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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Steve has just relieved me of my CV Jazz, ( ) but made the whole process completely painless by gently nursing me back to health afterwards. ( ) All of which was brought about by him being an all-round, thoroughly Good Egg! He even sweetened the deal with a free copy of his latest LP! (Insist on this in all of your future dealings with him, it comes highly recommended!)
  2. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1241524' date='May 23 2011, 01:10 PM']'Handy' by Wishbone Ash. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNJqVW2L5is"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNJqVW2L5is[/url] Give it a listen - it's worth 3 minutes of your life (IMHO) Love it, and wish I could learn it.[/quote] Good call, that man! Surprised there's not much mention of Martin Turner around these parts, I love playing 'Throw Down The Sword' and 'Ballad Of The Beacon'. (which neither of my bands will entertain. Boo!) F.U.B.B. has a nice growly intro, too.
  3. I think I need to get out more (or stay in and read more I'm just not sure...) Steve, I thought you were avin' a laff when you talked about rubber strings the other day! Erm...pick-up?...how?...why?...someone please edjumacate me, it's starting to hurt behind my eyes!
  4. There's chords on UG, but I've never heard the song so don't know how much use they'll be. Which LP is it from?
  5. I quite like Seasick Steve. So there! Besides, I also find that a gu*tarist that doesn't tip up with more effects than Muse to bash out a bit of 12-bar most refreshing. And I couldn't hear Jonesy, either.
  6. I've been treated twice for cuff tears over the past few years, don't strain it whatever you do. Try and play sat down with your left elbow as close to your ribs as you comfortably can, and keep all the weight of the bass on your leg. (which will probably give you cramp in the right leg, it did with me!) Can't stress enough how much you need a good physioterrorist. Any scarring in the cuff will lead to permanent problems, so look after it. Feelin' for ya!
  7. [quote name='Stewart' post='1227073' date='May 11 2011, 07:45 AM']Give Elites Stadium (heavy) a try - good life for roundwounds, and very consistent in my experience[/quote] Yep, really trebley, last for ages, good 'rock' strings. A bit rough-feeling (had to man up!) but I used a couple of sets on my first 5-string and they DESTROYED the frets. Must point out that it was a nasty bass and they've been fine on both the Peaveys and the ancient East-German no-name P-copy I've used them on since. They growl nice, too.
  8. Can anyone recommend any good ones? Are there bad ones? Just dunno....
  9. Have a "GAAAHH!! (see my thread)" bump!
  10. [quote name='Big Bass Man' post='1232921' date='May 16 2011, 12:28 PM']I someone will buy this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134748&hl=OLP"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134748&hl=OLP[/url] Then I can my your bass! Please someone - help![/quote] Like that. Like that lots. DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!!!!!! I need the money. DAMMIT! ARSE! I really like that. IT'S NOT THERE...IT'S NOT THERE...IT'S NOT THERE!!!!!
  11. Bought this at New Year and it's been fab, but as the business community at large are being idiots by not employing me it has to go. It's been gigged pretty much every weekend since I bought it with not a single foible, suffering only two marks on the body which I've tried to photograph to not much avail but will post the pics anyway. They are extremely small and extremely annoying! There is also a tiny chip out of the lacquer right on the tail of the 'Q' which I forgot to photograph. It only got these because the drummist keeps thinking he has one of those rare Maserati Transits. The back is pristine as I tend to strategically place a large gut twixt belt-buckle and bass. I may have some recordings lying about, but it's a Jazz, what's to know? A narrow selling point, maybe, but if anyone in North Wales has annoyed you, tell them to come and see us and know that they suffer terribly as they feast their eyes on my ancient no-name East-German 'bacco-burst P-copy that I'll be using once you own this! £230 posted. (unless you live on Sillypost Island or somesuch!) Vinny 07803190375
  12. I admit I'm not fully with you (being thick and all) but is this a problem with how they're EQ-ing you through the desk?
  13. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1191238' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:11 PM']You are my new Hero.[/quote] How "perilously close"? Should I be worried?
  14. No, No, No! If I pick one up it will be either to move it out of my way or to give it's owner a swift kick in the gentleman's region. Filthy, filthy things!!!!!
  15. I will mostly be spending this weekend annoying guitarists and drummers by going "I'm over here, look... now, I'm over here!" This is because Stevie has given me a bad case of 'Idiot Bassist With New Toy' Syndrome by selling me a wireless system in a timely and most painless fashion. Cheers, Dude!!!
