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Everything posted by jackers

  1. nice one looking forward to seeing the vid. I really want to learn then whole song at some point.
  2. I really enjoy playing pull me under until it gets to that arpeggio bit, then it just gets silly good luck with the songs my new years bass resolution has been to learn songs outside my comfort genres, mostly focusing on funk/motown/soul stuff.
  3. I've heard it described by a few people as 'what happens when you let a guitarist mess around with what he thinks your bass should sound like' (not a good thing btw )
  4. that gold looks very nice but why ruin it with the covers..
  5. I'm currently using ampeg 2x10s, but in the past I have used a 2x12, 2 1x12s, and 410s.
  6. I would add Zack Merrick from All Time Low. In general, pop-punk doesn't get mentioned on here much, but Zack is a really talented bass player and adds some really nice bass lines fills to ATL's songs. If you watch/listen to stuff from their live DVD, you can see alot of the embellishments he adds to lines.
  7. humbuckers are 'only good for metal' eh? I guess someone forgot to tell gibson and gretsch that then...... how the hell do people fall for this crap.
  8. stop horsing around guys (already got my coat) vaguely on topic: what do people use to tame the DI signal on the OTB?
  9. ah ok. I didn't check that more research needed then.
  10. the line 6 mobile in looks great will need to get an adapter for the lightning connector to go with it though.
  11. now that looks very interesting the VT bass did really need a DI, so I think I may well be getting me one of these.
  12. I would say either: Ampeg SVT and Sealed 8x10, Aguilar DB750 and 2 DB410s, Mesa 400+ and Mesa 410s/412s
  13. Thanks guys will give them a go. anyone else?
  14. Hey all, I've just received my lovely Orange Terror Bass and I'm very happy with it I was just wandering what settings people use to get that lovely warm tubey goodness I currently have a P-bass with fairly dead rounds on it. Cheers
  15. looking at that made me wince
  16. wow, that sucks man I hope you get it sorted soon. R.E. the MM forums, they are well known for locking and deleting any threads that highlight a problem with any MM instrument, as well as being very aggressive in messages towards anyone who creates these threads.
  17. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1359029689' post='1948638'] Also reminds me of the Olympics, our sax player's band was offered a jazz spot by the Olympics organisers as part of the festival, but they weren't to be paid (he's a professional sax player). The benefit of playing to a good crowd, being part of the Olympics was to be enough. He said 'no'. Were the doormen, bar staff, cleaners, technicians also doing it for nothing? I doubt it. Had a similar thing in the Motown band, a charity do, we were asked to do it for half price. We did, good cause and all that. No food (had to go to a local pub for some grub), nowhere to get changed. Were the bar staff and anyone else paid half? Of course not. Did the band get thanked for our £600 contribution to the charity? No. It was made clear that we could have one non-alcoholic drink from the bar and we were asked to hurry to clear away so the staff could go home. I was not my normally cheerful giver that night. Ok, rant over. [/quote] I've noticed that alot of places and people treat live music as a bit of an 'extra'. They don't see the musicians as professionals, even if they do it for a living, so people get a bit indignant when they find out they are expected to pay them as they would bar staff and caterers.
  18. I once got told that I didn't get the bassist spot in a band I auditioned for because I 'don't have a van'...you can imagine my reply I'm sure
  19. (fnar fnar ) good luck!
  20. this sort of thing is rife in Reading. In my last band we used to make the most of it. We would agree to play and go along with all their rambling about bringing people, but would use the 'gigs' to chat to the other bands and see them play. If we liked them then we would get their numbers and put on our own gigs with the bands.
  21. nice the more expensive mockingbird and eagle basses are beautiful, but so hard to find.
  22. The PMT Oxford store is great, but their online shop struggled to get something sent to the Oxford store when I used to live 1 minute away from it. GAK have always been fantastic, as have Andertons.
  23. wow, that is beautiful if only I hadn't just bought a new rig haha. good luck with the sale Mel
  24. The Pi looks interesting, but the MiBass 2.0 is a disaster waiting to happen IMO. For a start, they have removed everything that made the MiBass 1 interesting (parametric mids, separate lo and hi mid controls etc), and left us with this 5 knob box. Also, it is not 640W. It is 400W RMS (640W Peak), and that raises some suspicion from me tbh. Why would they quote the peak wattage? Ofcourse, if it is good then all is fine with me, but it is a shaky start.
  25. [quote name='lastnotleast' timestamp='1358770527' post='1944592'] You don't get off that easy! Current rate of exchange; 1.00 U.S Dollar = 0.63 British Pound Sterling The Promethan looks good except it has no effects loop for my DI-100/Sonic Maximiser. [/quote] I'm afraid it's not that simple. AFAIK, alot of gear prices are 'inflated' in the EU (not sure why, possibly to cover the overheads of shipping etc.). So it is difficult to tell you what would be within your budget, because the prices we pay for gear often won't be what you pay.
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