Marcus Müller
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Everything posted by Marcus Müller
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='blackmn90' post='927100' date='Aug 17 2010, 12:21 AM']ps. Not trying to be annoying, just my thumb hurts from practising [/quote] i luv dem retro amps - ma mane gitar is huv won. so wont give too ya - zlappity zlapp boing! peese and luv! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='blackmn90' post='927081' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:51 PM']If your retired fancy donating me a bass to practice on [/quote] deers no respeck fur a gitar yu gain wivvowt cost. I not been rood juss fillisofical. zlapp! bless XX -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='grumble' post='927076' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:44 PM']Ok thats enough of this silliness, back to bed the lot of you. Would the real Mr. Muller-Fokker please stand up ! Theres a distinct aroma of Del Var about all of this. Oh wait, is it me ? The doctor did say the pre-change drugs might have some unusual effects on my mental health. Oh dear now I really don't know.[/quote] play buss lotz - den yoo huv no need fur druggs. buss is de only druggs we all needs! sorry fur yoo if yoo is sick - god bless. -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='mep' post='927051' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:08 PM'] LOL. I think you have him in a Muller Corner now! This is one of the the most amusing threads I have read for a while. I will be keeping a eye on this while it runs, and enjoyed getting Mullered![/quote] pleez its Müller no Muller. ah always sit zee corna fur praktiz so yoo iz rite,,,ha ha ha! god bless - fank you zlappp....! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Shonks' post='926994' date='Aug 16 2010, 10:12 PM']there aint no gigs no matter how good you are!!...hahaha! thats why all the top guys are playing the west end shows or doin weddings for pennies[/quote] daz iz goot! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='blackmn90' post='926923' date='Aug 16 2010, 09:02 PM']Wouldnt the best buss gitar zlapper ever have lots of gigs and rehearsals to be getting to instead off letting us inferior buss gitar zlappers know that we are indeed no competition. Actually instead of being on here so much im going to practice and challenge you to a zlapp off![/quote] lern da musik - but not uz a challenj to be beeta dan ennyone elz. be az gud as you cun be. My only problem I huv is ma competitiveness . das wi ah am da best bassist heer. vantin too praktiz dis iz gud artitood too huv. yoo must praktiz to be as gud playa as me. yoo must praktiz too be gud rearguardless off me annyway. regardin ma vork. - i is retirered now unt only do seshunz or gigs if day reelly beg me - ah dont need ze munny enymoor. fanx for yur consern. love - bless! zlappidiy zlap zlap boing!!! i fank yoo -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Pete Academy' post='926809' date='Aug 16 2010, 07:33 PM']You look familiar. Did we not meet over a sunbed dispute in Tenerife, 1998?[/quote] i hardlee eva dizpuwt wid peoples - I only into peese and harmonies. dis is wy i play da buss de best. I is onlee huv de luv in ma hart! i howp yoo give zee udda guy de sun bed - dis wood be gud kahma fur yoo- gud kahma mayks for a gud bussist! hugs fo yu! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='926758' date='Aug 16 2010, 06:54 PM']Has anyone seen Angela Merkel in public recently? [/quote] Angela Merkel ist not my wife.i is deny deez allegashuns -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Pete Academy' post='926755' date='Aug 16 2010, 06:45 PM']Pleased to meet you, Marcus. Do you have any recordings or videos you can post, so we can witness your awesome technique?[/quote] ya, i am on many fing you is famalia wid, but ah like to keep lo profile - not to show off - it is bad karhma. but a lot off tings yo fink is one off de masters ,is axtually me playin - but sine contract for lot of dollars not to say. but yoo need any help just aks me. yu cun tell if i gud, if de frute off de tree is gut, yoo no de tree is gud...no? god bless -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Mykesbass' post='926717' date='Aug 16 2010, 06:04 PM']Hey Marcus, How's the signature model coming on - I heard there were copyright issues when they wanted to name it the Fender Precision Muller Lyte![/quote] fanx, it wood be cool to huv a sig buss. I could do what Marcus Miller dun.....get dem to mayk de bus llook like mine but wiv cheep stuff innit. just incays it really did sound like ma buss, cant av dat can we... I get a royalty for every dummcoof who buy into the stoopid idea...hahaha! but i is more honest dan dat....happy to help effery wun wiv ma knowledj. bless -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='The Bass Doc' post='926688' date='Aug 16 2010, 05:26 PM']Greetings Marcus, I have a friend who would like to obtain some body-building steroids which are not quite legal in this country. Something tells me you may be able to help? I'm glad you've clarified that you are not German so I may assume you have a sense of humour:- Once when I was in Dusseldorf I took a clock to a recommended repairman and told him it only ever went 'Tick, tick'. He fixed it by screaming to the clock face 'VE HAF VAYS OF MAKING YOU TOCK'.