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Everything posted by lowlandtrees

  1. So I have what I think is a cheap bow. A Cremonia *** it needs a re hair...my wife accidentally (?) dropped it down the stairs. What is a fair price to get it re haired and is it worth it and where is the best place to get this done. I stay in Central Scotland....should I send it somewhere or find somewhere local? I only use it very occasionally although I would like to learn how to bow correctly.
  2. Just tried a Laka ukulele bass. Fret less. I tell ya ...put it through a good amp and blindfold you would struggle to tell the difference between that a DB. Course you can't bow or slap and looks like nothing but I was really impressed with the sound. And at around 250 quid new.
  3. Been waiting over six months for one of these. gave up 2 days ago and bought an Audio Technica ATM350..........bugger
  4. I have been looking for a band that plays at low volumes for more than three years now. When I do go to the pub I do not want my ears blasted and I want to both listen to the music and chat. I currently play DB in a rockabilly band and even that is loud. I really think that there is a market for up tempo music at low volumes but stuggle to find a lead guitarist and drummer who agree. Most ads on the usual sites are for metal/hard rock/rock covers/trad folk. A pub landlord can now get a guy/girl with backing tapes at a third of the cost of a band. He/she will play at the desired volume at a turn of a knob without fighting, knashing teeth and stomping off stage. In addition he/she will play whatever the punters want. Mostly these people are bland as and many are killing music for me but it appears that this is the way it is going. BTW there is a woman tours the pubs in Scotland and she is great. If bands are to continue playing pubs they(we) have to fit in to their business model.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1482357859' post='3199928'] They tend to come up just after you buy something else! [/quote] This exactly.........spent almost two years looking and eventually one came up in Sunderland...I drove down from Scotlandshire and got it for £350 and spent £800 on it....yep...very next week there is a nice looking Kay on Bass Players market..out of my budget but exactly what I was looking for. If you are going for a good second hand one I would be prepared to travel. There are a couple on Facebook ...Bass Players Market. DBs seem to come up frequently in the West Country for some reason. I would say that the two main ingredients that you need are the cash and patience.
  6. Forgot to say that I started wearing ear protection a few months ago. It seems that it is almost universal that rehearsal rooms have ludicrously massive equipment. Not only rediculously loud for the room but a waste of space....on the other hand it won t get nicked. Cheap n heavy. Even the PA is far too powerful. I have played in a few bands and the most enjoyable was where we practiced in a members flat where we could not be too loud and could hear each other. I do think that it is a lead guitarist thing in general.
  7. Reeeally p____d off with band playing at number 11 on weekly practices. Reheasal room is 6m x 5m. Tried complaining but I seem to be in a minority of one. Could barely hear the drums last night and was standing 1.5m from him. What is it about guitarists and volume? I remember from my first band (more than 20 years ago ....the decibel duels. Recent bands I have made a policy of .....you must all be able to hear every other person playing in the room and if you can t hear yourself then everyone else has to turn down. Seems really amateur to me to be returning to white noise and tinnitus. Just a rant ...
  8. It is not an adjustable bridge
  9. [quote name='spencer.b' timestamp='1480942765' post='3188204'] Way to low for a gut type E , if you've got an an adjustable bridge you could get the heights changed by taking down the A D G and winding it up , if not it may be worth spending even more money on a bridge as it could be cheaper than more strings .unfortunately string height is key for lower tension strings What are the other string heights? [/quote]The other strings are around 9mm. I have been quoted £200 for a new bridge....owwch.....the top is whatsitcalled carved so fitting is not something that I feel good about doing myself. The luthier did suggest that it needed a new bridge to be fair.
  10. Just measured the action on my E string at the end of the FB and it is barely 8mm and more like 7mm. Is there any way of bringing the E string action up....like a spacer or a piece of tubing....without reducing the sound quality? I have seen such a thing before but can' t remember where. I think that putting a packer or a pick up under the foot of the bridge would be a mistake. Just spent over £700 on the bass so not really want to do a bridge replacement. Are Spiro Weichs slappable?
  11. I bought a Blast Cult system from a BC member. It is great. Preamp is hidden in the tailpiece. Two pups with one line out.
