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Everything posted by jackers

  1. that is very disappointing I would definitely take it back to the shop. but don't be too disheartened, because when fender gets it right, the USA basses are brilliant. All three of my USA fenders (2Js and 1P) have been really well built with no issues. Although the simple fact that not every USA Fender is like this for over 1000 quid is a bit worrying :S
  2. [quote name='smurfitt' timestamp='1327678896' post='1515292'] or woodgrain. [/quote] Heathen! haha They are some really nice sonic blue, proper white and CAR matching headstock MIJ basses on ebay from japanese stores. Everytime I see them I want to sell body parts and buy them.
  3. hehe, always happy to help. (P.S. you know you want it......)
  4. I almost bought that cherry burst bass a few months ago, it is gorgeous and plays amazingly well.
  5. i'm pretty sure all of ishibashi's instruments are used, (although they are all in great shape), don't quote me on this though. you also have to pay the postage listed, as well as import tax. There are plenty of sites around that let you calculate how much this will be.
  6. it looks like there is a queue, haha
  7. seriously tempted......I've wanted one of these since I was 13 haha.
  8. i would say the peavey 6505+ or possibly the 5150. Engl also do some very nice heads for metal.
  9. hahaha. it's strangely catchy
  10. Has he played the bass yet? I used to have the same viewpoint until I properly sat down with a few of the chinese squiers and realised how bloody good they are. Judging a bass simply on where it has been made will make you miss out on some truly cracking basses. I would get him to sit down with the bass for at least an hour and play it. If it feels nice to play, sounds good and balances well, then who cares where it's made Also, if the sound from the pickups isn't quite what he is after, a pickup swap to the standard black tbird pickups is very very easy.
  11. I have recently acquired an epifani 212, and my Ashdown MiBass 550 sounds fantastic through it. I would recommend trying it out if you have a chance.
  12. bump for a gorgeous bass I have one just like it, they look and sound amazing.
  13. [quote name='Jerry_B' timestamp='1327349256' post='1509831'] Blimey, hark at you lot - and here's me thinking that anything over 350 quid needs more thought... [/quote] haha we aren't saying it doesn't need serious and careful thought. Only that the figure each of us says would be the upper before we say 'no, that's too much', irrespective of how nice the bass may look or sound etc.
  14. probably a good job too, hehe. saves me from spending too much
  15. haha, i know it's a GAS related interest, so I just wanna have a look at some pics before spending the money i don't have XD
  16. ahaha no worries, i shall look forward to the new pics.
  17. interesting...personally, at the moment I don't think I could ever justify more than 800-1000 on a bass, and even then I would have to really love it. I look at more expensive basses and just think that it really isn't worth it to me. My USA Jazz cost me 700 on here, and it is everything I want from a bass; it feels great to play, sounds perfect, and every time I look at it, it makes me want to play.
  18. would it be possible to get some better pics than the original ad? it's quite difficult to see the bass clearly.
  19. [quote name='razze06' timestamp='1327321218' post='1509183'] The jazz and precision aerodyne appear very similar (same PJ configuration, same body contouring, possibly same neck profile etc), but when I bought mine i played them both, and found the precision to be less aggressive and better suited for vintage sounds. All IME and IMO. [/quote] Fair enough I forgot to add to my post that the jazz has the slimmer neck, which is why I suggested that over the aerodyne p. Both are awesome basses though.
  20. phwoarr.......I may have to look at my finances if this is still available....very interested
  21. +1 for the aerodyne jazz. It can do everything from snarling rock to fat, warm vintage. great basses.
  22. I've just got back from my first band practice using my new rig, and I have to say....wow! The MiBass sounded incredible and it was so easy to get the exact tone I wanted. It sat perfectly in the mix and was easily loud enough with the volume at just under half. Paired with my Epifani 212 and the sansamp the tone was killer. I can't comment on the shape and deep switches yet, as I didn't use them, but the eq was very user-friendly, and the parametric eq provides great versatility. I would say that anyone considering getting one of these should definitely go for it, you will not regret it.
  23. me likey alot you have a great voice, and the song is very catchy. The only bit I didn't really like was the intro 40 seconds, but that's a very small gripe I would love to hear anything else you have recorded in this type of genre.
  24. to those with experience of DR strings... out of Hibeams, lo-riders and sunbeams, which would you say holds their tone the longest? also, any recommendations for coated strings to help give a driving tone, but that aren't ridiculously bright? Cheers
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