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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1343306293' post='1748619'] I now have prawn salad on my steering wheel ... [/quote] Please tell me that's not a euphemism.....
  2. Hey Folks - Just got this book as a replacement book via an Amazon dealer, for another book that was pretty mangled. As luck would have it the cd is missing and the seller doesn't have a replacement copy. [s]Does anyone have the cd of this? [/s] *Sorted now folks - thank you good people of Basschat*
  3. If you get the Simandl 30 Etudes, it's worth springing for the MusicMinusOne edition which has the piano accompaniments on cd, as well as another cd with the bass parts performed too. Great for getting the intonation together along with the tempo.
  4. I use two 1x12's and love the versatility, and love being able to stack them vertically to bring the sound closer to my ears. My Markbass LMK 500watt head into two Epifani 1x12 cabs has more volume than I need. With one cab it's a great rig for upright. If I was picking a new rig from scratch I'd be tempted to go for the new GenzBenz Contour 2x10 combo and then add another cab when needed. As much as I love having separate heads and cabs so I can mix and match, there are times when I'd just love to roll a combo in, plug one kettle lead in and away I go.
  5. Yeah, but think of all the straps you could get from that horse
  6. I use a Korg Pandora PX3B jobby I bought years ago in London for way too much. Probably a better, and cheaper, updated version available by now. Decent sound, eq is grand and editable on each patch. Drum presets are cheesy but grand for practicing. Handy feature is the 'Phrase' function which lets you create a loop of whatever audio comes thru the Aux input. Oh, and it has an Aux input too
  7. Bass clef wizard on my first go. I reckon I'd a Great Wizard if I knew the keys to type a lot better!!!
  8. Hey Lindsey - that is such a great tone you get on the Carole King clip - especially on 'White Christmas'. Colour me with envy. Good luck.
  9. Bump for an amazing all rounder of a cab - and at a damn good price. The covers on these truly are great at doing their job.
  10. Bout ye and welcome!!!
  11. By soundpeg do you mean the sound post inside the bass? If so, it sounds like the sound post is too big to begin with, which results in it trying to push through the front and back (and also noticeable by checking the f-holes- if one side of the f appears higher than the other then that's what's happening. It could also be the result of this crazy warm humidity we've been having here lately. Ireland's normally just cold and wet but now it's becoming warm and wet. I'm just guessing on this second point, and maybe humidity changes don't happen that quickly. As for a repair- by all accounts Tom Barrett in Galway is the guy to go to. Don't have a number for him but do a search for double bass and his name and you should be good. Good luck!!!!!
  12. Was digging through some old tapes and found this clip with Foy Vance from 2006. This was a good band I think. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RMTzPxWUYE&feature=relmfu[/media]
  13. Yeah, I'm probably in the minority here but even at clank settings I still find something inherently dark about the Ampeg sound. I'm a 6K+ kinda guy
  14. Ah, that be stuff I know nothing about then.
  15. It can be turned off in the second version. I like it a lot. Found the VT to be too dark for my liking.
  16. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1340015958' post='1697539'] My apologies for taking you up wrongly. I would generally not consider myself to be naive. However, I have come across people who actually have the the views you "jokingly" related. So, as I dont know you from Adam, then yes, maybe the smiley may have been necessary. That's what they're for. [/quote] Apologies Coilte, not singling you out on purpose to make that point. Wouldn't be the first time my sense of humour didn't come across well. My genuine opinion is that playing any instrument in any way is valid as long as it makes the sound that's desired. As for who is more important in a band- every role is important and should be respected as such. My feeling is that folks who think bass should have four strings and be played with fingers in a subordinant role are missing the point of music in general. Music (and instruments) are in a constant state of evolution. To have the progress of that evolution stop at a certain point seems redundant to me and shows up a particular characteristic about someone that I really don't like. Like Frank Zappa said - a mind is like a parachute. It only works if it's open.
  17. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1339857255' post='1695494'] Thankfully, I have never felt inferior (unconfident at times...yes) as a bassist, and no, I never had the wish to play anything other the bass, though it is good to be able to play more than one instrument. You are correct when you say that when the bassist stops playing, then the whole shebang falls apart. So why think you'r inferior? [/quote] Jeez guys, is my sarcasm THAT subtle? Do we really need the smiley face icon to tell when someone is joking?
