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Everything posted by apa

  1. Totaly recommend them! They are on my fender kingman acoustic and have a fab thumpy DB sound. The only thing youll have to do is file out the nut on your ryder. I took a look at mine and theres no way a set of tape wounds at 65 - 115 is going to fit in those slots!! A
  2. Just put some roto 66's on and.................... BLOODY HELL!! Now Im no P lover and so dont realy know the 'true' sound but BLOODY HELL! Totally different world to the ones it came with. Strung through the bridge the intonation is spot on. All I can say is for a pure white innocent looking little £60 Bass from a charity shop its got an evil dark sound that is lush!! A
  3. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='1114980' date='Feb 4 2011, 09:49 AM']I can't get my E and A strings to intonate. The open string will be perfectly in tune, I'll then fret the 12th fret and it's far too high. Not sure how much further back i can move the saddles back so this could be a problem! [/quote] My A and E are still just a little sharp because I cant take the bridges back any more since the through holes are half way along the travel! Once the new strings are in (in about 2 hours time) it should be ok. The strings that come with it are dogs so a change of those may sort it out! A
  4. Im realy getting a soft spot for my white one (And when I say White I mean its WHITE!!) Fresh strings are in so she's in for a treat. The Dark Blue one should be in on monday. Ill have a fiddle and decide which one to bling. The other one I'll lay down in the cellar to appreciate. Im convinced these will be worth a fortune in a few years time I actually like the neck! Im never bothered by particular neck shapes and its always nice to try something new, never had a P before. So they need a bit of a set up for an hour or so to sort them out. What new bass out the box doesnt? The only things that realy need sorting are: 1. Through body isnt much use since the ferrels are too small and the bridge goes passed the holes to get the intonation right. 2. The action is still high so a skim of the neck at the pocket may be needed. 3. The fixing and cut outs of the pups are poor but thats realy just cosmetic. Good points: 1. Perfect balance. 2. Smooth neck and easy to play. 3. Solid Bridge. 4. Nice weight, not too light. 5. Pups are ok Everything else, like paint finish is all cosmetics. Sue Ryder RP-1's are Offically COOOOOOOOL................. A
  5. Got mine yesterday, only a couple of minutes play but, well, it sounds like a £60 Bass! The strings realy are crap so a new set may make a big difference. The finish is OK. Not sure wether to get another one to mod and keep this one orig. The neck is very nice though. Worth the money just for that! The worst thing is the pup cavity and fitting. A bit random!! New pups and strings should see her right. Im pleased with it over all. Ill give it a week and if theres any left I may get another to butcher Oh and her name? SUZIE of course A
  6. apa


    [quote name='jsixties' post='1111527' date='Feb 1 2011, 08:02 PM']Sorry but TIM offered me the same a few minutes ago: Not interested save it has jesus's face in the wood pattern. [/quote] You'll be sorry in 10 years time when these babies are like hens teeth after everyone else has moded theirs to death. Saving that, Ill get my felt tip out Consider this BUMPED.......................... A
  7. apa


    Swap you a Sue Ryder P1 in White A
  8. Im skipping off to the seemingly grey and drap real world with a warm prog glow in my heart :-D Oooohh look, a soft creature nailed upon the coloured door of time! How nice 8-B A
  9. I think the BIG question in all this is who (As in which Asian company) actually makes these babies??? That would be very handy for future reference. A
  10. Nope, couldnt do it. I gave in! White with roswood fboard on its way. I dont even like P's A
  11. [quote name='mcnach' post='1089782' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:59 PM']Ah, the HP41... wanted one badly at school. But the HP28 series was superior, I'm sorry to tell you As I said, not a big fan of P-bass [/quote] But you cant beat a classic. Mines worth more than what I payed for it!! If its got a '=' sign it aint a HP SSSsSSsSssHHhhHhh CCCcHHHhhhhGGGggggSSSSSHHHHhhHhhh And now back to the bit with Basses in it................................... A
  12. [quote name='mcnach' post='1089717' date='Jan 14 2011, 07:22 PM']heh, I think I understand you, this was mine at university: [/quote] HA! read 'em and weep boys. The Epitame of Reverse Polish Notation The 'Precision', The 'Jazz', The 'Insert your all time classic Bass here'. The HP41-CX.................... [attachment=68786:hp41cx.jpg] OK this isnt a pic of mine. Thats still in work! If anyone wants pics as proof just PM me Erm am I On Topic or not? Not sure but hey Im sure your all GASing for one A
  13. Lol. This is like reading "The Flat Response" all over again!! Looks fertively at my DAB radio. Has the sudden urge to file 3 little parallel lines on the mains plug connectors....... n o o o o m u s t r e s i s t................ MUST r e s i s t................... A
  14. Just remember to make sure the lid is securely fixed on or it goes everywere!! A
  15. apa


