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Gareth Hughes

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Everything posted by Gareth Hughes

  1. Hey Mick - hello from the Black North.
  2. Hmmmmm - interesting. But methinks there's something wrong on the US end of things. Presuming the US parcel was picked up no earlier than 8am - even if it was taken to a UK airport within an hour to a waiting plane - it's still roughly a 6 hour flight to anywhere on the east coast of the US. So that would mean it landing and being scanned immediately by UPS and then by chance being within 100 miles of it's final destination. I suppose that could all actually be the case - and now I feel very silly writing this but shall not admit defeat and delete everything. Onwards to the conclusion!!!!!!!!
  3. Didn't see the Jools performance but heard this band for the first time at the weekend on Sound Opinions, a great radio show from Chicago. Check it out - there's a great interview with the band and several amazing live in session performances. The thing that blew me away, aside from the songs, groove and voice - was that these songs were being performed live, in the middle of the afternoon and that the quality of the sounds (big praise for the studio engineers) and playing were master take record-worthy. It was just damn encouraging to hear true quality in this day and age. Here's the link: [media]http://audio.soundopinions.org/podcasts/sooppodshow333.mp3[/media] And here's the podcast link: [url="http://www.soundopinions.org/podcast.html"]http://www.soundopin...rg/podcast.html[/url]
  4. Here's my tuppence worth: The Carl Martin Classic Opto-Compressor (here's my opinion based on comparing it to the compressors I had experience with before , copied from an email reply on the same topic a few days ago) Done 3-4 gigs now with it and I love it - I mean, like with giddy excitement love it. It's got a thick full sound that isn't dull or bloated feeling, and with the attack control it feels like you can let the high end sparkle without any compression taking away from it. I'm no compressor expert or even come close to knowing what I'm doing - but I'll happily say that, for me and the sound/feel I was looking, this pedal works better that everything I've had before - the dbx 163a, an EBS MultiComp, a Barge Concepts RC2 and the Joe Meek MQ3. And to top it off, until you get to near maximum settings, the noise level is non-existent. Seriously couldn't be happier. On two gigs at the weekend the sound guy thought I had a sub-harmonic generator thingy on because the sound was so big - and he was just getting the signal straight after my volume pedal, so the biggness was purely from the Carl Martin compressor.
  5. I did this show many years ago but I don't have the charts anymore. From memory tho it's not that much of a roast. Anthony Jackson's playing on the movie soundtrack is a wonderfully embellished performance but the charts aren't as decorative by any means. Good luck (and if you get a copy let me know ) Edit - here's a bit of it: http://www.onlinesheetmusic.com/ease-on-down-the-road-p258300.aspx
  6. Haven't read all this thread but just wanted to chip in my tuppence worth's. It is a sad state of affairs that the general public don't notice mistakes but that's the way it is. Just hold on to your own integrity and don't give in to the 'why bother?' mentality. I had an equally depressing moment years ago explaining to my in-laws that all the bands they were watching on the country's biggest chat show were all miming, except for the lead vocal. Took quite a bit of explaining to get the point across. They just couldn't hear that the performance that night on tv was identical to the one being played on the radio - and in fairness, why should they even care? A life changing piece of music or band for us is merely someone else's tune to hum when they're doing the ironing.
  7. And done. Nice one. Good luck with the contest.
  8. I'm loving these straps, recommend on here by Bigwan: http://italiastraps.com/guitar-straps-uk.html I had a few Comfort Straps before and to me these Italia ones do a better job of distributing the weight and making your bass seem lighter. The shipping costs are the same as they are within the US and I didn't get hit for any import duties so it's all good.
  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1334307201' post='1614035'] I'm a fan and Mr. Hall can't stop me thinking or laughing. [/quote] Actually - he can and he will, he's just waiting for his lawyers to finalise the language.
