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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Someone had to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33vc3U1X7co
  2. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1458644222' post='3009282'] ...I wanted someone who was at my level in terms of mentality... [/quote] Now THIS is where I tend to fall down. (and start crying 'cos I've hurt my knee.)
  3. If someone asks me that I just say nothing while glaring intensely at them. Remember to hold the glare as they're walking away to really hammer the point home.
  4. A 'get off yer fat arse and change the Siamese Fighter tank water, you lazy git' bump.
  5. The unpopularity is strong with this one!
  6. And my nefarious plan to get 17 extra plays on my Soundcloud comes to fruition - BAHAHAHAAA - bow down before me, lowly mortals!!
  7. It's easy to carry, it's reliable, it's loud... [IMG]http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad50/vinnybassist/Behringer_DI_Box_zpsaw457rmk.jpg[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1458250103' post='3006078'] I'm surprised it didn't catch on. ...is it any good for metal...etc [/quote] In fairness, it's probably phenomenal for metal!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12X-i9YHzmE
  10. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1458233085' post='3005865'] dammit! I really want a 4 string version [/quote] Use the B as a thumbrest?
  11. Replied, finally. There's Welsh internets for you, see.
  12. Tired of schlepping through tiresome, endless ads for Sandberg, Mayones, Fender and other nice basses? Well, consider yourselves relieved, people! Feast thine eyes upon the majesty of a red, (yes, red!) P-copy by the mighty Gear 4 Music corporation of planet Earth. It is red! It has 4 strings! It has a shim in the neck pocket! It plays great! (eh? what? no, it really does.) It sounds fab! (Shut your stupid hole, you're just being silly. No, really!) It is red! The shim is because the saddles were bottomed out on the bridge, giving an action fit for Robin Hood. This cured it. The electrics have been swapped out for the kit from a Musima P of unknown vintage, for no better reason than the original pickup had rusty pole pieces. This may well explain the whole fab-soundyness, (IMO etc, etc...) or it could be made of Javanese Kampfer wood. You decide: [url="https://soundcloud.com/vince-peters/mrs-robinson"]https://soundcloud.c...rs/mrs-robinson[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/vince-peters/cymru-lloegr-a-llanrwst"]https://soundcloud.c...oegr-a-llanrwst[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/vince-peters/emma-wells-trapped-stems-only-unmixed140422"]https://soundcloud.c...y-unmixed140422[/url] Yes, those really were recorded with this. OK, this bass has slightly less street-cred than halitosis or even an SLR650, and it's certainly not going to blow any skirts up, but what do you want for £60 delivered? Eh? Eh?
  13. Yup, it's a Yamaha RBX170 with recent strings on, though I can't remember what they are! This has been my go-to home noodler for the past, erm... I dunno, er, ... 2 years-ish? It's nice to play, makes lots of noises being a PJ, the neck is more P than J (which I like) and it's black which is therefore good for metal. The knobs are silver... ... ...it's an RBX170, whaddaya want, dancin' goils? £80 posted/delivered.
  14. It's a bass from the future!! I bought this from a pawn shop on a recent trip to Mega-City One, although I had to leave early as a huge angry mob thought I was Otto Sump. The guy behind the bullet-proof counter told me it was an antique from the early 1990s, but couldn't be any more precise as his Geiger counter was broken. For those people who are still waiting for the future to arrive properly this is a Hohner B2 5 string passive, and I'm told that one day all basses will be made this way. Bad stuff: There are 3 dings around 2-3 mm on the 'top horn' bit that look to have been touched up in black, they're proving to be a bit beyond my skills with my ageing camera, as does some light swirling and, er...'matting' (?) around the neck pickup area where someone was rather keen on the old (Smashie and Nicey voice) a-slappin' and a-poppin'.* There's some light buckle-scratch on the back (nothing deep) and a hole where a strap button has been moved from the heel. (Don't know why, it sits the same in both positions.) People keep asking what it is. Good stuff: I tuned it when I put the strings on. (Roto 45s) I have gloves heavier than this. It sounds bloody brilliant (IMO, etc...) It says 'Professional' on it, so it MUST be good. It's futureproof, obviously. 275 of your old pre-apocalypse Brit-Cit pounds posted/delivered. * Pid-padder, pid-padder, 'pon the pickup.
  15. I may yet be corrected - as only David will really know - but I think that's my old one. Enjoy! (whether it is or not)
  16. [URL=http://s1295.photobucket.com/user/alyctes/media/IMG_0576_zpsigf3wg4f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b622/alyctes/IMG_0576_zpsigf3wg4f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Cool As F---! That is all.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiwcfA4fNx4
  18. I liked SV650s until I saw that.
  19. Sold to Mr McKay of this very parish.
  20. Vinny


    Thread title at 0:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raPS0NRXobo
  21. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1454275503' post='2968213'] David Lee Roth from Van Halen days to swap places with Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden. 80s Andrew Eldritch to replace Michael Stripe. I would actually go to that gig! [/quote] Eldritch replaces Dickinson intrigues me a lot more.
  22. I'm still curious as to what would have happened if Terry Reid had said yes. I think I may be just [i]slightly[/i] behind the times.
  23. Bump for more added cheapness. £250 posted (firm) If that doesn't happen I might try dragging it down the road behind the car and put a G4M logo on it, as that seems to work well on ebay.
  24. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1453655728' post='2961463'] The Orange O bass was the single biggest 'wtf' moment for me.....like.....really? You waited for winter NAMM to announce this thing?! Blurgh Si [/quote] Not having heard of this, inquiring minds needed to know. [IMG]http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad50/vinnybassist/fry_zpsumzt8blz.jpg[/IMG]
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