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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. For arco/pizz changes I found using a volume pedal more natural, especially as sometimes it happened during quiet sections where th click of a pedal was a bit noticeable. Something like a Boss LS-2 pedal might be a better choice as the input is the right impedance for a piezo pickup and the switching is silent.
  2. Lovely stuff. I'm not a fan of active basses, but I tried several Xotic basses in Japan a few years ago and, besides being wonderful to play, the preamp had what I can only describe as an integral feel - it didn't change or sit on top of the passive tone, but rather expanded it. I'm still a passive guy, but I have a Tri-Logic II and a Tri-Logic III preamp pedals working their magic on my pedal boards.
  3. [quote name='StuartCrawl' timestamp='1462831035' post='3046170'] Ha ha, yes indeed. How's things mate? [/quote] Nice one. Aye, all is good here. How's the four/five string treating you?
  4. [quote name='StuartCrawl' timestamp='1461523904' post='3035422'] My old friend from Lisburn?? [/quote] Mr.Rainey?
  5. Welcome from a little further north from you. And enjoy!
  6. Yes, and this was quite painful. Original band I was in was playing one of it's first big (to us) support slots to Embrace. Venue was The Ulster Hall in Belfast - legendary for many reasons, not least being that Led Zeppelin played there and I had seen the Chili Peppers on the Blood Sugar Sex Magik tour and had my mind blown by the Rollins Band who were opening - point being that it is very hallowed ground indeed. My bands label guy flies in an old colleague from his Sony days in London. Nice guy, how do you do, etc but I am way more distracted by 'F*****k me, I'm playing the Ulster Hall'. The embarrassing part comes in that I'm wearing my Einsturzende Neubauten hoodie and not noticing that this guy is giving me a somewhat curious look the whole time. A mere two days pass before I'm driving down the road when it hits me - 'That was Mark Chung from Neubauten!!!!!' He was their old bassist and I have watched that guy on videos countless times, so a quality 'Doh!!!!' moment. A very apologetic email was forwarded on to Sony later that evening.
  7. +1 for TheRev's comment about high pass filter. They really work wonders. I have one on my Acoustic Image head, but also have one on the form of a Wren&Cuff Suppa Phat Phuk pedal that I like even better. It has a wonderful way of bringing out the high's and mid's without seeming like it's boosting anything. The most natural sound I've ever had through an amp.
  8. Bout ye Stuart.
  9. Bump for a great amp. So great.... I have two
  10. Awesome preamps. Very clean and noise free. For those concerned about the 18v power supply - these run fine with a 9v adapter. I have this one and the Trilogic III and to be honest, I prefer this model. So..... BUMP!!!
  11. Slight derail as I've never played a 'normal' Mexican Precision, but I've just gotten a Dee Dee Precision a few weeks ago but my tuppence would be - in comparison to a Fender American Standard Jazz - why do American made Fenders cost twice the price as a Mexican one? Maybe I got a Friday special, but at £1250 or so that my US Jazz cost, it is one shoddy instrument for the price. Comparatively the Dee Dee (and I presume Mexican Fender's in general) stands up very well against a US made Fender.
  12. I would highly recommend heading over to www.discoverdoublebass.com It's headed by Geoff Chalmers of this parish and I've found it a wonderful thing for inspiration and focus. There are many free tutorial videos, of about 10 minutes in length, that present one idea at a time for you to work on. Really can't go wrong it. And also - Geoff is readily available here or via that website if you need further advice.
  13. The Vamoosh Book 1 is really good for a beginner - might be aimed a little too young - but it works well for P4 / P5 beginners. All the information is nicely laid out and the backing tracks are great. A bit more in depth and age appropriate are the Essential Elements series. There's three of them - by the end of book 1 you'd be prepared for a Grade 1 Double Bass exam.
  14. Melvin's tone, not to mention his outstanding playing, on the Lee Ritenour 'Overtime' DVD is just wonderful - clarity, power and nuance. I could watch that just for the sound alone. And his Xotic/EWS demo videos are worth checking out.
  15. I tried something similar - trying to get two separate channels into a Di before the amp and then back out into two separate channels again. It was a mess of cables and a pain in the butt. Best I can suggest is that you use your amp as you have been - two separate channels - then plug your tuner into the effects loop send or a dedicated tuner out if your amp has one. This would work but depends on your amp having a mute switch the kill the signal to the DI and speaker.
  16. The sarky part of me thinks - great, now I get feedback no matter where I stand.
  17. Also - a temporary solution is to use something like those rubber table mats that stop heat marks, but they're thin enough that you'll go through one soon.
  18. That's easy - get a new wife. Or - a safer alternative is something like this: http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/1366-SUPER_ENDPIN_BALL_ATTACHMENT_FOR_UPRIGHT_BASS_TIP_COVER.html
  19. Chuck Rainey said he used this technique when his hands would tire after playing all day long. That's about all the vindication one needs. Charles Mingus also used it for fast tremolo playing.
  20. Rarely have I had the luxury of actually getting the gear I requested. It's more often than not whatever the hire company for the whole production has at hand. Unless it's Japan - then you're in gear heaven.
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1451902474' post='2944335'] What a beautiful setup... Not a bit jealous! [/quote] As an appropriate song would say, 'I second that emotion".
  22. The book that served me well and I still use to this day to teach with is The Complete Electric Bass Player by Chuck Rainey. Well worth the price. It takes you through all the keys with repetitive patterns that are incredibly useful. Can't recommend it enough. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Electric-Bass-Player-Book/dp/0825624258
  23. Word of mouth is very important....BUT..... no one is going to recommend someone that can't do the gig, which takes you back to playing by ear and reading competently both being crucial factors.
  24. 'Jesus Christ Superstar' has some choice moments, though on the whole not as dense as 'West Side Story'. 'Copacobana' is a good workout on electric bass. Any chance of a pdf of 'Sunset Boulevard'?
  25. How'd it work out Bilbo? I did mine over the summer and was well chuffed with how it turned out. Felt like a whole new instrument.
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