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Everything posted by sratas

  1. Please record a sample of it if you can. It’s almost impossible to hear the pj configuration on youtube. In particular I want to evaluate the two pu together with tone wide open. Is this a unique tone or is a slightly brighter variant of the split coil tone? With some pj basses the combined setting is very usable and unique sounding, with others the singlecoil simply compliments the split. Thanks.
  2. Hello mr. WoT. I think that handbox should seriously consider to endorse you and give you the WB amp no money asked! i know you are spreading out the handbox name just because you are a great passionate and happen to like their amps, but it’ s an impressive showcase nonetheless. keep the spirit and the passion bro
  3. An advice. Agree with chris b. Zing is properly delivered with a tweeter. But if a jazz dors not cut, there us the need to work with the eq to have a good midrange but without sounding silky or destroying the known jazz tone. It can take some time, but it can solve many issues. I found useful using tube breakup to add midrange harmonics. My jazz has no probs at all cutting trough
  4. An update on amps for the thread opener: - class d amps rule the market, usually with smps (no big trannies, high efficiency, low weight) - they come with a wide span of prices - you can buy these toasters with wattage starting frm 200 to 2000 +. They can be loud. - class d - smps is the absolute standard in foh and pa applications. No one is prone to carry those fridge racks of old anymore, me too - abeit the vast majority of bass players do use micros, the crude reality is that they do not sound or behave as good as the old technology, class AB and obviously tubes, but the consensus is that micros do sound good ( because low weight and form has become the most relevant factor) so we must be careful when talking about quality and differences so... - build your own opinion - myself, I will not spend money on toasters anymore
  5. One bass in the last 6 months, cut down from 4. It's a relief...not having to clean, wax, setting up, etc basses I don't use...my current jazz bass plays from folk ro rock without probs, but I have to admit the collection was very easy on the eye
  6. It seems to be unlikely even to me...in effect...starved plate and marketing purposes seem to be quite rare, it seems. This proves that a complex interaction of factors defines the result, and maybe talking about a single feature does not have much sense.
  7. Wish I was able to interpret things like 6v6 or passinwind. now I am curious about the tube specs of two amps I owned, namely the markbass lm tube and the genz streamliner
  8. Is there even a defined voltage for a 12ax7 that can be considered as starved plate or it can't be defined because it varies?
  9. Thanks 6v6...much appreciated
  10. Thanks passinwind, but I don't want to begin to study the matter. I would like to obtain simple answers. For example: is there a solid reason to have a 300 v tube pre from a listener or player point of view? If the answer is yes, those reasons apply only if the pre is pushed or even if it is used clean? If not, there are examples of starved plate designs in so called all tube monsters, like the SVT, orange AD 200 etc.? Thanks for your attention
  11. It's quite frustrating for me and those like me who aren't unable to understand the deepness and actual complexity of these arguments. I'm completely sure that you and Andy are right, but I can see why you are close friends too and why you do sound alike when explaining. Sometimes, being able to simplify and communicate a complex item in order to allow comprehension by unexpert people is rewarding and most of all, it can be done, for sure. This concept, wich is not criticism by any means, reminds me of everyday working moments of mine. My daytime job is medical doctor and research, and just about always I'm asked to explain very complex arguments and implications to the common people, sometimes to those who did not study at all, unable to write etc. Given the paramount importance to these informations, I simply cannot simply answer " it just depends" even if many times it just depends if we pretend to embrace the full spectrum of unknown possibilities . I know I can do better, and the vast majority of times the patient fully understands what is important fir him. Will I ge chairbound? Will I die in a month? It just depends is not a proper answer in my world. Maybe they will not comprehend the techy or biological reasons for that, but they understand what he or she needs to know.
  12. I think you may hit a good point. The power stage in the WA reacts like anything else I used. It can impart a considerable color to the tone and, when pushed, it starts to add harmonics and grindy distortion, a pleasant one. Definitely a unique behaviour amongst hybrids
  13. Yeah, it was directed to Passinwind and Wot. Some posts ago we were debating what full voltage tube pre means and the role of the V2 tube in the Walkabout. So I asked the Mesa engineer who gave me that answer. Sorry if I created a bit of confusion by malpositioning my intervention
  14. Regarding high voltage and that tube driven mosfets in the WA back end, this is what the Mesa engineer "agedhorse" answered when I asked those features in a contemporary thread on Talkbass: "The B+ supply is somewhere around 300V. Power supply voltage is only a small factor as it is entirely possible to design a preamp operating at a lower voltage that sounds virtually identical. There are many other, more important factors involved. The second tube provides the direct gate drive of the mosfets. It's a combination PI/driver with voltage and current gain. It's a unique application of MOSFET technology."
  15. 6v6....never tought there is some magic in the Walkabout, but please consider that a certain circuit do sound a certain way because of the design as a whole, regardless of the single components. The vast majority of amps in the common commercial range if price are built with quite common quality components, but the design and interaction of the parts is what determines how it sounds. Just t clarify once and for all, the WA was an example, I'm sure there are other awesome hybrids, like that handbox for example.
  16. I'm talking about the streamliner because I had it and because it's and hybrid too, albeit with a different power amp topology. This thread is about hybrids, isn't it? Guess not only tube-ss ones...don't you agree?
  17. You should use one in a gig situation where you push it besides your usual trusty amp, and then report back. Anyway, apart from mesa stuff, not all hybrids are created equal. Had a genz streamliner for a year, sounded like plastic to my ears
  18. The walkabout has a 12ax7 in the gain stage and another one destined to drive the mosfets. Please do not expect I can give you detailed engineering data or explanations, but according to the Mesa people and the knowkedge available on other boards about the WA (mega thread on talkbass), it seems that the m-pulse technology was conceived this way to fill the behavioral gap between full tube and hybrid. I can testify they built something special with that proprietary circuit.
  19. Nope...it's not a matter of compression alone. I gave a unique example of a power stage that actually behaves in a tubey way adding conpression, harmonics and finally a great distortion and meat. No way a compressor is suitable for this amount of tubey grit and colour, sorry. The WA is an outstanding example of an extraordinary design and, finally, this is why it has become a true classic
  20. Unless God gave us the Mesa Walkabout, wich has a tube pre and a tube driven mosfet power stage that behaves convincingly as a tube power stage. Every player should own one
  21. I can play any bass and make them work for the song I'm playing....but I love my bass. My only one. In the past I used to own many, then sold everything I was not fond of. I play my bass every day, for at least a couple of hours. I love every moment I spend with it, it never disappoints me. In the past I tought I needed more basses, now I'm aware I must care about technique and soul, the bass will follow me.
  22. To the OP. Ask adrian maruszczyk. I know I forgot how to spell his name and brand, but he can build the bass you want for a super fair price and top quality manufacturing
  23. Ah, now I get it. Did not understand before. Ok, this could be a very welcome mod and possibly a feature of the new Walkabout, if Mesa can actually begin to listen to customers and starts designing it
  24. Great mod guys. Just let me say that the DI of the Walkabout is one of the best of the planet just as it is, after all the tubes and the mosfets. I'm not going to compromise on its fabolous tone. Just let the paid soundman do its tough job and enjoy, f*** the soundguy
  25. Setup is so much important, not only for playability, but for tone too. If the bass has a very bad setup it may feel and sound like junk
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