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Everything posted by jackers

  1. Pics can be seen here: http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y234/jackers1234/My%20Pics/
  2. i'm afraid I'm not really looking for any trades, as I have just bought my new rig, but as always, it can't hurt to offer (I don't bite )
  3. yea, the 12s sound really meaty, i love them. I'm afraid I don't have much experience with markbass stuff I've only played through a Markbass rig once for about 15 mins while testing out my jazz bass, so I wouldn't be able to give you a good comparison, sorry.
  4. so, I have just taken delivery of an epifani ul2 212 courtesy of old horse murphy (cheers man ), and had a quick test of the mibass at bedroom levels. I have to say I am seriously impressed. This is the first head and cab I have played where I would seriously consider playing without my sansamp, it sounds that good. The rig will get it's first real test at my rehearsal next week, but so far I have high hopes
  5. Just bought Nick's Epifani UL2 212 cab. Very good communication and he even drove it down to me. Cab looks and sounds great so far, cheers man
  6. My last band had a great drummer, but we found that he really struggled on the few occasions I had to miss a practice, because he got the rhythm and feel of the song from my basslines. That didn't make him any less of a great drummer, but it just meant that I had to occasionally look over in his direction and have a few cues etc. People learn instruments in different ways, you just need to find out what is the best way for your guy
  7. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1326243329' post='1494521'] where from out of interest? [/quote] some of the american sellers on ebay. quick postage and great strings.
  8. it depends on what genre you are playing really. What type of thing are you guys going for? I used to be in the same position of just assuming I didn't write songs, since I was the bassist, but recently with starting up my new band I thought I would give it a go. My band plays pop-punk, so I came up with some chord patterns and rhythms for the verse and chorus of a song, recorded them, and sent them to our guitarists to write some lead lines over. I have now got several recorded 'songs' that I have written, and I really enjoy writing. Writing songs on bass is alot easier than alot of people think, you just have to make sure you understand what role is required by the bass in your band. (I.e. don't go writing Primus type basslines to show the band if you are there to hold down the bottom end etc). I also found that listening to similar music to the stuff I'm trying to write really helped. It gave me a really good understanding of the structure of a pop-punk song, as well as common progressions and rhythms used.
  9. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1326216725' post='1493977'] Seriously though this thread has got me wondering... I have sweat like battery acid and even a decent set of strings won't last more than 2 weeks. i have to play Steel because i'm allergic to nickel. I'm using LoRiders at the moment because I like the extra tension and long life but they ain't the cheapest and now I'm doing more gigs I'm starting to wonder if I should get the cheapo ones and just change more often. The LoRiders i put on last week cost me £35 and they are like rubber bands already! Finances alone means every set gets an isopropyl bath and used twice. The best ones I ever had were a set of Thomastik infeld 45-105 they lasted over a month but they aren't easy to get hold of and they are incredibly expensive. [/quote] I recently bought a set of LoRiders, SunBeams and HiBeams from the US (for comparison). Including shipping it came to £16.50 for each set, which is almost 20 quid cheaper than some places sell them in this country. So if you like the LoRiders, then that would be worth looking into
  10. I already have the hydrive 410, but cos it's a large square shape I can't lift it easily. I'm not sure how loud the hx112s are, cos I am planning on use this rig to take to rehearsals with 2 guitars and a drummer
  11. hey alex can you tell me about the orange sp cabs? I'm interested in the 212 version. I want to be able to take it to band rehearsals, but i dunno if it would be loud enough. I have read some varying reviews on them, some saying they lack power and they are more like 110s than 210s.
  12. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1326198499' post='1493570'] Not quite true - the US does have supplies but stopped producing when it became uneconomic to compete with China. They will resume production when its economic to do so. Rare earth metals are not as rare as the name would suggest. [/quote] Fair enough. I was commenting from my knowledge of trying to order a few rare-earths for my research, they are pretty much impossible to get from anywhere except china, which can take months, lol.
  13. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1326197615' post='1493545'] Neodymium on the other hand does seem to be worse off - it's more the price of material than it's scarcity. I read that China seem to be limiting supply purposely to drive up prices. [/quote] This is true. China have almost all of the worlds supply of rare-earth metals, so they have a monopoly on neodymium, among other things.
  14. For me, music is one of the few things that has always 'made sense' to me. When I was younger I was quite socially introverted, and didn't really understand how to interact with people, so I picked up instruments instead. Thankfully, now that I'm a bit older, I am much better at social interaction haha, but I still often find music is what I turn to when stressed or upset. The most important thing to me though, is that picking up my bass just puts a smile on my face. Whether I'm writing and rehearsing with my band, playing a gig, or just noodling at home in my room, within 30 seconds of playing the first note I have the biggest smile on my face, and all the other bollocks from elsewhere in my life disappears.
  15. hey cheers for your reply. you make a very good point, I totally forgot to include that info I use a sansamp bddi to get my tone, so I am ideally after something quite transparent to get the tone of the sansamp through the cab. I play pop-punk mostly, with some funk thrown in aswell. My main concern for changing rigs was weight, cos as nice is my hartke sounds, i can't move it without a car.
  16. hey all, I know this sort of topic probably comes up alot, but here goes anyway I am getting a new lightweight rig, and have just bought an Ashdown MiBass. So I am now left with the decision about what cab to buy to go with it. I have managed to narrow my search a little (I think ), down to these cabs: - Barefaced Super Twelve (Probably the most expensive of my options at £740, but definitely worth the extra from what I'm told) - GK Neo 212 - GK 212MBE - Epifani UL 212 - Berg 212 Neo (the downside to this will be finding one secondhand) - EBS Neo 212 (same problem as above) If anyone else has any good recommendation then I will add it to the list My main issue is that I am not able to try out most of these before I buy, so I wanted to hear some people's opinions of the various options I have. I know that the barefaced is most likely the best option, and the most powerful cab, but to be honest it is a little out of my price range, (as much as I try to convince myself it is ), but I can budget to afford it if it is my best bet. Cheers for any advice you can give
  17. that's cool I am looking for a lightweight 212, and the gk seems very good value. At the moment my main options are the GK MBE, the GK neos, a barefaced super twelve (which is much more expensive, lol), or looking out for a secondhand ebs or bergantino neo. I will look forward to your full review.
  18. how light are the cabs? and what kind of sound do they have? I've been looking at the 212 version, but I can't get anywhere to try one.
  19. has no-one else got the urge to call troll yet?
  20. i would say try both before you decide, to see which one is more 'you' The jazz has a slightly thinner neck, and IMO, if you are after a 'one size fits all' type of bass, then the jazz is a much better bet than the rick.
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