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Everything posted by jackers

  1. La Bella flats are very nice. You can get them in light (43-104) and extra light (39-96) as well as the heavier gauges.
  2. the XLR out should not affect the signal being sent to your cabs at all Do you have a local tech that you take your gear to? If you do, they maybe take it to them for a check over
  3. There is a decent choice for gauges of flats from what I have seen. If you want to retain some of the brightness you would get from rounds, have a look at D'addario Chromes. You can get them in 40-100 or 40-95 light gauges and they can be had for about 25 quid from GAK.
  4. I think my OTB is about 18 months old, so that is definitely possible
  5. yea, I've found the same, with the stock tubes break starts a little past half way, which is what I would expect from most gain controls really.
  6. the best P bass I've played is the Dingwall Super P5 (passive, ofcourse). It was truly superb. I would need to sell myself to be able to afford it though
  7. cheers for all the different settings guys I'm hoping to be able to A/B it with my Landmark soon to see if it is a keeper.
  8. now that I would contact eBay/paypal about. sounds very dodgy to me.
  9. lol, how did you know about my shoes? unfortunately, to me at least, these few posts stick in my head far better than alot of the nice ones. Why? because I see being nice to another person as a very basic courtesy, and I see being nasty as taking extra time and effort specifically to put someone down. I do think that I'm not alone in noticing an increase in unpleasant comments around here in recent months.
  10. Is this actually a problem on here? Or is everyone getting into a big punch-up over a hypothetical situation? Personally, since i joined the forum in 2009/10 I haven't seen anyone try to properly 'flip' items the way a power-trader would. Sure, a few people might ask for 40 or 50 quid more than he paid for something, but as has been said so many times before, an item is only worth what someone is willing to buy it for. I always sell stuff for the same as what I bought it for (or less), but I don't feel the need to get outraged by how much another member wants for their bass/cab/whatever. If any serious attempts at flipping do happen, then they will get dealt with in the ways the mods have already pointed out. I think by far the more serious problem at the moment is the sheer amount of arguing and personal insults that people are throwing at each other recently. Come on guys, none of us are that bad really, are we?
  11. the roland cube amps have mono and stereo inputs. I use the stereo in to play along to music from my iPad with and without headphones.
  12. I also use eBay stores (some in the US) for my DR strings, I recently bought 3 sets of sunbeams from the US for 18 quid a set including postage. Great service and fast delivery OT: good to hear you are getting it sorted.
  13. I recently depped for a band on a few of their tour dates (they don't have a permanent bassist) and I found that facebook was invaluable for getting places to sleep after the shows, (as well as getting more people down to shows). Really helped keep the costs down.
  14. He didn't want to risk entertaining us with his videos.
  15. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360255507' post='1967526'] Oh that's so nice to hear! Thanks mate! [/quote] when is the new EP out? [quote name='urb' timestamp='1360253561' post='1967474'] I saw this recently and I think it sums up a lot of these arguments: [media]http://youtu.be/ByglxFeQBOY[/media] [/quote] I enjoyed that, he makes a good point.
  16. to change direction slightly, I just wanted to say that I love Kit's new single Nige and the video made me smile. Just wonderful
  17. but which is better for metal, an artist or an entertainer?
  18. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1360011593' post='1963617'] Sorry for the thread resurrection! But just been looking at some reviews for the squier jazz deluxe V, and found this. Not only is his playing extremely OTT, he can also make the instrument sound gash! I've got one of these on the way.... if I watched this video I may have had second thoughts!! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reOvF025cVQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=reOvF025cVQ[/url] [/quote] I watched that and still had no idea how the bass actually sounded too much tapping way up the neck and too many bloody ghost/dead notes.
  19. nice one man good looking bass and the tunes are great
  20. damn, all the positive reviews are giving me GAS.... haha
  21. is it this one: http://www.usspeaker.com/faital%20pro%2015PR400-1.htm ?
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359749134' post='1959942'] Remove the strings first. [/quote] haha, ofcourse silly me.
  23. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1359737704' post='1959679'] I've got a feeling he likes the band Asking Alexandra. [/quote] Really can't see why tbh.
  24. What do you guys reckon to this one then? http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/brand-new-asking-alexandria-style-metalcore-band--t463399.html IMO the guy comes across as a complete dick - mostly CAPS and immediately goes for the ' I wanna be famous' thing. Seems very controlling too
  25. Ok, it should be a simple fit. Unscrew the old bridge, place the new bridge ontop and check that the holes line up properly, if they do then screw the new bridge in gently and put some strings through to check it lines up.
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