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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Get a white bass, bleed on it lots more and practice a good Wilko stare!
  2. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1372453034' post='2126048'] eh? [/quote] Keith Barrett.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laA6k6dnisk
  4. We're still not married after 21 years, but I'm sure 'Du Hast' would be the popular choice.
  5. Now with added Wilko!
  6. [url="https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CDEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cornburyfestival.com%2F&ei=G_ObUfXxFuaX1AXOyoHoDw&usg=AFQjCNG2helZyGX7qlgFcQbtcj5eMuubyg&sig2=1RezxJELeTd8bB-MQ02cPA&bvm=bv.46751780,d.d2k"]https://www.google.c....46751780,d.d2k[/url] Yay!
  7. Dammit!! I don't have a gig till the 20th now, so anyone else wanna jump in?
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1364499556' post='2027427'] 1 It sounds great. 2 The audience will neither know nor care if you play it on a f******' kazoo. 3 You learn from practicing to get it exactly correct. 4 You enjoy the freedom to copy whenever and whatever you want without taking notice of anyone calling you a slave. 5 etc. Play what you want, play what works for the song, don't be a slave to supposed originality. [/quote] Had to fix this, sorry! (I really am!)
  9. solo4652 in Rawtenstall on the 5th, then me in Bromborough on the 13th. Next?
  10. Quite happy to have a rummage around inside my one if it helps, although I'm sure a passive wouldn't hold many surprises for you!
  11. I've PM'd solo, I don't want him to miss out if (as it appears) he's only got the one gig to play it at.
  12. I have one of those. I take it the pickups are silent 'noise-wise'? I have to admit they're not particularly hot, but nor have they ever struck me as quiet. Helpful, I know!
  13. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1363912504' post='2019615'] I cant see this sitting still , if there is no-one picking it up , I will come and get it on Sunday morning , I have a gig next Thursday that will be a craic , I will wait till Saturday to see if anyone else dibs in [/quote] If you do get it, I'll shout for it next. I got nothin' till 13/4 but then get quite busy.
  14. I was all geared up and ready to not enjoy this, but I did! Nice to see a rock band with the correct number of guitarists. I will, however, confess to a slight disappointment that Beavis didn't shout 'Fire! Hm-hm' at the appropriate moment. Keep up the good work, Sir!
  15. I do both, so here's my two penworth, which I know you're all absolutely gagging for... Being in an originals outfit costs an absolute fortune, and we can't get arrested gig-wise. (I must point out that compared to places like Brizzel or That London, North Wales is akin to rural Mars.) I am way, WAY the owdest one in the band. I usually get given a song with no bass on it and told 'do your thing!' I'm sometimes quietly chuffed with the bass parts I come up with. I get to do this with some ace people who make me smile lots.* Being in a covers band costs an absolute fortune and we can't get arrested. I am nearly the owdest one in the band. I get given a song which I put into some clever software that gets rid of the bass and 'do my thing.' I am sometimes quietly chuffed with the bass parts I come up with. I get to do this with some ace people who make me smile lots.* Fin. *and I'm a MISERABLE owd git.
  16. [quote name='Bass Lady' timestamp='1363293902' post='2011283'] Well here is my cheeky bass. Cost me around about the £100 mark. Fabulous condition, lovely to play and sounds great. It turns way more heads than any of my more expensive basses too! Have to say, have always been been very impressed at the quality of all the Daisy Rock basses that I have played. [/quote] I think I just got me a GAS attack! What's the scale length on those?
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1363076332' post='2007806'] How cheeky did you want? [/quote] Weird thing is...those are Frank's hands!
  18. Just had this myself - some t*t decides he doesn't want to sell me a practice amp and blames it on some kids vandalising the internet on his housing estate!
  19. Haven't tried those screws but have been very happy with all the bits I bought off Black Dog, can't see them being bad from them.
  20. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1359915507' post='1962003'] Job done! Measured it all up and the bridge is now 1/2" further back which allows the contact point on the D string saddle to be exactly on 34". Needless to say intonation now spot on too! [/quote] Well, really, I don't know what the world's coming to - this wouldn't be a problem if folk played properly and only wore out the first 5 frets now, would it? Harumph!
  21. 1, fetch bass of choice. 2, put loads of silly Muse-type distorty/flangey/phasey effects on, the more the better. 3, stare very VERY intently at the exact centre of discreet's avatar. 4, play theme from Dr. Who. Hands up if you can stop before the 10 minute mark...
  22. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1359843338' post='1961186'] I have been robbed, I thought my £150 bass was the nuts. I must go lower My peavey Milestone iii at £40 is not bad. So who has the cheapest bass with a great tone (free as in given does not count) and what is it? [/quote] I love the sound of my Musima P copy. £20, but I know someone'll be along and beat that soon enough!
  23. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1358971503' post='1947974'] New Bass Day! Steinberger XL-2 in White. Love at first sight! First impressions: - Even tinier dimensions than expected - Beautiful condition - Looks awesome in white; apparently very rare too - Feels very solid and high quality - like a high end industrial tool, firearm etc. - the feel of the body and some of the parts (eg the boomerang attachment and leg rest) has the same feel and style as the equipment inside fast jets - Probably not heavy, but you are fooled into thinking it's heavy because the brain is expecting it to be light due to how very small it is - Sustain is insane - Quite tight string spacing - Reach to first couple of frets will take a bit of getting used to So, since it's a white one (and we've generally agreed it's sub-zero on the cool-wall), as of now it's being called The Iceberger. I'm off to play it. CB [/quote] ...and when done playing, go fetch camera!!
  24. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1358612625' post='1942208'] My thoughts would be that you aren't in need of an effect for this. It would be better to develop bass lines that support the song and fill any holes your guitarist can't cover (if indeed the holes need filling - sometimes less is more). [/quote] 100% this!
  25. Always spare a thought for your drummist once in a while, the poor soul spends at least 2 hours a week with nothing better to look at than your behind.
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