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Everything posted by lowlandtrees

  1. Excellent transaction with Bassbus. Very pleased with the Fishman.
  2. https://soundcloud.com/jimmy-ho-ho Not sure if this worked properly or if I should upload direct to the site. What I did find is that mixing is an art in itself. I will probably go back and re mix in a couple of months.
  3. The Full Circle looks good but I am not sure if you know the Kania Da Gamba. It is a very small bodied instrument so it may not pick the sound required. I like the idea of trying another E string but not sure where to start. Could spend the rest of this years pocket money on that. The Realist is sited under the bridge at the E and A strings strings. Getting a F/man PlatinumPro on friday. Lets see what that says.
  4. Hi Thanks for the f/b. I am using a Realist pup. Flat metal thing that fits under the bridge.............very nice tone.Seems to me that the E string sound does not have the same body as the others but that may my noobie technique. Not sure if I like the roland or not. It is ok at low vols and nice with the ebass. Am on look out for something better.
  5. Interested in some guidance on EQing double bass. I have only just started playing DB. Have a Kania Da Gamba contra through a Roland cube 100. Seems so different to E bass. I intend to get a Fishman plat pre when one comes up (always looking for a bargain if one is out there looking for a home). I assume that the lows and highs are cut and mids boosted? At the moment I have the amp set to flat but getting alot of feedack at high volumes. Been told that a bit of reverb is a good thing but not really too keen on that sound myself. Seems that 10/12 inch speakers are favoured over 15. I am a fan of tube amps over solid state. Any comment on that?
  6. Assume that the silver slaps have gone?
  7. A friend of mine plays in this band. Won't name them. The bass player plays everything in the same key through a modulator(or whatever its called) which changes the key as needed, Wit aboot that. Is this common?
  8. Looking at all this great feedback I think that I will go back to the EADG strings, punt something and get a dedicated 5 string. The Ric has toaster pups. Did not realise that these are guitar pups and prob don't pick up the low notes. As said , the neck is also kinda thin looking. The B rattles like .... as well. I play mainly the lower 3 strings and don't use the G much so I thought that I could get rid of the G and add a B. I would not attempt any re wiring.... too clumsy. I love the sound of the instrument as it is but we were doing some stuff that needed a low notes so I thought........cheap solution...but there never is. Can also just drop tune. Also have an MM SUB but don't suppose that would work either. Do fancy a Precision 5 string. How many instruments is too many? Don't need to answer that
  9. I have just put a low B (130) on my 4 string Rick 4001 (78). I have not yet cut the nut but there is very low volume from the the new string. All the other strings are fine. Before I cut the nut to lower the string I was wondering if anyone else has done this. Being an old thing (me AND the bass)I was concerned that the pups may not be able to handle the lower freqencies. Am I right in thinking that Rics in general are regarded as lacking low frequencies? Maybe I should have tried a lighter string. I have a Roland Cube 100. Tried adjusting the knobs but just got a dirty sound.
  10. Are these 2 videos not giving conflicting advise?
  11. I am a beginner to DB but have got myself a Kania Da Gamba contrabass for want of space and ease of transport. It does not have the body of a DB so I do find the posture thing difficult.
  12. Hi Would the Honeys be suitable for slap bass (as in Rockabilly). What scale length are they? I have a Kania Da Gamba contrabass(not sure of the scale length). Jimmy
  13. Just bought my first EUB. (had no idea that the action would be such hard work but will press on). I was wondering what are the best type of strings to get that rockabilly slap ? A friend has told me that nylon are easier to slap than the steel that is on the bass. Are there preferable strings to learn on? I play electric bass and guitar.
  14. Great. Thank for the response. Will have a go
  15. OK i could not explain the idea in a short sentence. I am relatively new to playing bass. I would like a 5 string bass to get some more low notes. I thought that I could string one of my 4 string basses (78 Rick) with the 4 low strings from a 5 string set. Is that a bad idea? Would the action become impossible. I have an MM SUB that may be a better choice. I am no slapper and rarely touch the top string anyway.
  16. Interested in this. I am in Stirling. Where are you.
  17. Thanks. Will change strings first and come back. I take it that if the pole is gone then a new pick will be needed? Sorry for slow response. Damn cold and in Scotland right now. Only in studio at w/e z.
  18. Would love this if you would post to Scotland.
  19. I have a 1978 rick 4001. The 3rd string is very noticably lower in volume than the others. I have switched the bridge thingmybobs around so that the string is aligned better and runs right over the pickup but there is no difference. Any ideas. The only thing that I have done to the bass is change the scratch plate for a metal one as the old plastic one was broken. The bass has had a rough life to the point of abuse but apart from the string thing sounds great.
  20. Thanks for this. Apols.....I was of the impression that the low string was tuned to C..........thinking of getting a 5 string. I'm a tad old fashioned and think that bass ws meant to play low notes. The lower the better......bet that will upset some people lol. I can see that the nut thing could be an issue. Thanks again.
  21. Do all 5 string basses have the capability of taking a low C string or are some designed to use a high note (not sure what it is tuned to, I assume .
  22. Like the look of the A Designs Reddi. Bit pricey. Think that I was bit fast in getting the AxeTrak
  23. Will take this. Could you post to Stirling
  24. What would be a quality DI unit? I have a POD Pro that I sometimes put guitar through. I also have access to enough effects in Sonar. I don't use distortion, just after the perfect straight bass sound. I use a Focusrite Saffire 24. Maybe just have to learn to use it better.
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