  10. What's your planned application? I've often considered getting a 2x10 instead of using a 3x10, but then a gig comes along with a crazy loud drummer or guitard and I have doubts that a 2x10 would cut it. The UL310 cabs are pretty compact little units - not a whole lot bigger than a 2x10. But if stage volume isn't a big issue then that opens up a few more avenues for you. *EDIT* - another thought is going to a Epifani UL112. There's plenty of times where a single UL112, paired with a Markbass LMK head (which seems crazy loud for 500watts) is more than capable in handling a wide variety of gigs. So for a combo, maybe look at the new Genz Benz Shuttle 1x12 combo.
  11. Nice one Johnny - liked that a lot. Brought me way back - had a soft spot for Nick's music in the mid-late 90's. Beautiful song, beautifully played and beautifully arranged. Nice one indeed. You don't mind me nicking the audio off that - this is one for the iPod indeed!!!
  12. Check these guys out too: http://www.jhaudio.com/content/stewards-sound I have a set of JH7's and while they're pricey it's most certainly money well spent.
  13. Hey Laurence - I hear you - pickups are not our friends. Or at least I wish I could get on with them a little better. One cheap alternative to have lying around is a Hurley Virtuoso pickup. They're $40 on eBay, about $7 to post, and they sound pretty good for a wing slot pickup. A lot softer sounding, way less mid heavy than the Schatten I have and the K&K's I've had in the past.
  14. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1333467313' post='1602128'] Seems to me he mimics uileann pipe drones. Works beautifully. [/quote] Is that a polite way of saying he has dodgy intonation? Just kidding everyone - Danny is the legend he is and deservedly so.
  15. Nice one. I like the look of that a lot. Certainly a lot more flexible than the way I've been staggering through Audacity.
  16. Try sub-dividing your beat, so instead of counting ' 1 2 3 4' count '1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &' instead. Then before you even try playing anything on the bass, get comfortable clapping thru the rhythm. It can help to write (in pencil) '1 & 2 &...' above each bar so that you can see where each note lines up against what you're counting.
  17. I have this bag: http://www.gollihurmusic.com/product/2212-SERIES_II_PROFESSIONAL_3_4_AND_4_4_SIZE_UPRIGHT_BASS_BAG.html Using it regularly for at least four years now. No problems with it at all. Only wear and tear on it is on the bottom side near the wheels where I'm lazily dragging it up kerbs, etc rather than lifting it. Had some pretty serious bumps along the way and the case has always done it's job brilliantly.
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1333188829' post='1598482'] . . . Or because it's the easiest instrument to play ? [/quote] Egads man - don't make it official!!! It's bad enough when THEY start saying that.....
  19. Bump for an amazing cab. I used mine last night with an eight piece horn band/Michael Bublé show and it just laughed and laughed. Tonight is an 18 piece big band and we shall laugh again!!! Great all round cab and for that price it's an absolute bargain. If I didn't have one already.....
  20. Well at least he's going about it the right way - starting a band with the bass player first!!!
  21. And oh yes - you're mad. (but that's nowt to do with the in-ears)
  22. I'd go the in-ears route and stick with the LB rig - it'll probably be enough for everyone else and you'll end up with the tone you want without the nosebleed volume.
  23. It's everyone's job to play in time and in tune (drummers included here too). Is it really so hard to play in time that folks feel that the sole responsibility of time keeping is the drummers? When you walk - do walk in time or waver and skip beats unintentionally? You walk in time. Forgive my tone on this but it's something that drives me crazy - to the point where I've stood beside drummers almost banging their cymbals with my headstock to show them the beat and asking afterwards 'Are you in a rush to get home? Is there a good movie on you don't want to miss?" Speeding up when the tune becomes loud and slowing down when the tune softens is just plain bad playing. Play fast really quiet and slowly really loud - the tempo remains the same no matters what the dynamics.
  24. Definitely doesn't look like a cheap orange bass - said from experience as my first bass was absolutely vile in comparison.
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