Hi, i've never posted here before so i expect scepticism so before i begin:
Here is my eBay feedback: [url="http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mr.scowl"]http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mr.scowl[/url]
Here is my profile on another forum i use too much: [url="http://www.punktastic.com/forums/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=8"]http://www.punktastic.com/forums/memberlis...profile&u=8[/url]
I want to sell my Peavey Firebass. I will upload pictures if anybody is interested, but here is one i took not long after i first got it (I'm selling the head only).
Notice that it says Peavey in the cooler logo than most of the ones you see kicking about; not that that affects the value, but it does add to the charm.
You can see the manual here: [url="http://www.retrevo.com/support/Peavey-Firebass-700-Amps-manual/id/23110ci974/t/2/"]http://www.retrevo.com/support/Peavey-Fire...23110ci974/t/2/[/url] Although i do have the paper copy one too which i'd include,
and you can see some reviews here: [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Peavey/Firebass+700/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...rebass+700/10/1[/url]
I've had this amp for around 6 years i think and it's a workhorse. They're known for not breaking which is nice, and they are reliable. About a year ago though, i had a power surge and as i foolishly wasn't using a surge protector a couple of diodes in it blew. I didn't need the amp again until recently, so a couple of weeks ago i spent £89 getting these diodes replaced and it serviced and can now confirm it is as good, if not better, than new! All the work was carried out by the incredible HotRox in Nottingham (http://www.hotroxuk.com/).
I'm sure google will tell you more about the features than I can, but off the top of my head it has the standard bass/mid/treble, but it also has a mid shift for a bit of help with the mids if you desire and a contour dial which gives the amp it's charm. It has an effects loop, a power amp out and a preamp in, a tuner out, x over outs, two speaker cabinet outputs, an XLR DI with control and a whole host of other things. I think it's 700 watt through 2 Ohms and 480 through 4 Ohms (and a little less again through 8 Ohms, 300 possibly).
The external condition is pretty much perfect. I look after all my things really well so there are no scuffs on it anywhere except on one of the metal corner parts i think there is a few white marks, i'll provide photos if need be. I presume this was caused by rubbing it past a white wall. Thinking about it, that could probably be cleaned off anyway.
I don't think i have ever pushed this amp over half volume other than to see how loud it goes for a couple of seconds, and it's only ever had passive Fender basses running through it (and a sansamp RBI). If anybody is interested, feel free to ask whatever you like.
I'm asking for around £220 but sensible offers would be considered. I would really rather cash, but if anybody wants to offer less cash + something i might want, then feel free to give it a go. I live near Peterborough, and would drive to meet somewhere (at your expense, but i have an economic car!), or you could come and pick it up. It's on the A1 so easy for a lot of people. If not, i would be more than happy for you to use a courier if you want to arrange it. Interparcel is a good website for getting a bargain if you fancied taking that route! I'd accept cash or paypal.