  16. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1114600' date='Feb 3 2011, 09:51 PM']I tried so far... an Ibanez BTB1305E, a Vintage, and some horrible cheap thing from another local store chain. The Vintage had the nicest neck of the 3, and the string spacing was good, but it was 34 scale, and I didn't like the B string... felt like there wasn't enough tension on it. The Ibby was nice as well, 35 scale and the B was much more... can't think of the word, but I liked that B a lot more. But the neck.... man.... it was like trying to get my hand round a door cos it was so flat and wide. Not pleasant at all [/quote] I apologise if any of the above were in fact what I'm talking about... I bought a cheap 5 string and absolutely hated it, but when I joined a band that needed one I just bought the 5 string version of the 4 string that I was happiest with, (a Peavey Inter) and it felt perfectly natural and I couldn't see what the problem was in the first place! Until I played one of the cheap ones that I'd previously owned and still hated it. Fallen totally in love with the Peev 5 and even use it in my other band when I've no need for a 5. So in other words, keep trying them and you'll find one.
  17. Bump for the Peev!
  18. For Sale Stagg short scale electro-acoustic bass about a year old, left the house once. It's a fun little thing to play which doesn't happen often enough. All dust gathered will be removed as part of the service! I have a box to fit this one, so can post, I'm guessing about £15 - will refund the difference if significantly less. I had no reason to buy it and didn't need it but it was fun playing it in the shop so obviously it had to come home with me! (I really should stay out of those places) The only 'damage' was there from new and seems to be a blemish in the topcoat/varnish/whatever they use by the battery panel. If I can find a battery I'll put one in. £60 plus postage. [attachment=70534:stagg_ssab1_006.JPG] [attachment=70535:stagg_ssab1_002.JPG] [attachment=70536:stagg_ssab1_001.JPG] Also for sale Peavey International Passive 4 string in Black "Not-Sure-What-The-Finish-Is-Called" special-effecty stuff! I'm an expert, me! Anyroadup this is a really nice thing to play with a super-slim neck and was my first proper gigging bass, but I think I've looked after it pretty well. There are a couple of tiny dents in the back of the neck which I have tried to photograph, one looks worse than it is because I tried to get a shadow in it which ended up being huge in the picture. They don't affect playability in any way. I really rate this bass and am not that keen on selling but needs must. Just to prove I do rate them I also have the 5 string version that I'm not parting with. I don't have a box for this one but if it needs to be posted I'll try and make something. It won't be pretty, though! £85 plus postage. [attachment=70537:pv_inter_4_001.JPG] [attachment=70538:pv_inter_4_002.JPG] [attachment=70539:pv_inter_4_004.JPG] [attachment=70540:pv_inter_4_003.JPG] [attachment=70541:pv_inter_4_005.JPG]
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1109609' date='Jan 31 2011, 03:52 PM']He also slowed the tapes down and recorded things at half speed so you can't trust his chops!![/quote] Yes, I know he does it with keyboards as he keeps his nails long for the spanish guitar stuff. I actually thought the finale riff on TB was trickery until I saw him play it on the telly, which was my excuse for not being able to play it for ages!! I can just about keep it going for the whole piece after 5 years of trying (which works out at about a minute per year!) Once I crack that bit I might try and learn the whole of side 1. Hopefully a bit quicker than a minute a year, though!
  20. [quote name='Paul S' post='1109426' date='Jan 31 2011, 01:31 PM']I don't have chops, can't read music, can just about read tab but generally don't bother. In my favour - I have a good ear, good touch, good sense of rhythm and timing, am a quick learner and have so far been able to do a passable version of anything I have been asked to. But I am seriously aware of my limitations and feel it is only a matter of time before I get found out... [/quote] Wot he said!!
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1109504' date='Jan 31 2011, 02:39 PM']I thought that was 'Good Times' by Chic [/quote] Not in my headphones! As big a Bernard Edwards fan as I am, I find most of the stuff he played on too much like hard work to sit through (and only manage to do so 'cos he's on it) whereas every time Oldfield picks up a bass I'm afraid to admit I just get all melty, and I don't think he gets anywhere near the credit he deserves (purely as a bass player I mean, not for being a tremendous all-round musician and composer which he does.) And, yes, I am aware that we all deal with a purely subjective medium in this game! Did I mention I'm a bit of an Oldfield fan? I'm not sure that came across very well!!
  22. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1108203' date='Jan 30 2011, 03:04 PM']It's the sound of two furry animals gathered in a cave and grooving with a Pict.[/quote] Can't get the hang of playing with a Pict, I'll stick to fingerstyle.
  23. The only thing I know about the B-bass is that a guy I know used to have a 5 string active one, it was a stunning thing to look at and had a lovely smooth sound or a fantastic growl when dug in hard. I regret not buying it a couple of years ago, in fact. I never heard him do any slappity stuff on it so don't know how they are for that side of things. Not much help, I know!
  24. Not forgetting that the end of side 1 features the bestest bass riff ever! (not the lead part). The bass line in the first 4 mins or so is also my favoritest thing to play ever. Dead simple and almost illegally pleasing!
  25. Depends on the song, I suppose. Super Massive Black Hole = 1, Hysteria = 11. (well I can't bleedin' play it, anyway!)
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