  18. It's not just that bass players that use picks are inferior - it's that bass players in general are inferior. I mean, come on - don't we all secretly wish we could play lead guitar (as opposed to rhythm guitar, which is almost as inferior as bass) ? Sometimes I feel so inferior playing behind a guitar solo, swooning over every flourish of wildly exaggerated notes, that I crumble inside and forget to play - but then the song falls apart and the guitarist screams at me to keep playing because now, all of a sudden, HIS playing is irrelevant and he actually seems to NEED me to keep playing. Can we really be worthless and irreplaceable at the same time? As a closet guitarist, I am so confused as to what to do with the bass - do I play? When do I play? What do I play? Less is more? Pick or fingers? Lock in with the kick drum? Don't lock in with the kick drum? Meticulously plot the cruel and agonising death of everyone not in the rhythm section whilst playing a repetitive bass line ad nauseum between yet another heart breaking guitar solo? Oh, cruel life - why can't I be as fluid as Jeff Beck? And as irony would have, Jeff Beck plays guitar with his fingers.............
  19. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1339634671' post='1691904'] Better to play on a 5 string, octave pedals always sound synthetic (see what I did there). Video is more of a plug for IMO an over produced mediocre tune. [/quote] What is this? Talkbass?
  20. That's frustrating all round. I ordered my pickup from Ryan via eBay, had it shipped out the next day and was with me within a week I think, with no hold up or custom charges, and all for $3 shipping internationally. It's a good product and it's sad that Ryan is having to take this route - tho unavoidable without charging higher shipping rates which then negates the fabulous value of his product - and also sad for folks like lockpicker1969 who have ended up having their heads wrecked.
  21. I'd personally recommend going for a hybrid bass - one that has a solid wood top with laminated back and sides. I've found, through painful trail and error, that they're a lot less problematic when it comes to amplifying onstage. The bass I play both onstage and in studio's cost about £700 from Thomann. It was a pot luck affair, borne out of frustration that my £3500 carved bass was impossible to play live with any volume because of feedback. To my surprise the Thomann has about 85% of the tone that the carved one has but is significantly easier and more practical to use live (which is where I predominantly use it so that could be a deciding factor for you). The £700 got me the bass, but not a pickup or case, and I did put a new set of strings on it, so factor in another £300-400 for all of that. One major advantage in buying from Thomann is that they can do the setup for you, and the bass will ship with the soundpost in place so you can string it up right away, is that you'll save the time and expense of going to a luthier. That's money you can out towards the pickup, etc. I realise that I'm talking about doubling your budget but the reality is that anything less will either hinder your development in terms of playing the thing (I curse my early days of playing when I didn't know double basses could actually be set up better than mine was) or be an absolute nightmare to use live and you'll begin the rue the day the upright bug bit.
  22. Bought a Wizard Thumper from Jon - well packed and sent out immediately after payment. Good guy and great communication all round. All good.
  23. For those that think the Guyatone text is missing, here it is: "Make their booty move! The BB-2 Bottom Blaster features Guyatone's proprietary "Sound Control System" (patent pending) circuitry that adds butt-shaking lows and sizzling highs to any bass sound! If your current gear just isn't moving enough air, the BB-2 is like adding a palm-sized hurricane to your rig! The inherent problem with standard EQ circuits is that the various frequency bands they cut & boost tend to overlap at various points. These overlap points can alter the original input wave shape, resulting in muddy bottom-end or harsh hi-frequency peaks. The BB2's Bottom control emphasizes the ultra-low frequencies without overlapping the lower midrange, creating immense, chest-thumping bottom end that is fat and tight. The Attack control adds a bright, crispy upper-midrange that works to bring out playing dynamics and allows any instrument to stand out in the mix. The BB2's Level control can add up to 30 dB of boost to the input signal, making it perfect for use as a clean booster. In addition to turning any standard four-string into a lethal weapon, The BB-2 can improve the sound of the low-B on 5- and 6-string basses, making it clear, tight, and well defined even through a small amp! You may have noticed that the BB-2 doesn't have the standard plunger-type on/off footswitch - that's because once you've plugged it in you won't want to play without it! Don't settle for tiny tush when you can have BIG BOTTOM - get the BB-2!"
  24. Well, by coincidence I'm listening to 'You Can't Do That Onstage Anymore Vol 3' right now - it's a lovely bit of 'me-time' while the kids go to bed and I'm left with the kitchen. So, at 53 albums on the last count - colour me a fan. I don't know what to add to a discussion but here's something I've only just found and am digging immensely: http://zappacast.podomatic.com/
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