[/quote] fanks - i fink i doo huv sense oh hyooma. but i judge yur joke, and i fink you dont. haha! hope yu is betta on da buss playin dan de joek telling. I huf way of makin yoo play gud if yoo need any help. love and peese -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
ah fink sum kynda explanashun is wanted. I keep gitink PM's fromm yoos thinks I is German. I have a German name butt i is livin in New York, in an apartment call Berlin Mansions. Ma name is close too thut off Marcus Miller cos after I teach hin too play he changes his name to mine, but he got it rong, coz of my acczent, he fort i sed Miller instead of Müller . yu goota larf innit. hees a siily git, but gut bussist. Jaco was gonna change ees name afta I tort him to play Donna Lee, but I sed his mamma wood be upset wiv dat. Can yu imajin? Jaco Müllstorius he rote Teen Town rite after i tort him Donna Lee. What a klever bussist! He ripped of France Roccos' teknik from de Tower of Power unt refined it (nawtee boi), cum up wiv sum of dose harmonic ideas wich i ipsired him wid. what a guy. Im even Not gonna even teel ya wot i did wiv Stanley or Larry.....but it was gud. hope dis cleers evereting up fur yoos god bless us! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
has becum an epik thred isntit. I is broken basschat vorld rekord for de biggest introdukshun thred isnitit! cos iam de best bussit heer. i new wen i sine on dis site, efferywun wood no wun off de grates wen day ssee it. i no yoos all is veer eckzited fur to huv brilliunce amungst yoos. huppy i am too fur too share ma knowledj wiv yoo all. pleez dont be timid to ask me fur enny advize! god love and blezz uz all - we is all veery lukky to be abell fur to play de buss, itz a gift of god!! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='926579' date='Aug 16 2010, 03:40 PM']By the accent Markus you don't sound typically West German are you an 'Ostie'? If so you must have lots of tales to tell of the Stasi and long journeys couped up in the boot of Trabants being smuggled over the Austrian border yes? Or of the large queues to buy groceries? How things have changed in Germany since those times. Over here we just queue to register as unemployed, so don't get the benefit of even a stale piece of Dunkelbrot. How things have changed over here. Since those times. What type of bass do you play? I bet you are constantly nipping down to Thomann to try new gear out![/quote] dont vorry bowt pollytix. play de muzak wid yur bass isolatze yu from all dat. be creative wiv de love, and play gut, if be bitter, yu play schitt. i huv top bass made myelf. based on de Fender Jazzz. it tiz de diffinteev buss, all de ovver busses is jusr diztracshun and excuzes not fur playin gud. Fender bass , hit nail on hed... all de rest is crapp. Thomann is rip off schopp. god bless -
praktis praktis - 1 unt all
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
it ees soh gut no-ink i can help yoos bussists becum betta players. love to all -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='skankdelvar' post='926533' date='Aug 16 2010, 03:04 PM']Welcome to the forum I like your style, Herr Muller (please excuse the missing umlaut). Berlin, eh? That brings back some memories. Late in 1970, I flew to Berlin to drop off some cash for my old Red Army Faction pals Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof. At that meeting, they were accompanied by a fidgety, rather nervous girl named Gudrun 'Nitro' Muller, who was their principal bomb-maker. Notwithstanding a violent twitch, Fraulein Muller was blessed with remarkably pneumatic attributes and pleasing, cupid's bow lips. Scenting interest, I turned on the old Del Var charm and matters took their course, as they will. Next morning, we parted tearfully at Tempelhof and I never saw her again By strange coincidence, my operational cover name was 'Markus'. Enjoy your time here and welcome to the BC family.[/quote] zer interazant, you all so kynd in velcomin me at yur site!! but yu shud fank me tu, cos huvvin such a gut buss gitarist on yur site must be gut fur yoo all...no?? i fink yezz!! peese unt happinezz fur yoo all unt god bless! