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Everything posted by tombboy

  1. [quote name='simwells' post='393938' date='Jan 28 2009, 06:57 PM']I also have very clicky wrists, though unlike every other joint that clicks in my body I can continue to click them unlimited times straight after each other. I've never understood why they do this as the gas can't be building up again that fast can it?[/quote] It can.... your body is not a sealed unit. Organs intertwine and mesh together. It's not like the A&P books you study at school. Think 'trapped wind' and 'fart attack' etc. You are a complete chemical reaction which produces gas at an alarming rate. It's got to harbour somewhere and will find the most obscure places.... pockets in joints being some of them.
  2. Sweet Jesus Russ... WHY did you have to go and post more pics of this baby? I'm sweating now!!!!! *must resist all temptation..... must resist all temptation*
  3. We play the Fidds on a regular basis. Geat little venue. Dan, the promoter is a nice guy as is the sound engineer who really knows his stuff. Eastern european fella... can't remember his name. They are converting rooms in the basement into rehearsal and recording facilities too. Weirdest smoking area ever... small triangle bit out the back of the pub. Also they have a locked room for cases etc. Great sound on stage and FOH. You should have a blast.
  4. [quote name='YouMa' post='392779' date='Jan 27 2009, 02:52 PM']Do i get to shag Naomi campbell if i join?[/quote] I knew there had to be a catch!
  5. [quote name='Galilee' post='392686' date='Jan 27 2009, 01:13 PM']I doubt that's amplifiers. It'll be something about lectrickery.[/quote] Correct. Most studios run on about 20 amps input so we should be ok. This will be for personal/our band use only but once I've got the hang of it I'll be offering it out to young local bands (with me supervising/engineering of course) who need to record a demo to get gigs etc. Already got a young lad (family friend) who's at musical tech college and wants to brush up on his engineering skills. No porno shoots..... sorry guys! BTW, wallpapering is all finished, pictures to follow. Looks very.... how can I put his? RED!!!!
  6. [quote name='dtc' post='392456' date='Jan 27 2009, 09:53 AM']PLEASE don't waste my time![/quote] Charming! Ok then... I won't.
  7. [i]" Verne Troyer's half brother 'Des' figured that playing bass would overcome his height issues and get the girls!"[/i]
  8. By the way rOB... next time you sign up to a forum... check your caps lock!!!
  9. Ladies & gentlemen.... I give you........................... BROTHEL BURGUNDY!!!!
  10. That action is amazing... but not as amazing the the photo's!! Any chance you could make them a 'tad' larger? Seriously though.... what a crap bass. Rockbass seems the way to go with your budget. And the Westone Thunders are great too.... my first 'proper' bass was a Thunder 1A in red. Beautiful instrument, but my Mum sent it back when she found out I was smoking!!!!
  11. [quote name='jakesbass' post='391790' date='Jan 26 2009, 02:19 PM']Go away at once.... with your reasoning and everything.... there is only room for ill defined subjectivism here... d'you hear me. GOD anybody would think this was a SENSIBLE discussion.... [/quote] *hangs head in shame and shuffles out of thread with a big bottom lip*
  12. In order to do my job to the best of my ability, I went to university for four years. I learned the core skills and adapted my practice, using those core skills. I like to think I am at the top of my game in my career. Good experience, knowledge base to back it up and solid reputation. People seek my services which is a good indication that the theory works. I can't see how learning theory would have a negative effect as long as you utilise the positive aspects in your role as a musician and make it work for you. BTW, I'm a 'play by ear and feel' bassist. Tried to learn musical notation as a teen but discovered that I'm 'dotslexic'!!
  13. Generally, the 'clicking' noise you here is not bone or ligament. It's escaping gas (hydrogen I believe) which has built up in the 'pocket' of the joint through inactivity. Absolutely nothing to worry about but you'd still be wise to get it checked out.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='391610' date='Jan 26 2009, 12:09 PM']Don't bother with Mackie.[/quote] In your opinion of course! My brother has a Mackie Fusion system... 14k with a 7k foldback system. NEVER given him an ounce of trouble. Require a small army to shift though. Active systems are great but if one amp blows, you're pretty f***ed. If you do get and active, make sure you can bypass the internal amps and bring a rack of amps... just in case (sort of defeats the object really!). Personally, I've got a HK Audio ELIAS system which currently has a fried PCB on one of the amps. Just haven't got round to ordering the new board yet. However, when fully functional, it's a great PA. Crystal clear and really easy to shift about. They come up know and again on the bay, usually for around £1k for the older model.
  15. Loads of stories but one gig really stands out. Way back in the '80's I was playing in a classic rock covers band. We were hired to play in the back upstairs room of a bikers pub in rural suffolk. The place was rammed on a hot summer's evening and before we went on, lots of the locals had kindly filled the room with the drifting aromas of their 'herbal' smokes. The cloud hung like a mist at head height and successfully calmed any pre-gig nerves. Cue the intro to our opening number... lovely guitar riff.. whole band comes in and 'pop' goes all the power. 'Blinky steve' our lighting engineers flicks the trip and we start off agin.... same thing happens. Now Steve was never the most patient of fellas so he got 2.5mm copper wire and completely bypassed the fuse. For the rest of the gig the people in the restuarant downstairs had to eat their foot in varying defrees of light/dark according to Steve's lighting rig!! Same gig.. started Let There Be Rock and the drummer's stool dropped about 8 inches!! Mutty never missed a beat and decided during the small break to fix the stool. Come to break, Mutty jumps off the stool, fixed the joint and rapps the snare for the re-intro. Straight back into the song and the same thing happens!! Finished the song playing the drums WAY above his head and eventually rammed & bent a screwdriver into the joint. Still there to this day!! Even before we got to the gig we had to lay our other guitarist over the pa system in an escort due to lack of space. A combination of the windows being open and a roundabout taken too quickly resulted in us losing said guitarist who gave a small yelp as he slid straight out and bounced off the tarmac. I miss those days!
  16. [quote name='markbass555' post='390373' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:50 PM']I have a white scratch plate for a Sandberg california Pm 4 string in white.[/quote] I was unaware that white scratchplates come in different colours.
  17. Ok, vocal booth has been lined with carpet tiles to 'deaden' any reverb.
  18. Latest update.... we been a little hampered by all the rain. We have to get the front door watertight, which is proving impossible in this weather. As a result, we cannot lay the floor yet. However, the T&G has been erected and all ceilings and woodwork painted up. Wallpaper goes on tomorrow. Electrics are all supplied now... managed to get 30 amps to the studio which I think is more than enough. More pics when the 'brothel' burgundy paper is up!
  19. At the moment.... none! Is that enough?
  20. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='388816' date='Jan 22 2009, 05:45 PM'][/quote] That's him f***ed for the intro to Sweet Child 'O Mine!!!
  21. [quote name='Captain Bassman' post='388330' date='Jan 22 2009, 11:15 AM']And as for nicking the strings and machineheads of your basses, well that's just totally unacceptable feline behaviour... Hmmm, how'd he manage to operate a screwdriver? [/quote] Please! Not while I'm drinking coffee!! Big clean up now!!!
  22. Please let me have first dibs if you ever decide to move this on Rayman.............
  23. Gorgeous! Call me when you need a good chiropractor!!!
  24. I SSOOOOO want one of these!!!!!!! Off to scour ebay!
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