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Everything posted by lowlandtrees

  1. Thanks Rev .....any particular rosin ......Pops ?
  2. I use Silver Slaps and am very happy with them. The band then asked me to do bowing on two song intros and outros. Slap strings obviously do not bow well but does anyone do this successfully and have any tips. The rosin I use is very hard....should I use soft rosin for example. I did some quick Youtube lessons and found the german bow hold more comfortable. My quarter size bass proving a bit of a challenge as well but I only have to master 6 notes . The A string seems easier to bow at present. Got less than a month to the gig...better get practising.
  3. Bass tape on the shopping list. I used this stuff that my wife puts on her blistered jogging feet but it is gluey so not ideal. Also hard to get off.
  4. Thanks for all the advice. Meant to say that it was my left hand forefinger...the fretting hand. Cold not face open finger surgery. Ended up taping it up and taking paracetamol and anti inflams and it worked. Gig went great! Gonna try and play through it...took me a lot of work to get that hard skin in place and hope to keep it
  5. Just noticed an earlier thread on this but this seems to be more preventative. There is talk of superglue! I have a thick callus with a blister under the callus. Not much fluid in there. Will have a look tomorrow and see if I can burst it. Bugger
  6. Help....need some serious advice. My very first DB gig tomorrow and the whole of the tip of my forefinger has blistered. Obviously too much practice. I have soaked it in warm salty water, ice packed it and put a blister plaster on it. Anything else I can do?
  7. I am no singer and definitely cannot sing and play. However I did some singing lessons years ago. If you get the right teacher then I would say that they are worth their weight in stuffed brown envelopes. You don t necessarily need continuous lessons (although many pros do have vocal coaches). I would say book 5 initial lessons from a coach to get the basics. Some of the warm ups that I learned involved 'placing' and anchoring the voice ie pinpointing which part of the body creates the sound...in the mouth it is the soft palate. Getting your air to vibrate the area of your face around the sinuses etc. Humming siren sounds is good and sounds like moom and mum. Sing your range with the words Kung and Kong(great exercise). One great excercise I found was talking like Boo Boo (remember Yogi Bear).....this opens and relaxes the gullet. The main anchor is of course breathing, relaxation and posture. I would say that I am probably an extremely average singer but the lessons improved my voice 10 fold. I wish that I had taken vocal coaching as a teenager (was in my early 50s when I went to coaching) before all the bad habits formed. Don't be put off by teachers who train classical.
  8. We (rocky blues) played after the bingo in a Grangemouth club years ago. The only two women under 60 in the place (they late twenties and attractive) approached me afterwards and made some small talk. Just as they were leaving one of them said...'by the way....you were s--t-'
  9. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1428701423' post='2743998'] There is an orthopaedic surgeon in my borough that specialises in the management of Dupuytrens. Once he has done the initial assessment, he will present the options appropriate for that time. He really does know what's good for a given circumstance. Of course, the patient still has to consent to anything that happens. Recommend you find the name of your area specialist and research what he's like. If he's good, recommend him to your GP. Best wishes with it [/quote] Hi. How would you go about this. Is there a professional body or institution?
  10. Love to go but too expensive.
  11. Don t think that I drink that much at prez but had my share of fun before I got hitched. I have used chainsaws on a daily basis since 1978 so that may explain it. Pisses me off that finally I get time to devote to playing that this comes along. I read on the NHS web site that there are interventions that are successful if it is caught early but my GP thought that they only operated at a late stage so conflicting info there. It has got slightly worse since I posted last night so not too happy about waiting.
  12. Must check for horns on the side of my head
  13. Hi Thanks for the reply. How big an area of tissue did they remove and how deep did they cut? Did the contractures grow quickly? Was in Cardiff last week btw
  14. Would love this but live too far away. Think all BCers should move en masse to a colony in mid south Scotland and breed. I am sure that this will be gone but if you decide to post I would be interested.
  15. Just been diagnosed with the above. I thought that I had been over practising and blistering. My ex music teacher had it and had to have tendons on his ring finger and pinky cut more than once. I think that if it goes that far I am musically up that creek. It seems to be progressing quite quickly. Do I cut the practice or increase it cos the end is in sight? There is apparently new treatments but it seems like my GP did n t know about that. Been referred to orthopaedics but you know how long that takes.
  16. Was hoping to get a cheaper tablet that I would use for band use only. Can t really afford an ipad.......well I could but would mean a GAS cut back....fancy a new bass (Sandberg) and an EA cab. Will look into the Hudl. Great advice as usual
  17. Can anyone give me advice about the above. It seems standard now to gig and rehearse with your stuff on a tablet. Would in particular like to know[list] [*]Can you use a cheaper tablet rather than an ipad. How much should I pay for one? [*]What software do you need? [*]Which websites are useful for downloading songs and do they offer transposition? [*]Can you upload sheet music? [*]Best mic stand mount? [/list] Thanks
  18. Was thinking of this post myself .....at home I use freezer bags for my cables and stuff...was thinking of using this idea for the music stuff
  19. No thanks. Thought that they were called Obbm
  20. Been trying (unsuccessfully)to get on Obbm site. Are they still trading?
  21. Think that Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders a good example of the hook being a simple guitar riff. Lots of stuff has good rhythm guitar that is not necessarily hooky
  22. Forgot about the Greenboy Fearless F112
  23. Full of GAS not much CASH Sandberg Precision EA Wizzy 12 M line
  24. Solid Air John Martyn..........not to forget Danny T's wonderful bassing
  25. I use the Helicon Voice works for my vocals and recently for my tenor sax. never used it for bass. You have to be really careful....you can get a very 'wet' sound. It is very fiddly to set up but I like it a lot especially used sparingly for vocals. You can get it to play a chord off of one note but it can be a very digital sound. The newer versions ....you probably know...channel your voice through the guitar and the harmonies follow the guitar chords. Our singer has a tc electronics version......I am not too impressed yet but he does not know how to set it up and there are cables everywhere. I would say that if you are the type of person who likes to fiddle with settings then you will get it to work for you. Best to record and play it back before going live with it.
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