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Everything posted by jackers

  1. So, after some fantastic customer service from GAK, I have ordered a 2012 P-bass in 3-Tone Sunburst with a rosewood fingerboard. It will be with me on Tuesday morning, and I'm very excited to see and hear it. Basically, the bass guy in the GAK store saw I had logged in to the website and placed the bass in my basket, but then not hit buy. So he rang me up and offered me a great deal on the bass, throwing in some free DR Hi-beams and cheap before 12pm delivery. I was very impressed by the time he was willing to spend calling me and talking to me about the bass, even giving it a check over for me to check the setup and action. EDIT: It has now arrived, and here are some pics (they are not the best quality unfortunately) [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/jackers1234/photo3-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/jackers1234/photo5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/jackers1234/photo1-3.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Nice bass I love the aerodyne models. I sold mine a while back for about 400. So I would say 400-450 is a sensible starting point.
  3. Hey all, I got a little bored a couple of months ago when my leg was broken and decided to write and record a bassline to Remedy by Little Boots, which I think actually turned out ok haha. So I thought I would post it up here to see what people thought. (It's best to listen with headphones) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P3xf-vmzTY Any feedback or comments are appreciated Adam
  4. I think what Liam meant was that the RMS figure is stated for 4 Ohms, and the figure for 8 Ohms is typically about 50-70% of this. So 500W RMS is 500W @ 4 Ohms, and about 300W @ 8 Ohms.
  5. also, that bang goes the theory vid is good simon thanks for posting it.
  6. i got 1,2 and 3 up, and 4 down. (Edit for being slow )
  7. I have just completed a cab trade with Marco. My Epi 212 for his EBS 110 and 112, with some cash his way. Marco is a great guy, very helpful and excellent communication He made the trade as easy as it could possibly have been. Would happily recommend Enjoy the Epifani man!
  8. hehe. I shall post pics when she arrives I am currently waiting on PMT Oxford to get some 2012 P-basses in for me to try.
  9. I would also be interested in finding out about the mods necessary. I might be looking at getting the VT 1000. Also, what is it about the amps that makes them fail to comply with RoHS?
  10. Is it bad that I get a bit annoyed when I see people doing stuff like this to, what could very well be, a genuine '65 P-bass body. Just....why???
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USA-1965-VINTAGE-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-GUITAR-BODY-ORIGINAL-RARE-USA-/370623034184?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item564adab348 This is so hideous that part of me hopes that it isn't actually a genuine '65 body. "Original Olympic White finish was removed"...and apparently replaced with what looks like decking varnish. I was also unaware that 60's P-basses had any significant bridge routing...so someone has basically taken a chisel and hacked great lumps of wood out. (Quite badly too, judging by the edges of the hole.)
  12. gorgeous! will you accept payment in souls? (or possibly kidneys) haha.
  13. I am currently in the process of doing a cab trade with Ghost_bass, which involves me sending my Epi 212 to Portugal, and him sending 2 EBS cabs to me. I have elected to use Worldwide Parcel Services, standard delivery with full insurance coming to £50, which really isn't bad at all. Once the trade is done I shall report back
  14. the LH1000 and one of the cabs used to belong to me, and I can vouch for them both being fantastic bits of kit and Pablo is a great guy to deal with.
  15. haha well, until I started liking 3TS, I was strictly a maple fingerboard kinda guy, but the 3TS/RW/tort combo is so nice, lol.
  16. After much deliberation, I have decided that it has to be RW for me. It just looks 'right' with 3TS and a tort guard. 2012 P-bass here I come? haha.
  17. to give an example that is fairly different from others that have been said, Tyson Ritter from The All-American Rejects does a very good job combining bassist and frontman. sure, his basslines aren't the most complex things, but they do have melodic variations and fills while he is singing, and he is good at engaging with an audience.
  18. I usually prefer maple aswell, but there is something about rosewood and 3TS together that looks very appealing to me. the more I look at the maple board 3TS, the more I like it, haha.
  19. Hey all, I know this is subjective and all, but I am currently looking for a secondhand P-bass, and have seen two nice 3TS ones, one with a maple fingerboard and the other with rosewood. Now, they both look gorgeous, but part of me thinks that maple on 3TS looks a bit un-natural compared to rosewood for some reason :S lol. I was just wondering what you lot think?
  20. make me some offers people what's the worst that can happen.
  21. Nice cabs I don't suppose you would consider an Epifani UL212 as a part trade? If not then you shall have a pm when my cab sells.
  22. I recently tried out a bunch of different fenders in my local music shop, (see: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176714-so-i-tried-some-p-basses-yesterday"]http://basschat.co.u...asses-yesterday[/url] ) and until I did this, I would have said yes, as I have bought several of my P-basses blind and they have all been brilliant. However, after I did this I would say that you definitely shouldn't buy an MiM blind, as the quality of them varies wildly from one bass to another. I would probably still buy a USA or an MIJ without trying first, but I am much more wary now. (Edit for spelling)
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