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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. I had the exact one - bought in a fit of Pearl Jam inspiration - probably around the same time. Had the same colour too. A little while later I wanted a Jazz pickup in it and, being a cocky 20 year old, decided to do it myself and made a complete balls of it. Still, a fine bass for what it was.
  2. I have a set of regular 34” scale GHS string on, think they’re 40-100, and they feel and sound fine. Maybe try an old set, the tension might be just fine.
  3. Probably late to the party - I have a 5 string Maruszczyk fretless with a 48mm nut. I have small hands but chose this as my Fender 5 has the same. It does feel wider/bigger than the Fender - I’m not sure why, but it’s not a bad thing. If you haven’t already ordered, you can specify something different if you want in the comments or an email to Adrian.
  4. I was enjoying that - genuinely - until one of them said - the 5 string neck was modelled after Marcus’s main bass, goes on to describe it (black scratch plate, etc), and he’s known for playing a five string. Hard to listen to anything after that
  5. It’s a high pass and low pass filter - not an envelope filter in any way. High pass is for cutting lows, low pass is for cutting highs, like a tone control on your bass. These are awesome pedals - really useful for boomy rooms, hollow stages, especially with double basses.
  6. To add to what Frank has said - also get to know some of the other bands in the venues you want to play in. You'd be surprised how often 'things come up' and a venue is left stuck without a band at the last minute. That's when frantic calls are made and dashing heroes step into the breach. The scenario of singer/band A has to cancel at last minute and then calls singer/band B through to Z until someone is available happens more than you'd think. Being super flexible helps here. It also happens this way as an individual musician - the same calls get made looking drummers, bassists, etc. Your singer might have to cancel at the last minute, so rather than replace the whole band you just replace the singer and wing it. Again, this happens a lot and you just go with it. And when this does happen, and presuming you do a good job, you'll find bar managers a little more receptive to taking your number. A little. Ish.
  7. A righteous pedal. Love that it can go from old school Andy Fraser/early Gene Simmons to Darkglass territory. The ‘Agro’ name can be misleading - it can be quite subdued. Plus, hugely responsive to playing dynamics makes it just a fun pedal to play with.
  8. I have the SBC and JSBC sets in two Maruszczyk basses. Compared to stock pickups on a Japanese Fender Precision, they are noticeably quieter. Compared to a Nordstrand set in a US Fender Jazz, they’re about the same.
  9. I got one a few months ago - I think it’s a game changer. For me, there’s a gig feng-shui to it - 3 sounds (off - using your amp controls, then both channels of the pedal) and then the tuner. And the size!!! It’s just perfect. Also, going through the presets in the manual - it’s a really versatile pedal. As much as Maiden are in my DNA since I was 10 in 1987, the Steve Harris tone isn’t going to work for everything. That’ll be when you want the Lemmy setting.
  10. My tuppence re: digital vs analog is that until my understanding of patches and menus, etc gets a serious upgrade, then I've no choice but to stick with analog. And I totally accept that I am the weak link in this chain. I'd actually love to get into the digital side of things, but sadly my Luddite brain can't get there yet. Even the Tech21 Programmable BDDI fried my brain when the lights started flashing because the actual knob position didn't reflect where the pot position had been saved. Think I still have some sort of PTSD with that.
  11. Love it. I had a 1978 one, in black. Loved the feel of to play, plucking wise, but I don’t get on with painted/glossy necks so I had to let it go. Still, it remains the one that got away and I still wish I had it. Enjoy!!
  12. Another idea - assuming you hold the pick in the ‘normal’ way of pointy bit towards the string. Keep with the lighter pick but rotate it around so the rounded edge is striking the string. I used to use he big triangular Dunlop picks before using regular ones. The thinner pick felt and sounded weird to me. Playing with the stubby end gives me a more solid sound than the pointed edge.
  14. Nice one. Liked that a lot. Less subtle chorus sounds awesome on bass, I think. Gets into a pseudo-Rhodes trip.
  15. Curses!!!! Wanted one of these for years, but I’ve the Irish Sea and several hundred miles in between. Good luck with the sale.
  16. Nice one. I'm at #108 in the print version, which correlates to #26.3 in the pdf. The pdf has extra stuff in it, like all the preparatory exercises, and has everything grouped clearly by key. The book groups them by key too, but it isn't obvious at a glance. Thanks for sharing.
  17. The new-ish Fender Player Precision’s are beautifully light - or at least the one I got is, but from what I’ve read they seem to be consistently light weight.
  18. My latest.
  19. Hubrad - thanks. Yep, think mine was the same as your mandolin - a few too many tours and taking the pickup on and off.
  20. Double bass folks - this one is for you. A week or so back 3below (Francis) of this parish enquired if anyone had a broken David Gage Realist pickup. A few emails later and my very dead Realist pickup was on its way. Literally within hours of Francis saying it had landed, he emailed back to say it was fixed and sent along a recording made with it. To say I am grateful is an understatement. This pickup has sat, dead in a box, for the better part of a decade. By all accounts, the design of the Realist means that it does have a shelf life - akin to wear and tear on car tyres, but given the price of them, about £175, I just couldn't bring myself to bin it. Surely someone will be able to repair it, I thought. Well, that someone is 3below and if your pickup is showing signs of giving up the ghost, I highly recommend getting in touch with Francis. He informed me of what the process would be, what was likely wrong with it and I had the pickup back on my Eminence bass less than a week after I sent it. Given that the pickup has been off the bass for so long I have zero recollections of how it sounded. This reborn pickup however, sounds truly awesome - a solid sound, strong signal and captures every detail that I hear unplugged. So thank you 3below and thank you Basschat for making all this possible. (should you be interested, attached is a quick Garageband recording) Realist - with track.mp3
  21. Totally loved that - playing and the tone. Nice job.
  22. On a side note Lozz, I seem to be going the opposite route - I’ve played Jazz basses since 1995, all with rosewood fingerboards. But then the clank called and a few weeks ago saw the arrival of a Fender Player Precision with a maple fingerboard and I couldn’t be happier. I blame Steve Harris and Iron Maiden, to whom I am eternally in their debt.
  23. My tuppence worth - just received my 2nd build from Maruszczyk a week or two back. Bass is all good, no complaints. Minor issue before it was shipped was that it was missing a string retainer I had asked for, being a non-angled headstock. Again - not a big issue. Asked Adrian about this before it was shipped, his reply was it didn’t need it. (My first order definitely needed it. Different opinion is fine, but I ordered it, so I’d like what I paid for) I replied it was fine to send it without the retainer installed and I would do it myself, having done the other one. His reply was along the lines of ‘ok, but which string retainer? I have 30 basses just arrived.’ I’ll happily overlook any language issues - my Polish and German is non-existent - but right there I felt like I was bothering him just to get my order fulfilled. As others have stated, his manner is less than ideal for in-person or internet sales. The pro’s are that I have two instruments I’m really happy with. The negatives are that his manner would make me look elsewhere if there’s a next time I’m looking an instrument of that price. I really do like my basses, loved learning about the company from following WOT’s posts. It’s unfortunate to be left with a sour taste. Spec’ing a custom bass is part of the enjoyment, along with getting the final thing and cherishing it. Feeling like you’re interrupting someone’s conversation and wasting their time (when you’re actually just trying to GIVE THEM MONEY!!!!!) - I thought that was the bricks and mortar music shops of olde. Anyway - sorry for the hi-jack. Hope things get resolved for the OP.
  24. Just having a nosy now Rob - congratulations, it’s an awesome archive. And thank you so much for sharing, it is greatly appreciated. It’s a great motivator.
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