    XTC are, for me, part of my chilhood and teen years. I have pretty much everything they did up till Apples and Venus on vinyl :-D For me they can do no wrong. They are the greatest pop band that never was. The biggest shame is Terry Chambers giving it all up to go and work on a building site in Australia!! Even Barry Andrews was cool on keys. Very good musicians. Fav tracks of the top of my head? When your near me I have difficulty Ten feet tall Blame the weather Respectable street (Love the lyrics in that lmao - soooo true) No thugs in our house (Same again about the lyrics) Battery brides Realy like Andys solo album too. A very early example of remixing. Anyone say a word against the Swindon boys and I'll BIFF yah! A P.S. Is the Mural of them still on the side of that building in Swindon? lol
  16. Touchstone was my choice too. Got stuff from them before and good prices! Cheers again A
  17. [quote name='henry norton' post='1063930' date='Dec 19 2010, 07:59 PM']If you go to a luthier supplier you can specify how dark, brown, cream, streaky, wavy or dead black a board you want. An ebony fingerboard blank isn't actually that expensive if you're building one instrument and yes, I'd go to a luthier supplier because you generally pay for wood by volume (even for smallish bits) and you'd probably have to buy a larger chunk from a timber supplier, consequently paying for more wood you won't use. Tonewoods are usually dried and stored with instrument making in mind and are graded on quality (tightness & straightness of grain, figure or lack of, density etc.), none of which you're likely to find from a wood yard unless they're very very good indeed, and there ain't many very very good wood yards around Or to put it another way if you can't justify 20 quid for a decent ebony board you're going to have bigger problems bringing the rest of the bass up to the lofty standards of your pro quality ebony board![/quote] Perfect and very true lol. Thats exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks Henry Yep the blanks arent expencive even when you add postage. Was just wondering since Im off to a quit good wood suppliers soon anyway so could look around. Im asking on this element since its a critical part and not just esthetics. Ill have a looky on the net. Anyone recommend a good one? A
  18. So Im thinking of making a replacement Fingerboard. Question is, Should I buy specific Blank Ebony Board form a Luther supplies because its specificaly selected for that use or can I trot over to my local exotic wood suppliers and pic up a suitable piece at much less cost?? Or do I need a piece with built in mojo?? Im going to machine out the shape radii etc myself so it just needs to be a lump of wood!! A
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1054394' date='Dec 10 2010, 07:08 PM']I think that there are only two Bolin basses on Basschat (I used to own the other one as well ) and possibly only a couple more in the whole of the UK, so this may be undersubscribed with owners but I think the Bolin deserves it's own porn thread! The 4 string that I now own... The 5 string that I sold on Basschat and has passed around a couple of others... Made by John Bolin and designed by Ned Steinberger, these basses were only produced for a short period, though still available as a custom option from Bolin/'House of Guitars' (JB's new name for his Bolin Co.). John makes custom guitars and basses for the likes of Billy F. Gibbons, Jimmy Page, Steve Miller, Dusty Hill, Lou Reed, Doc Watson, Albert King, Bo Didley, Joe Perry, and Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones. They are fabulous basses and the piezo tone (if the bass has that option; both of the above do) is truly excellent. The piezo can be soloed and it has a lovely airy breathiness to it, or if blended with the EMG magnetics it can add a pleasing top end. The locking sperzels are great. The arm extension is a stroke of genius (even if you do have to watch out for the screw working loose, the old matchstick and UPVA glue sorts it). The overall tone is superb BUT some folks have commented that it doesn't do that Miller slap thang... not the end of the world and tbh I've managed to get a decent slap tone for the odd thumb n pop. All in all I think they are an excellent bass and the Bolin that I now have will never be for sale (refer me to this thread if you ever see me contemplating it), in fact I'd happily buy another but it would need to be the colour of my old 5 string. [/quote] I can't help but admire your use of a bass stand neck clip nailed to the wall to hold your french doors open. A good illustration as it is juxtaposed with the one that bass is sitting in. ;-) oh, nice bass by the way................ A
  20. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPnWDimkZnI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPnWDimkZnI[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5mFVo55bKQ&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5mFVo55bKQ...feature=related[/url] Not bad for a half deaf pensioner!! And he didnt move his feet once ;-) But no he wasnt the 'master of soloing'
  21. [quote name='fatback' post='1048857' date='Dec 5 2010, 11:01 PM']Slotted brass bridge too. No need for an upgrade there [/quote] Any one would think you're trying to sell it A
  22. [quote name='fatback' post='1048619' date='Dec 5 2010, 07:36 PM']I had my doubts about the pups until I started putting it passive through a sadowsky pre, and it's a different beast. Mwah by the bucket, and quite aggressive in a pleasing way once I got the rounds off and stuck some heavy elixirs on. Very high output from the standard pups on this one anyhow. Never goes out of tune either [/quote] Cool. I suppose pups are replacable and it is a looker. Do like that 'Burns' Style roll top head ;-) A
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='1048621' date='Dec 5 2010, 07:39 PM']Someone on here is selling a Vester for£150. I have the same model,and it's a mystery as to how it hasn't sold yet.[/quote] I did see that one! funny enough Im looking at two others on here with big plans for both lol. So the old saying is true "Basses are a bit like buses. You wait for ages for one and two come along at once". Bit like life realy ;-) A
  24. [quote name='fatback' post='1048553' date='Dec 5 2010, 06:53 PM']Maybe you can find an old Westone Thunder. They come in unlined fretless and have a jazz-ish neck. Actives aren't up to much, but switched to passive with a good outboard pre sounds the biz and plays beautifully. [/quote] Oooohhh Im liking the look of a thunder :-) but not sure about the P pups but thats going high on the list. A
  25. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1048531' date='Dec 5 2010, 06:30 PM']You want a [url="http://en.euroguitar.com/bass/cort/gb/75p-fretless-serie-limitee/124990.html"]Cort GB74[/url] The first thing that came into my mind when you said Musicmanish for your budget. You would need to be looking secondhand though Or a [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/Bass-Guitars/7711-/Cort-Curbow-4FL-Fretless-Bass-Cannon-Black?utm_source=googleproduct"]Cort Curbow[/url][/quote] Interesting suggestion Delberthot Ive found one for £300 new at Thomanns Ive also found the Vintage V940FL at £200 or am I looking at a Dog???? A
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