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Clarky' post='926511' date='Aug 16 2010, 02:45 PM']BBC was my guess, based on the deliberately provocative GF slapping comment and the fact that he must have worked his way through the sheep of New Zealand by now![/quote] i not fark sheep, fankyou veer much. I is de hottest bussist here - yu is prbablee yelous. but no need to be. happy, I am to share all my buss nolidge for you all. yu - tiz possibal to be asz gut ass me wiv hart verk. is troo thow, haf verked for de BBC much in de past, ven day yussed to pay yooniun seshunn raitz. alas - not worf getting from out zee bed now for dem. -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='Truckstop' post='926376' date='Aug 16 2010, 12:50 PM']Ha Ha Ha "....and your mother smells of elderberries!"[/quote] diz is mostly spooky - she duz smell od elderberris - I hope you is not ma papa? peese and luv to all!! keep practisink yur buss tecknike - i fink you all need to! -
i am the best buss gitar zlapper ever
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Introductions
[quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='926338' date='Aug 16 2010, 12:20 PM']Guten Morgen Marcus. Wie gehts? Ich möchte daß du meine Muscle Suit und Unterseeboot abwehr Kanone holen. Und die Ziege und schwartzen bustenhalte. Danke.[/quote] hello - zanks for ze interanzts but i huf no need for bra or mucles sootz. dis iz only ma avitar - i not reely look dis way - i is moor handsome dan diz. not into gun or enyfing that can hurt peoples. only am a buss player. As i told efryone earlier - i am ze best playist here!! danke veer much!! -
[quote name='Marcus Müller' post='926274' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:14 AM']it is most inportant! do not be a musical illiterate!! an iternaztional langwage people of differnt kulchurs can still communicate wiv ze muzak. it is hard at 1st if yu lurn wid de ears 1st do it daily and i yu bild a vocabulaury and zoon becumz zeer eazy. do not just reed buss muzak...read anyting you can lay yu handz onn! it vill widen yu scope, unt open yu mind - Love & peese[/quote] a nudder gut tool, if yu see complikated 16s iz tu reed everting wiv harf values - 16s becum 8's den it all loox so eazy readin is anuver skill which iz most zatififyink....love!!
[quote name='funkysimon' post='34730' date='Jul 20 2007, 03:27 PM']How many of us basschatters can read music? I can just about stumble through, though I'm never certain I'm playing in the right octave, and I certainly wouldn't be able to sight-read a piece of music; usually I have to think long and hard about tied semi-quavers and dotted this-that-and-the-others. That said, I've not done any music grade exams, and I guess that's where a lot of this stuff is taught. If you can read music, do you find you use the skill a lot? Do you think it's an important skill? To test a correlation, if you can read music, are you also the kind of person that never practices without a metronome?[/quote] it is most inportant! do not be a musical illiterate!! an iternaztional langwage people of differnt kulchurs can still communicate wiv ze muzak. it is hard at 1st if yu lurn wid de ears 1st do it daily and i yu bild a vocabulaury and zoon becumz zeer eazy. do not just reed buss muzak...read anyting you can lay yu handz onn! it vill widen yu scope, unt open yu mind - Love & peese
dem 5ths 'll av yu goin rund unt rund - make yu dissy B karfull
[quote name='devinebass' post='923580' date='Aug 13 2010, 10:33 AM']Hi there, just uploaded a new tutorial on to my website... 'How to practice Arpeggios'. [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/video-tutorials/tutorial-6-how-to-practice-arpeggios/"]http://scottsbasslessons.com/video-tutoria...tice-arpeggios/[/url] You can get a massive amount of mileage from these exercises. Check it out and give them a go! Scott. [url="http://www.scottsbasslessons.com"]http://www.scottsbasslessons.com[/url] [url="http://www.scottdevinemusic.com"]http://www.scottdevinemusic.com[/url][/quote] in Praktice situashun - best to work on dubble octave aprs. 1st maj, den min, alternatin see the Jaco vid - he wus a pretty gutt student of mine. Jeff Berlin, he is a nutter, bit wikkid bussist, I live in Berlin, that almost makes him my brudder wee is all brudders anyway........Love!!
you can ask me anyfing you need to know for buss
Marcus Müller replied to Marcus Müller's topic in Theory and Technique
[quote name='lowdown' post='926171' date='Aug 16 2010, 09:34 AM']I put it down to the night raids. Garry[/quote] always pla de buss - dont out it down