent to me... Malcolm's Wizard amps... Angus' amp rack... Multiply that by three!!!!! ...
  22. This makes me laugh.... I DONT TOUCH OR EVEN LOOK AT CHEAP GUITARS IF YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST BUY THE BEST FENDER USA DELUXE NO IDIOTS TELLING ME CRAFTED IN JAPAN ARE BETTER THEY ARE CHEAP PLANKS MADE IN CHINA , FENDER IS USA AND IF ITS NOT IT AINT FENDER Then he goes and sells [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-standard-stratocaster-deal_W0QQitemZ380114712462QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item380114712462&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]this.[/url]
  23. [quote name='farmer61' post='469424' date='Apr 22 2009, 11:22 AM']Standing ticket at Brum tomorrow, can't wait![/quote] You'll love it J... they were awesome at the O2. Still got Wembley to look forward to in June.
  24. My brother Keith got into souncheck and AAA at AC/DC in Manchester last night... he sent me this picture this morning. Not bass porn but still bloody lovely!!!
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