  12. Thanks for the reply. The tension on the Silver Slap is good but the sound is completely different to the other as said. I have my small bodied bass strung with SS and like them a lot. I did see a set of Lenzner for sale. The Evah P E string is described as steel wound synthetic.
  13. I have just strung my DB with Evah Pirazzi Slap strings. I love them but the E string is too slack. Does not have the same resonance or volume as the others and rattles. It has had a pro set up. Any ideas for a compatible string. I tried an Innovation Silver Slap but it has a totally different sound, much more growl than the Evahs. At the moment I play roots/rockabilly stuff so need a low tension string that will slap but do not wish to limit the bass to that. Will try to put a link to the Evahs below. http://www.pirastro.com/public_pirastro/pages/en/Evah-Pirazzi-Slap/
  14. Not sure that I believe in bands anymore either. A few people come together for a while and have fun.....and it is fun.....then move on. I think it is important to keep moving and focus on the future.....getting better and tighter and developing songs and the sound. But a band is a small space for two people moving in opposite directions. I also think that in general democracy struggles in a band. One person with a strong vision can drive the thing but it is easy to get lazy and tuck in behind and opt out of contributing....I am there at the moment.
  15. Got some work done on my old DB. New fingerboard is amazing. Like having a completely new bass with the same......actually better tone and great action. Put a set of Evah Parazzi Slaps on. They are really great although the E is a bit slack so will possibly change it for something bit higher tension. I have put a Cult Blaster pick up system on it. This kinda ruins the classic look that the bass has but playing mainly roots and rockabilly at the moment and this sounds great for that. Thinking of combining this with a mic. Got some nice AKGs that I would like to try. Not sure how easy it is to change the tail piece back re the sound post? Anyone done this? The neck realy needs re-set. It has been badly done in the past but can t afford this at the moment.
  16. Really good FendPrec either 5 or vintage 4......and a Duke DB.........sad have neither the cash nor the work for either.............GAS is a burden. eg...I longed all my life for a Gibson 335 and a Rick 4001 and when a got them I really was dissappointed......what I REALLY want is talent and time to practice.....and time back from my wasted youth............and a good band
  17. Definitely 6/8. Playing rockabilly at the moment......we play in any key as long as its E and any time as long as its 4 3/4 my least favourite.....or rather the most difficult to put interest into On the other hand there are a few interesting variations of 4/4 like accenting different beats .....do like a bit of 2/4 swing... or first bar/second bar accent changes but in general it would be nice to try more time sigs..........s' not gonna happen in RB though....
  18. I have always get my luthier to do this. He will charge around 20-30 quid. New bridge could be £150-200 if it is buggered up. He will also look at the nut and other stuff.
  19. OK Ok ok....will you post to Scotshire in the baltic Norf?
  20. Downloaded this app for my 3 year old ipad 2. Extremely dissappointed. Can t seem to get it to function never mind find web sites that allow me to download from. I bought the app...£15 and re opened my Dropbox account and got the Add To Onsong extension to Safari. I have a subscription to a guitar tabs site but it is hit an miss with more misses. I have managed to get a few songs on there but it has been a real hassle. Could my Ipad be too old or is it me that is too old? Are there better apps out there that will suit my stoneage ipad 2? I bought it on recommendation from an old thead on BC but thought that I would bump up the topic into a new thread as we all know new tech goes old after a day and a half.
  21. Thanks Marc. I am looking for lower tension strings. I have silver slaps on one of my DBs but my recently purchased instrument has higher action so looking for something that is lower tension
  22. Hi Marc Would you descibe honeys as low or medium tension? I am using Velvet Garbos at the mo and looking for something a little lower in tension. Jimmy
  23. I have been in three bandss that I contributed to the purchase of the PA. When I left each band ....well you all know the end of that story....I refused to chip in for current band........did not go down well
  24. Would love to try these but they cost not that much short of what I paid for my DB
  25. Well travelled......I am in Stirling and went to Sunderland in my transit pick up to get my current DB...just chucked it in the back, luckily it was one of the few days that it didn t rain this year. I am needing a slap bass but that trip (via Kent) took weeks off my life... I am loath to do it again. Not sure why there are so few DBs up here.
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