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About Vinny

  • Birthday 13/04/1972

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  1. Pontrhydfendigaid?
  2. Boxed Smooth Hound base unit. I destroyed the transmitter widget donkeys ago and obviously the mains adaptor has disappeared into whatever unknown and eldritch dimension all the unused chargers go to. £50 posted in the UK
  3. PM'd
  4. I thought about that, but I don't even have anything to plug it into any more - and my effects palette has basically turned into pick or fingers!
  5. I bought this new in the dim and distant and never used it. It turned out the BB1-X was the one I was after and I haven't played without it since I got it, so this has inhabited a drawer ever since. It's sparkly! £70 posted (UK only)
  6. I don't suppose there's any need to explain this gizmo on this forum! It's been sat in the box for the last 3 or 4 years, so off it goes. £200 posted (UK only)
  7. One must confess to being something of a plenk spenker one's self ahwah-hwah-hwah.
  8. Since the advent of global plague, I've played a grand total of one gig, 3 weeks ago. We had to end on the always...erm...enjoyable...All Right Now (mostly 'cos SuperScrote DJ MC knobhead was already pretending we were his support act, but I digress...) Afterwards two blokes wander up and tell me how they were dead impressed with that Free song and that I played it so like the original it was like having the LP on. I took the compliment and forced down the urge to scream 'that's all very nice, 'cos I spent the last third of the song playing SMOKE ON THE FU**IN' WATER, YOU DEAF ****S!!!!' That would be bad form, I assume. In any given performance the number of people who could care less about bass is one. That's a proven scientific fact, they did tests at CERN.
  9. Mix Prevention Officer seems to fit the ones I know.
  10. Well there's a solution without a problem. Just wrap some 1200 grit round a plug and get on with your day!
  11. As I usually play with a cymbal stand wedged up me chute while being repeatedly stabbed in the right armpit by a Les Paul headstock you know what you can do with all that smilin' and gaddin' about, quite frankly.
  12. It certainly wouldn't fit in my 308!
  13. Careful...they'll be wanting the vote next!
  14. On the plus side, that's fantastic double bass technique!
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