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Posts posted by jackers

  1. I finally pulled the trigger and bought one of these today. I don't have a cab to go with it at the moment, but I have been playing it through headphones, and it sounds very nice. I'm looking forward to getting a cab in the next couple of weeks, and giving it a good test at band practice :) I will be able to post a better review of it then.

  2. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1325766074' post='1487224']
    Schroeder 2X12- very light- quite transparent with a bit of a mid bump ( which I EQ out to be a little more natural sounding- then EQ back in for a gig. cannot imagine how anyone would need anything louder- you would destroy your hearing first.

    If you are walking just use one of those potable trolleys from B and Q.

    which shroeder model is that?

  3. thanks for all the replies and advice all :) it seems my best options would be to either start off with a compact, then add a midget, or to go for a super 12. (I'm not keen on tweeters, I dislike the 'glassy-ness' they add to the highs in my sound.)

    I am also interested in the aggie stuff, but I have no way to really try any out, cos no where near oxford stocks them. PMT Oxford has a great selection of fender basses, and some nice bass heads, but their compact cab range is quite limited, they only seem to have that orange 212 with both speakers in line one behind the other, which I have been told to avoid by quite a few people.

    I'm really not too fussed about how 'cool' my rig looks on stage to be honest, as long as it sounds nice then people can think what they like :) (plus I love the look of the barefaced stuff).

  4. wow, thanks for all the responses so quickly :) and thank you for the pointer on reading up on displacement Bill, I have been finding the barefaced website really useful for finding out exactly what everything means :) Hopefully I will hear from alex again soon, he said he would email me back in the new year. (Really great communication from you guys btw, very helpful and friendly.)

    I didn't know they did a 30 day trial, cheers straightsix :) I will definitely take alex up on that when he recommends me something.

    at the moment my main concern is getting something portable but loud enough for rehearsal use, as I don't live far from where my band practices (about 5 mins walk), and am getting fed up of having to rent their rather poor bass amps. So I have to say I am tempted by the idea of a midget or compact to start, then picking up a second midget later, but I will see what happens.

  5. Hey all,

    I am currently in the process of getting a smaller, lightweight rig that I can take to practices and move around more easily. I think I have decided on an Ashdown MiBass 550W for the head, but I am currently unsure of what would be a good choice for a cab (both in terms of make and configuration).

    Ideally I want something that is light enough for me to carry around for short-ish distances, (I don't drive), and also loud enough to be used for practices with my band, (5 piece pop-punk with drums, 2 guitars and vocals, think paramore/all time low). I have been exchanging a couple of emails with alex at barefaced about a super 12, as they are lightweight, and I have heard nothing but great things on here. I've also been looking into the various different combinations of 212s and 112s by other manufacturers, (orange, aguilar and tc so far), and I am getting a bit confused about it all.

    Since I don't drive, it is quite difficult for me to get to places to try out all the options I have, (I am planning to make a trip to barefaced at some point once I have the MiBass to try the super 12 though), so I was wondering what other people's thoughts are on this. Is a 112 going to be enough for band practice when paired with the MiBass? If not, is it better to get a 212, or 2 x 112s?

    Thanks for any advice :)

  6. I bought a new set of DR Sunbeams recently, put them on my bass today, played for about 15 mins, then realised that I wanted to save them for when I get my new gear in a couple of weeks, so I took them off and put them back in the paper sleeves. Will they still sound as new and be as good when I put them on my bass again in a couple of weeks?

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