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Everything posted by apa

  1. "Through something like that, and a good supply of guitars, we could get something" Hmmm if only we could get hold of some idential basses that some one is selling off cheap with both Rosewood and Maple boards. Stock they dont want anymore at half price. Damn, if only that opertunity would come along!!! A
  2. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1197105' date='Apr 12 2011, 05:59 PM']I'm pretty sure I can, but to tell for sure would require swapping fretboards on a single neck and installing frets of the exact same profile/spec which is a lot of work! Especially as to do it properly would require multiple examples of each board and to set up blind tests and/or measurements. Of course I couldn't tell for sure on a recording because you can make one sound like the other, always more than one way to skin the proverbial cat, but for a given bass I'd say if all else stays equal, maple will tend to make it sound 'snappier' compared to rosewood - I've tried enough basses to be confident that there's a trend there.[u][b] I don't know if lacquering a rosewood board would give the equivalent change though.[/b][/u][/quote] I can verify that you do get a 'snappy' 'twang' with laquered rosewood. Did it on my fretless Ryder. In fact its a Rosewood board with a Rosewood veneer on top Dont know if it would be 'twangier' or 'snappier' with a maple but I doubte it very much. The slightest tweek on the treble pot would negate any difference between a maple and rosewood in my view. 90% difference in any sound is in the pickup. Besides, arent all maple boards laquered in some way where as rosewood is oiled? Theres probably more of a trend there than any were else. A
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='1193607' date='Apr 9 2011, 10:44 AM']There is no appointed repairer unfortunately. Overwater distribute and they told me to send to the US[/quote] Im sure evrything will be fine. Like you say, it sounds like standard practice and plenty of pics will do the job A
  4. [quote name='obbm' post='1193603' date='Apr 9 2011, 10:39 AM']If it's going back to the States then they may not need it, but check with them. If you have to disconnect it then take lots of photos, make notes and a diagram so you know how to put it back together.[/quote] And it will probably involve a soldering iron!! Im sure thats in the small print of the warranty!! Not to put the fear of god into tyou Clarky but sending it to an appointed repairer in this country sounds like a much more 'customer friendly' option to me. A
  5. Yep thats a mains transformer all right!! I think its a bit bad form for them to expect you to dismantle one of their units for them!! What if you cocked something up? who would pay for THAT repair??? A
  6. Without pics its a bit difficult but it sounds like a torus transformer. Its part of the power supply but not directly part of the power amp. Its also probably the heaviest thing in the whole thing so if you can get away without posting it you may save a few pennys! A
  7. apa

