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Everything posted by jackers

  1. To be honest, I have played somewhere close to 100 Fenders, (my own, other people's and shop stock; I am fender mad ), and I have only disliked 1 of them. It was an MiM, perfectly playable, nice build quality, but it sounded like cr@p, haha I understand that different people have different standards etc, but I'm not quite sure that I subscribe to the idea that you have to try a Fender before you buy it. I haven't found a Fender that I couldn't get on with within 2 or 3 minutes of casual playing. and besides, if you really don't like it, you have 7 days to return it and get another one
  2. I have dealt with GAK for every single bass I have bought online (about 5), and they have always been great. GAK's service is fantastic, and the basses have always been in perfect condition. All I've had to do is adjust the action to my preference, which takes 2 mins max. When I bought my 2012 P-bass in July I called them up and spoke to the bass guy in their store and he sorted me out with a great deal, including free delivery and a free set of strings. The bass arrived the next day, and I haven't had to touch the set up at all, it was perfect.
  3. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1356283528' post='1908778'] I've only ever tried Ashdown heads through Ashdown cabs and, in my very personal opinion, they've only ever sounded like mud playing through sludge [/quote] I've played quite alot of Ashdowns, and while a few do sound very wooly (their combos are the worst offenders), they are otherwise very nice, warm sounding heads (especially the ABM series). Oddly, one of the nicest Ashdown setups I have used is one of their budget range; a MAG600 head paired with a MAG410 Deep cab with my sansamp going through it. It gave the sansamp an incredible edge that I never never heard through another amp (other than my Landmark). I reckon the OP would get on very nicely with an ABM head
  4. Thanks for posting that, it was a great watch
  5. I've been thinking about getting a terror bass as my back up, and I would be very very interested in this Would be interested to know when you have an idea of cost too
  6. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1355847327' post='1903602'] Meet the [url="http://tech21nyc.com/products/amps/bass/vt1000.html"]VT Bass 1000 and VT Bass 1969[/url] (VT Bass with a power amp) as well as the [url="http://tech21nyc.com/products/amps/bass/landmark300.html"]Landmark 300[/url] (Bass Driver DI with a power amp). Not exactly small amps, but they're Tech 21's Sansamp Amps, which makes no sense whatsoever but who cares. Liam [/quote] I have the Landmark 300 and it is one hell of an amp. You can get some really nice sounds out of it (including SVT ofcourse), and they can be picked up fairly cheap secondhand. I just wish they still made the 600.
  7. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1355506331' post='1899452'] Yep rehearsals are not practices but times when a band gets together to fine tune songs not learn them. What a waste of time listening to someone work out a solo. Still surprised how many bands simply don't get it. [/quote] It depends whether it is an originals or covers band. If covers, then yea, definitely learn before rehearsal, but I would argue that if it is an originals band then learning/writing songs at practice is good.
  8. Check the for sale section near the bottom of the main page. Loads of kit pops up every day.
  9. if I remember correctly, there is a bulb in the curcuit that switches on if you are pushing the speakers too hard. The bulb is used as a fuse which will burn out and kill the curcuit before the cab gets damaged. The bulb will start to glow to tell you it is near burning out point. Try turning down the bass tone control and/or the master volume when you slap/pop.
  10. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193461-bcs-new-classifieds-section-your-opinions-please/"]http://basschat.co.u...pinions-please/[/url] This thread covers alot of people's opinions
  11. I politely messaged him saying his ad was dodgy and misleading, and he responded thanking me and saying he would amend it.
  12. I've done the same, though I doubt ebay will pay attention.
  13. have you seen this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tailor-made-Custom-shop-road-worn-Fender-Squier-Stratocaster-hardtail-or-tremolo/271117592621?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=017&category=33039&cmd=ViewItem "You are bidding on the neck plate only"..... That is not mentioned in the title at all. Apparently he is offering the winner the chance to purchase the guitar.....Surely that is against eBay rules?
  14. I have the larger model, and poly mode has worked fine for me straight out of the box. Yes, it's not as accurate, but I use it as a quick check, and for that it is great
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1354454367' post='1886070'] Binding is a ( usually) plastic edging to a fingerboard. [/quote] phwoar....that is gorgeous.
  16. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1354454166' post='1886067'] I think (rather, I'm convinced) it is decided, but rather than them manipulating phone votes which is completely illegal, they will manipulate everything else aside from the voting. [/quote] ^ this. I think the way it probably works is that the judges/show have their favourites and winners picked out already, and the phone vote is to keep any of the others in who aren't pre-selected. That way the public get their say, and nothing illegal goes on.
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354447409' post='1885961'] I prefer Rosewood, and given the choice I'd have no markings on the fretboard. [/quote] one of the nicest looking fingerboards I've ever had on a bass was the board on my aerodyne jazz basses, dark rosewood and no dots, beautiful
  18. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1354414116' post='1885780'] you've lost me too be honest dude. yes the musicians behind it may be great but i will not be persuaded to think that the X Factor is anything but awful.. its not music... and money is the last thing on my mind when it comes to music.... im with the joker [/quote] I believe you have missed the point of doddy's statement. It looks to me like he is suggesting that possible winners are chosen well in advance, irrespective of their musical talent (or lack thereof), and so it isn't really a singing or music contest, but a way to get people to buy albums at x-mas. Please correct me if I'm wrong Doddy
  19. you don't need to get the same nut, you just need one that has the same string spacing as yours.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1354393737' post='1885593'] White/Tort/Rosewood Sunburst/Tort/Rosewood Best P combos [/quote] what this man has said is the absolute truth just need to get myself an oly white one and I'm sorted for life
  21. oooo I regret selling my white t-bird so this is great for me.
  22. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1354013809' post='1880731'] Be aware, though, that what [i]you[/i] think are the "right people" may not actually exist, or may already be in their ideal bands. If you set your standards too high you will never even get started. [/quote] Ofcourse, by 'right people' I don't mean the perfect ones, I just mean I don't want to get saddled with people who I know are wrong because I'm too nice to say no haha. and yea, meeting for a drink and a chat sounds like a good idea.
  23. So, after the disaster that was my last band (see my other thread), I have decided to start my own band. It's going to be a pop-punk band, and I've have put up ads on joinmyband and gumtree, so hopefully I should get some interest soon My main issue is that I really want to get the right people for this, as I really want it to work out, but I struggle saying no to people if I see it isn't going to work out, so instead of getting the best people, I just end up with the first people who reply. I'm not sure of the best way to go about it, so I was wondering what you guys think. I did have a couple of ideas, like getting some of my friends to help audition them so I can get an idea of their playing, but beyond that I dunno what to do. Cheers
  24. the active EMGs are probably adding extra top-end which you will need to EQ back out using your amp. Spend a good amount of time finding out exactly how your amp's EQ works. Something I find useful to do with a graphic EQ is to sit down, set it all flat and boost/cut each slider in turn, to see how each one affects my sound. You can then learn which areas you like and which you don't and boost/cut appropriately. If it's just a simple bass/mids/treble EQ, then the same thing applies, but you won't have as much control over the frequencies. For classic rock I always find a fairly safe bet is a slight bass boost (and mids to taste) along with a slight treble cut.
  25. I have a 2012 USA P-bass and it sounds fantastic. The CS pick-ups give one of the nicest P-bass tones I have ever heard, I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but it just sounds better to my ears than the 08 P it replaced. I went into a music shop to do some comparing, and ended up not wanting to play any other basses once the 2012 P was in my hands
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