    please delete

    Please delete
  8. What could be more stylish and practical than a keyfob? It would look the biz hanging off your ignition key as you drive to and from the gigs and if you want to let they guy on stage know your a BCer just rattle your keys in front of him with a knowing nod and wink................ oh hold on erm......... That wrist band thingy sounds good doesnt it A
  9. You realy should stop taking pics of your sales on crumpled cotton sheets. Im having un-necessary thoughts Type bump
  10. I like it (in small doses) Hes definatly playing a combined finger/pick. Right at the beginning he's fretting the G&D and fingering them combined with an open E on the plec. I do think the guitar solo is being followed. The close up is of the rhythm guitarist lol As for that hair................... A
  11. [quote name='mcnach' post='1183841' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:25 PM']Agh! How could I forget!!!??? editing... done.[/quote] Mines a guinness A
  12. [quote name='mcnach' post='1183811' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:05 PM']he was impressed by it, but then as long as the basic build is half decent, he can turn it into anything he wants to easily. I've known him for about 3 years now, and it was a strictly acoustic instruments initially. I'm slowly turning him to the dark side... and even into bass . I think he realises how simple electric instruments are, compared to acoustic ones, so that he wants to keep an open mind in case someone wants him to build them one... Pictures? Is it pictures you want??? well, alright, just because it's you... here are some pictures Let me show you... the first[color="#0000FF"][1][/color] [b]Sue Ryder P-bass [/b][b][u][size=4]FRETLESS[/size][/u][/b]!!!! [color="#0000FF"][1][/color] [size=1]as far as I am aware![/size] Here is SR#3 on the right and SR#1 on the left, that I showed previously. SR#3 now has the neck of SR#2, which I defretted. The slots were filled with pale sycamore veneer and the whole thing oil finished. It has the Rotosound TruBass strings I had initially put on SR#1. This one is staying with the original pickguard. Fretless with those strings it's very thumpy, woody... I need to open it up on day, as the electrics could improve, but it's pretty sweet. Here it is again, this time next to the other beauty I received today from another wonderful basschatter: Is that enough pictures for you???[/quote] Very nice Jose and a very nice job by your tame luthier. HOWEVER May I refer you to my post of the pictures of Bernice where you will CLEARLY see that Bernice is a FRETLESS Ryder [url="http://www.dramabutton.com/"](Press for appropriate music)[/url] So will hence forth and untowards and ithertoo be refereded to hence with and without duress or without prejourdice as the FIRST FRETLESS RYDER. And I believe it was you yourself that commented on the niceness of the fingerboard was it not indeed? I demand a retraction Sir I do agree with you on the Trubass strings though Yours in virtual green ink A
  13. [quote name='mcnach' post='1183348' date='Mar 31 2011, 02:18 PM']Well, it happened. I collected the Sue Ryder #3, now fretless, from my luthier. (pictures coming soon) Mwahtiful. Thumptiful too, with those Rotosound TruBass nylon tapewounds. Definitely much better on a fretless. My luthier loved the previous fretless job I gave him, but this one really appealed to him. He loved the Ryder. So he asked me if I know of a similar bass going cheap to let him know, and he'll make himself a fretless bass out of it. So, anybody thinking of letting his SR P-bass go?[/quote] Thats not a bad endorsement if a luthier fancies one but no pics means no mods Im afraid Jose A
  14. If you put a pic of the headstock it might help. Ive got a Hohner j bass pro (C suffix number) and the head has a very distinctive 'groove' along the top edge. [attachment=76344:Image007.jpg] A
  15. [quote name='macshadow' post='1180875' date='Mar 29 2011, 03:10 PM']They did indeed do red - Mark Griffiths himself played one on the 2008 Royal Variety Show, and a bass playing buddy got one when the shops started selling them off at £60. George[/quote] by george your right George........... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAIoaUSkV3c"]youtube vid[/url] Sue Ryder RP-1 by Royal Appointment A Edited about 20 times!!!
  16. [quote name='macshadow' post='1179906' date='Mar 28 2011, 07:29 PM']Anybody seen a red, rosewood 'board bass in an SR shop recently? George[/quote] Hi George Back in the heady days when these were available I dont think they did a red one. Although Im not 100% sure. Your best bet is to do like us and pop down Halfords and buy a can of your favourite red and have some fun making it your Ryder. There are a few still available in shops scattered around the country and one or two on here in the Basses for Sale section. A
  17. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='1180091' date='Mar 28 2011, 09:30 PM']OK, as long as we're all aware that I was one of the early adopters and I liked the combination before it was cool/mainstream! /hipster[/quote] I suppose some one has to set the benchmark for all us sheep to follow!! A
  18. apa


    'So tempted to have a maple dark blue but Ive got two already' type of bump styleee A
  19. [quote name='edstraker123' post='1178463' date='Mar 27 2011, 03:59 PM']Very nice ! Here are my efforts The white one has : Seymour Duncan quarter pounders, D'adarrio black nylon tapewounds, Chrome bridge and pickup covers Custom tort pickguard Pearl topped knobs This one sounds absolutely awesome The navy just has a custom pearl pickguard, fancy knobs and a set of Ernie's. [attachment=75894:sue_ryders.jpg][/quote] Another nice pair Those dark blue ones ready are fab. Ans the old skool look is realy cool As for the headstocks.............. well they wouldnt be Ryders if they were any different A
  20. That is an absolute beaut!! Looks realy good with the black and dark blue The neck and headstock have a nice pattern on it too. But I am cringing at you leaning it against that rough brick wall - Ouch!! Haha - Overseas boutique - Thats what Im thinking about mine too lol A
  21. LOL. I know what you mean. Why didnt I try fretless years ago!!! Nice little project there Jose and the defret looks very nice. What are the lines filled with? Its a nice subtle colour. Im particularly interested in those nordy pickups. I was pondering a future upgrade for my defretted ray projects but heard that those 4.2 pickups dont give out much volume but I may (read probably) wrong. Is there much difference in the preamps? A
  22. Ive just moved the bridge down as well. Its not string through anymore but the saddles are now in a more mid position. The bridge is actually as far back as I can get it on the body. A
  23. That SR#1 looks very nice with the black pg Jose. How apropriate you were playing ska on a 'two tone' P Funally enough Ive put half round roto's on my fretless ryder. Frankly I can hardly tell the difference against standard roto rounds. Still zingy and bright to my ear. Not even very smooth. Not a good comparison with your brand just an observation on half rounds. A
  24. apa

    Feedback for APA.

    Cheers Tom, like wise A
  25. and another satisfied customer. Thanks for the stands Tom. Just the job A
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